

Backup of database before performing migration, 364

Backup devices, 192

Backup process

data location, 192

key requirements for, 192

size requirements, 192

Backup strategies, 349

Backup timetable, 192

Backups, types of, 192-193

Bank loan approval application example, 343-344

Banking applications, 288

Banking data, protecting, 305

Baseline, defined, 50

Baseline architecture

business view, 51-54

defining, 51-56

technical view, 51, 55-56

Baseline model, 50

Baselining the environment, 121

Batch process, scheduling for the evening, 436

Batch-building multiple project configurations, 431

BCL (Base Class Library), 17-18

BCL web classes, 18

Before and after values (for database data), 340

Behavior diagrams (UML), 295-296

Behavioral applications, 288

Behavioral systems, 288, 291

Benchmarks of availability, 368

Binary encoding, 16

Binary executable (EXE) files, 267

Binary facts, 223, 228

Binary libraries (DLLs), 10, 173, 267

Biometrics, 351

BizTalk Server, 346

Blindness, accessibility for, 372

Block indenting (Visual C++), 413

Book store inventory example, 254

Bottom-up approach to integration testing, 423

Boundaries (use case), 87-89

Browser versions and Internet standards, 357

Browsers, delivering e-mail to, 13

Bubbling (in event handling), 164, 299

Budget, functional specifications and, 146

Buffer overflow attacks, 352-353

Bug changes, tracking, 432

Bug convergence, 442-444

Bug fix or enhancement deployment, 366

Bug reporting, 195

Bugs, 367

catching, 422

commenting code on found, 396

finding and fixing, 372

fixing, 424

how long it takes to fix, 116

identifying, 421

reporting, 195

Bugs resolved rate vs. bugs found rate, 442-444

Build Comment Web Pages, 407

Build configuration levels, 430

Build configurations, 430-432

Build number, 430

Build VersionLibrary option (Visual Studio .NET), 179

Building or rebuilding a project, 431

Builds (periodic assembly of solution elements), 429

creating, 429-432

goals of, 429

managing with Visual Studio .NET, 431-432

types of, 429

Built In (IIS version-control) option, 436

Business activity experts, identifying, 102-103

Business architecture, defining current, 50

Business environment, analyzing, 57

Business events, 122

Business feasibility

in a case study, 63

explained, 62

Business goals

performance and, 159

in process review, 94

Business implications of application integration, 347-348

Business layer (application), 269

Business logic errors, 299

Business object, mandatory data about, 105

Business object behaviors, identifying, 293-294

Business perspective, assessing current, 84

Business political environment, analyzing, 97-98

Business practices and processes (regional), 113

Business problem you are trying to solve, 59

Business process description guidelines, 94-95

Business processes

analyzing, 87-88

categories of, 93-94

defining with UML state diagram, 52

employment agency case study, 85

existing, 57

how they function, 106

prioritizing, 94-95

value of, 87

Business reach or scope, analyzing, 98

Business requirements, 99, 150

analyzing, 4, 99-100

as why requirements, 99

common understanding of, 145

comparing conceptual design with, 274

comparing logical design with, 320

conceptual model of, 251-265

core, 253

exam objectives, 464-465

gathering and analyzing, 83-142

identifying, 101-103

validating physical design against, 371

Business rules, 122-123

conceptual components derived from, 251

constraints relating to, 355-356

examples of, 355-356

Business Rules pane (VEA), 229

Business state, analyzing current, 87-99

Business and technical architectures, aligning, 57-58

Business transactions, 122-123

Business view of baseline architecture, 51-54

Business view of an enterprise, 50

Businesses, competing, 97

BWI (Bottled Water Inc.) case study, 60-61, 63, 65, 69-70

MCSD Analyzing Requirements and Defining. NET Solutions Architectures Study Guide (Exam 70-300)
MCSD Analyzing Requirements and Defining .NET Solutions Architectures Study Guide (Exam 70-300 (Certification Press)
ISBN: 0072125861
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 94 © 2008-2017.
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