9.3 Monitoring

 < Day Day Up > 

9.3 Monitoring

In this section we briefly describe some monitoring tools which Linux or z/VM systems programmers might use to manage the Linux servers where Domino is running. For more information, we have included references to several other IBM Redbooks. In addition, you can find more information about monitoring the Domino servers with Domino tools and functions in Chapter 8, "Domino administration" on page 169.

9.3.1 Linux tools

There are standard tools that come with the Linux system, as well as tools available from IBM and third-party vendors, that can be used to monitor your system and check the status of the Domino server. In this section, we describe some of tools (top, vmstat, sar, ps, and ipcs) that come with the United Linux 1.0 system distribution.


The top command gives you a comprehensive look at what your Linux system is doing. It shows a table of active processes that is continually updated. The processes using the most CPU are displayed at the head of the list.

Top lets you interactively send signals to, or kill, individual processes. Its behavior, including update intervals and sorting order, can be adjusted, either interactively or by using startup options.

To run top, enter top. The resulting screen (Example 9-4) shows you the current time, how long the Linux server has been up, how many users are logged in, and how many processes are running. You also see how memory and swap space are being used.

Example 9-4: The top command

start example
    10:19am  up 18:41,  9 users,  load average: 1.43, 1.83, 2.36    246 processes: 242 sleeping, 4 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped    CPU0 states: 15.0% user,  6.1% system,  0.0% nice, 78.5% idle    CPU1 states: 11.3% user, 28.2% system,  0.0% nice, 60.0% idle    Mem:   255220K av,  252240K used,    2980K free,       0K shrd,    1896K buff    Swap:  247760K av,   90428K used,  157332K free                  198460K cached      PID USER     PRI  NI  SIZE  RSS SHARE STAT %CPU %MEM   TIME COMMAND    29036 domserva  15   0 99660  94M 95720 S    21.9 37.8   6:38 compact       17 domserva  21   0  1168 1168   840 R    21.0  0.4   0:22 top    32633 domserva  15   0  8972 6832  1240 S     3.6  2.6   0:23 java    26557 domserva  15   0  8972 6832  1240 S     3.4  2.6   2:03 java        8 root      15   0     0    0     0 SW    1.7  0.0   3:00 kswapd        6 root      34  19     0    0     0 SWN   1.1  0.0   1:12 ksoftirqd_CPU0    26536 domserva  15   0  8972 6832  1240 S     0.7  2.6   0:32 java    27163 domserva  15   0 41964  34M 33012 S     0.4 13.6   0:00 server        7 root      34  19     0    0     0 SWN   0.3  0.0   3:33 ksoftirqd_CPU1    27222 domserva  15   0 67596  63M 64004 S     0.3 25.2   0:04 sched    27113 domserva  15   0 41964  34M 33012 S     0.1 13.6   0:00 server    28611 domserva  15   0 48472  44M 45260 S     0.1 17.8   0:00 cldbdir        1 root      15   0    76   60    36 S     0.0  0.0   0:01 init        2 root      0K   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 migration_CPU0        3 root      0K   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 migration_CPU1        4 root      25   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 kmcheck        5 root      15   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:00 keventd        9 root      15   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:24 bdflush 
end example

To exit top, press Enter q.

To see processes by CPU utilization, type p. To view information about a single user like the Domino server, type u and you will be prompted for the user ID; or you can press Enter for all users. Example 9-5 shows an example of the processes running under our Domino server ID domserva.

Example 9-5: TOP display

start example
    PID USER     PRI  NI  SIZE  RSS SHARE STAT %CPU %MEM   TIME COMMAND      632 domserva  20   0   332  264   164 S     0.0  0.0   0:00 su      633 domserva  15   0   444  208    36 S     0.0  0.0   0:00 bash     7410 domserva  21   0  1476 1384  1268 S     0.0  0.2   0:00 bash     7483 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:03 java     7495 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7496 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7497 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7498 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7499 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7500 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7503 domserva  25   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:03 java     7504 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7505 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7506 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7507 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7508 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java     7509 domserva  15   0 17888  17M  6688 S     0.0  3.4   0:00 java 
end example

On a lightly-loaded system such as our test server, top often appeared at the top of the list when sorted by CPU utilization. You can set the frequency with which top updates the screen by issuing s. Even then, since top has a fairly large footprint in terms of memory and CPU, we recommend you do not allow it to run continuously. Instead, use it when you think the system is running slowly, to determine which processes are using the most CPU.

