

page cache, 109 116

in ASP.NET using absolute expiration, 117 120

benefits and liabilities, 115 116, 118 119

described, 33

for dynamic Web pages, 110 111

flushing, 119

implementing, 113

related patterns, 116, 120

testing considerations, 118

variants, 120

See also page fragment caching

page controller

in ASP.NET, 58, 59 68

benefits and liabilities, 55 56

benefits and liabilities in ASP.NET, 67 68

code-behind classes, 54

described, 32

development teams, 56, 189

example of use, 27

MVC, 51 57

MVC patterns, 40

prejudice about, 54

related patterns, 57, 68, 69

related to front controller, 73

for sharing behavior between pages, 74 75

structure diagram, 52 53

vs. front controller, 53 54, 69 70, 75 76

page controller pattern, 51 68

benefits and liabilities, 72

implementing in ASP.NET using HTTPHandler, 74 91

related patterns, 73

See also patterns

page fragment caching, 119

page framework initialization, 58

page indexing, 114

page life cycle, 58 59

page request sequence diagram, 63

page storage, 113 114

Page1.aspx, 66

Page1.aspx.cs, 66

Page_Load function, 43, 46, 75, 77

PageLoadEvent method, 61 64, 66, 75

pageNumber label, 66

PageSubmitBtn_Click function, 43, 46

parallelism, 43

parameters, 230

passive model of MVC, 36

PassportAuthenticationModule filter, 106

pattern frames

constraints, 23 24

described, 23

and layered applications, 24 25

and object-oriented applications, 24 25

pattern language for solutions, 26 28

pattern-oriented software architecture, 20 21


clusters of, 13, 17 18

deployment diagram, 151

different levels of abstraction, 4 5, 19 21

in the distributed systems cluster, 195

enterprise solutions clusters, 18

layered application patterns, 20

overview, xviii, 1 2

overview of organization, 15

of patterns, 16

as problem-solution pairs, 3 4

refinement of related, 12

relationships of, 15 18

and simple mechanisms, 2

table of enterprise solutions clusters, 18

taxonomy of, 13 14

three-layered application, 7 8

vs. idiom, 258

See also deployment patterns; design patterns; distributed systems patterns; front controller pattern; implementation patterns; page controller pattern; performance and reliability patterns; services patterns; singleton pattern; solutions; Web presentation patterns


overview, 26, 337

table, 337 340


degradation, 244, 255

improving, 235

performance and reliability patterns, 311-346

availability, 311

failover cluster, 330 336

load-balanced cluster, 320 329

meeting operational requirements, 311

overview of failure cluster, 313

overview of load-balanced cluster, 313

overview of patterns, 312

scalability, 311

server clustering, 315 319

table, 314

See also patterns

performFunctionA method, 200 201

perimeter networks, 173

See also DMZ

physical tiers

characteristics of, 168 169

and layered applications, 159

three-tiered solution, 178 179

pluggability, 150

POSA, 20 21

PostRequestHandlerExecute event, 105

preface, xv xix

PreRequestHandlerExecute event, 105

PreSendRequestContent event, 105

PreSendRequestHeaders event, 105

presentation components, 187

presentation layer

architecting in MVC, 39

described, 162

structuring, 163

typical use of, 159

problem-solution pairs, 3 4

procedure call interface, 229

process adapter, 295

processing work, 109 110

profiles, 176

protocol stacks, 269

protocols, 210


broker pattern, 201 206

described, 194

service gateways, 294

public class-scope (static) property, 258

publish-subscribe approach, 37 38

pull heartbeats, 331

pull model, 125 126

push heartbeats, 331

push model, 125

Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft. NET 2003
Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft. NET 2003
Year: 2004
Pages: 107 © 2008-2017.
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