


Languages, Unicode and representation of characters, 2

License agreements, 490-499

Lighting, lumination effects created with multi-stop radial gradients, 56-58

Linear gradients

code snippet for, 43

ellipses rendered with, 50-52

radial gradients and, 53

'start' and 'end' color definition for, 24

text display and, 175-176

see also linear gradient shading

LinearGradients element, and feTurbulence filter primitive, 153-154

Linear gradient shading

cones and, 68-69

cubic Bezier curves and, 102-104

cylinders, 70-71

Line attribute, rectangles rendered with, 14

Line graphs, 34

drawing, 221-224

labeled grids for, 211-214

multiple line graphs, drawing, 222-224

Line segments

animation, code snippet for, 203-204

dotted and dashed line segments, 32-34

rotation animation, 186-188, 203-204

Local vs. global variables, 286-287


if/else logic in ECMAScript, 243-244, 256, 260, 269

XSL conditional logic, 432-433

Lumination effects, multi-stop radial gradients and, 56-58

LunePattern folder, contents described, 414

Lune patterns, 414


Fundamentals of SVG Programming. Concepts to Source Code
Fundamentals of SVG Programming: Concepts to Source Code (Graphics Series)
ISBN: 1584502983
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 362 © 2008-2017.
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