To learn more about top options, press h while top is running.

If you prefer a graphical view, there are alternatives to top in the KDE or GNOME desktops. In KDE, select Process Management from the Utilities menu. The GNOME desktop tool is System Monitor.


The vmstat command reports virtual memory statistics. It is one of the simplest, but most useful tools, because it reports important data about CPU, memory utilization, and disk I/O. The format of the vmstat command is:

    vmstat interval_seconds number_of_intervals 

The vmstat command without options displays the averages since system reboot. For example:

    domserva@linuxa:~> vmstat       procs                      memory    swap          io      system         cpu    r  b  w    swpd   free   buff  cache  si  so    bi    bo   in     cs  us  sy  id    0  0  0    1760   4824  34320 324736   0   0    90    91    0   1241   4   4  92 

vmstat with options is shown in Example 9-6. We get a sampling of memory use every 10 seconds.

Example 9-6: vmstat output

start example
    domserva@linuxa:~> vmstat 10 5       procs                      memory    swap          io     system         cpu     r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  so    bi    bo   in    cs  us  sy  id     0  0  0  88464   3036   3404 190720  24   8   229   148    0   246  38  11  51     0  0  0  88464   3024   3412 190720   0   0     0    12    0  1745   0   0 100     0  0  0  88464   3012   3420 190720   0   0     0     2    0  1712   0   0  99     1  0  0  88440   3048   3436 190744   2   0     2     8    0  1685   1   1  98     0  0  0  88432   3032   3444 190744   0   0     0     2    0  1738   0   0 100 
end example


The sar (system activity reporter) command collects and reports information about system activity, including CPU, paging, file I/O, network, and so on. This command displays records previously saved in a file specified by a flag. By default, it displays the standard system activity daily data file, /var/log/sa/sadd file, where the dd parameter indicates the current day.

You can select information about specific system activities using flags. Not specifying any flags selects only CPU activity. You can save the output of the sar command into a file for later processing by another application. Records are time-stamped. Depending on the flags used, the output file can be saved in a format that can be easily read by a relational database system or by a pattern processing command like awk. Example 9-7 shows output from the sar command.

Example 9-7: sar output

start example
    domserva@linuxa:~> sar    sar    Linux 2.4.19-4suse-SMP (linuxa)         08/21/2003    05:50:00 AM       CPU     %user     %nice   %system     %idle    06:00:01 AM       all     49.70      0.00      9.74     40.56    06:10:00 AM       all     50.17      0.00      9.43     40.40    06:20:00 AM       all     49.74      0.00      9.79     40.48    06:30:00 AM       all     49.72      0.00      9.84     40.44    06:40:00 AM       all     49.70      0.00      9.75     40.55    06:50:00 AM       all     49.06      0.00     10.87     40.06    07:00:01 AM       all     49.46      0.00     10.03     40.51    07:10:00 AM       all     48.45      0.00     11.20     40.35    07:20:00 AM       all     49.83      0.00      9.87     40.30    07:30:00 AM       all     48.49      0.00     11.29     40.22    07:40:00 AM       all     49.12      0.00      9.70     41.19 
end example

ps and pstree

The ps command displays a list of the currently running processes. Here are several examples.

ps -ef

Displays a list of all currently running processes with full details, including user, process ID, start time, time, and program.

Using ps -ef, you can check which processes are running in the Domino server, as shown in Figure 9-2 on page 226.

start figure

 domserva@linuxa:~> ps -ef |grep domserva domserva  2419  2225  0 Aug21 pts/0    00:00:00 su domserva domserva  2420  2419  0 Aug21 pts/0    00:00:00 bash domserva 18513  2420  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 bash domserva 18586 18513  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:02 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/jvm/bin/exe/java -Xoss5M -Djava.compiler=NONE -DDISPLAY=-cp /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/dconsole.jar lotus.domino.console.DominoController -jc -c domserva 18626 18613  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/logasio NOTESLOGGER reserved domserva 18635 18618  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/server -j domserva 18636 18618  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:01 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/server -j domserva 18675 18613  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/event domserva 18697 18675  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/event domserva 18705 18697  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/event domserva 18706 18618  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/server -j domserva 18707 18618  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/server -j domserva 18708 18618  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/server -j domserva 18709 18618  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/server -j domserva 18710 18618  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/server -j domserva 18711 18618  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/server -j domserva 18857 18710  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/update domserva 18859 18710  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:05 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/replica domserva 18864 18710  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/router domserva 18866 18710  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/amgr domserva 18881 18710  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:03 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/adminp domserva 18883 18710  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/calconn domserva 18886 18710  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:01 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/sched domserva 19045 18866  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/amgr -e 1 domserva 19161 19055  0 07:51 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/cldbdir domserva 19878 19018  0 08:21 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/lotus/notes/latest/zlinux/replica 

end figure

Figure 9-2: Output of the ps -ef command

ps -U userid

Displays the currently running processes associated with that user. For example, ps -f -U domserva displays a detailed list of all processes related to our Domino server domserva.

ps -efww

The ww option displays the command line options of each process.

ps --help

Displays help for the ps command.

For more information on the ps command, enter man page on your Linux system.

The pstree command displays these same processes, but in a tree format starting with the first process called init. Here are several examples.


Displays all processes starting at init.

pstree -l

Wraps the lines instead of truncating them. This is handy if your display window is truncating the right side of the tree.

pstree userid

Displays the portion of the tree related to that user. To see the processes for our Domino server in Figure 9-3, we entered pstree domserva.

start figure

  domserva@linuxa:~> pstree domserva  bash bash---bash---java---java-+-24*[java ]                           `-java---server-+-event---event---8*[event]                                           |-logasio---logasio---2*[logasio]                                           `-server-+-70*[server]                                                    |-server-+-adminp---adminp--+                                                    |        |-amgr-+-amgr---3*[+                                                    |        |      `-amgr---amg+                                                    |        |-calconn---calconn+                                                    |        |-replica---replica+                                                    |        |-router---router--+                                                    |        |-sched---sched---3+                                                    |        `-update---update--+                                                    |-server-+-Y4628185.sh                                                    |        `-Y8609381.sh---ios+                                                    `-server-+-cldbdir---cldbdir+                                                             `-clrepl---clrepl--+  bash---pstree 

end figure

Figure 9-3: Output of the pstree command


The ipcs command provides information on shared memory and semaphores; following are the options:


shared memory segments


message queues


semaphore arrays


all (this is the default)

You can use the ipcs command to check whether there are still any shared memory segments after an abnormal Domino server shutdown. All the shared memory segments for Domino begin with 0xf8. To display them, you can issue the command ipcs -m|grep 0xf8 as shown in Figure 9-4.

start figure

      ipcs -m|grep 0xf8      domserva@linuxa:~>ipcs -m|grep 0xf8      0xf8232000 1703936   domserva  660          5024752     13      0xf8232001 1736705   domserva  660          8388608     13      0xf8232002 1769474   domserva  660          262144      13      0xf8232003 1802243   domserva  660          262144      13      0xf8232004 1835012   domserva  660          262144      13      0xf8232005 1867781   domserva  660          262144      13      0xf8232006 1900550   domserva  660          262144      13      0xf8232007 1933319   domserva  660          262144      13      0xf8232008 1966088   domserva  660          262144      13      0xf8232009 1998857   domserva  660          262144      13      0xf823200a 2031626   domserva  660          8388608     13 

end figure

Figure 9-4: ipcs -m

You can then use the ipcrm command to remove the shared memory IDs.

9.3.2 Performance monitoring with RMF PM for Linux

Resource Measurement Facility Performance Monitoring (RMF PM) with support for Linux Enterprise Server (RMF PMS) is a tool that can be used to monitor the various resources in a Linux on zSeries system. It is used, in conjunction with the RMF PM client application, to gather and analyze data.

Using RMF PM, you can:

  1. Gather historical performance data.

  2. Store the data in spreadsheet format.

  3. Use a graphical user client to access performance data.

  4. Generate graphical trend reports.

RMF PMS for Linux is a part of a larger family of RMF products. There is an RMF PM tool for z/OS; the same workstation client tool can be used to analyze z/OS and Linux systems.

At the time of writing, the RMF PM application for Linux was a Technology Edition. Both the server data gatherer portion of RMF PMS and the RMF PM client can be downloaded from the IBM RMF Web site. In addition to the code, there is a brief tutorial available at:

  • http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/rmf/rmfhtmls/pmweb/pmlin.htm

Figure 9-5 presents a schematic overview of RMF PMS.

click to expand
Figure 9-5: RMF PMS overview

Gathering data on the Linux server

RMF PMS is the modular data gatherer portion of the tool, and it runs on the Linux server. The data gatherer modules work as daemons. There are daemons to gather data for CPU, network, filesystem, DASD I/O, memory, and the Apache HTTP server.

The daemons do not need to be synchronized; they can all be started or just selected ones can be started. The default interval collection time is 60 seconds.

When the data gatherer daemons have been started, data is collected in a directory on the Linux server. If the data gatherers are allowed to run continuously, RMF PMS will create a new directory at midnight to hold the data for that day. You can extract this data to an application like the RMF PM workstation, or to another application that you develop. RMF PMS provides an archive function to reduce the amount of active data on your Linux server.

The following lists present a few examples of the available metrics. For more information, see the online documents in the rmfpms directory.

CPU resource metrics
  • Load average

  • Percent of CPU total active by processor

  • Percent of CPU idle time

  • Percent of CPU time in kernel mode by process

  • Accumulated CPU time in user mode by process

Network resource metrics
  • Bytes received/transmitted

  • Packets received/transmitted by network device

  • Receive/transmit errors

Filesystem resource metrics
  • Space available

  • Size of all filesystems

  • DASD I/O requests per second

  • Percent of space used

  • DASD I/O average response time per request

Memory resource metrics
  • Memory used

  • Swap space used

  • Cache memory

  • Number of pages swapped in/out

  • Shared memory

  • Total memory size

Analyzing the data using the RMF PM client

The option we used for analyzing the data was the RMF PM client. The client is available for Linux and the Windows desktop. We used the Windows desktop.

The RMF PM client connects to the Linux server and extracts the data which has been gathered. The client can extract the data in real time, sampling at 60-second intervals, or can extract historical data which has been gathered over a longer period of time (a day, for example).

The initial client desktop is shown in Figure 9-6 on page 230.

click to expand
Figure 9-6: RMF PM client desktop

Both the data gathering on the server and the sampling from the PM client can consume large amounts of CPU if you use the default server and client setup. We recommend that you decide what data you need to gather and disable the other data gatherer daemons.

For example, if you are interested primarily in CPU utilization, you may not need to gather data on the filesystem or I/O requests, so you can disable the file and DASD daemons. If you are not running the Apache HTTP server, you don't need to start the daemon. By the same token, if you do not need to analyze all the data at the workstation, you can delete some of the

DataViews from your performance desktop. Data at the client is presented in DataViews. Each of the small windows shown in Figure 9-6 is a DataView. Initially the client captures data for nine DataViews. We did not have the Apache HTTP server, so that DataView is empty.

You can customize which DataViews you have on your performance desktop, and you can selectively capture and analyze data for each one. The DataView windows can be resized and maximized to provide more information. So, you are not limited to seeing the small number of processes shown in the Actual CPU time DataView in the figure. If you maximize the window, you will see all the running processes.

The DataViews that you see on the desktop provide a snapshot of the Linux server at one sampling. You can scroll forward and backward through the samples. You can also take a series of these samples and graph them. Figure 9-7 on page 231 shows a graph of 13 samples of CPU utilization for the Domino Server task taken August 27 from 16:04 to 16:16.

click to expand
Figure 9-7: RFM PM graph

 < Day Day Up > 

IBM Lotus Domino 6. 5 for Linux on zSeries Implementation
IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 for Linux on Zseries Implementation
ISBN: 0738491748
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 162
Authors: IBM Redbooks

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