
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

! (exclamation point) logical operator
!= comparison operator
#! (shebang) 2nd 3rd 4th
$ (dollar sign) 2nd
$action variable
$DBI[DOUBLE COLON]err[SEMI-COLON] dynamic attribute (Perl DBI)
$DBI[DOUBLE COLON]errstr[SEMI-COLON] dynamic attribute (Perl DBI)
$DBI[DOUBLE COLON]rows[SEMI-COLON] dynamic attribute (Perl DBI)
% 2nd 3rd 4th
% (percent sign) 2nd 3rd
% (percent sign) wildcard 2nd
% (percent sign), modulo operator 2nd
% (percentage sign)
% host values 2nd
% host values (root accounts)
% wildcards 2nd
& (ampersand) bit operator
& (percent sign) 2nd
&& logical operator 2nd
( ) (parenthesis), grouping operators
(caret) bit operator
(clear) command
(delimiter) command
(edit) command
(ego) command
(go) command
(greater-than sign) comparison operators 2nd 3rd
(help) command 2nd
(nopager) command
(pager) command
(print) command
(prompt) command
(quit) command
(rehash) command
(source) command
(status) command
(system) command
(tee) command
* (asterisk), multiplication operator 2nd
+ (plus sign), addition operator 2nd
- (minus sign), subtraction operator 2nd
-# (debug) option
--abort-slave-event-count option
--add-drop-table option 2nd
--add-drop-tabole option
--add-locks option
--addtodest option
--all option
--all-databases option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
--all-in-1 option
--allow-keywords option
--allowold option
--analyze option 2nd
--ansi option
--auto-rehash option
--auto-repair option
--B (batch) option
--backup option 2nd 3rd
--basedir option 2nd 3rd
--basedir=dir_name option
--batch option
--bdb option
--bdb-home option
--bdb-lock-detect option
--bdb-logdir option 2nd
--bdb-no-recover option 2nd
--bdb-no-sync option
--bdb-shared-data option
--bdb-tempdir option
--big-tables option
--bind-address option 2nd
--binlog-do-db option
--binlog-ignore-db option
--block-search option
--bootstrap option
--cflags option
--character-set-server option 2nd 3rd
--character-sets-dir option 2nd
--check option 2nd 3rd
--check-only-changed option 2nd 3rd 4th
--checkpoint option
--chroot option
--collation-server option 2nd
--collation-server options
--column-names option
--columns option 2nd
--comments option
--compact option
--compatible option 2nd 3rd
--complete-insert option
--compress option 2nd
--concurrent-insert option
--config-file option
--console option 2nd 3rd 4th
--core-file option
--core-file-size option
--correct-checksum option
--count option
--create-options option
--data-file-length option
--database option 2nd 3rd
--databases option 2nd 3rd
--datadir option 2nd 3rd 4th
--datadir=dir_name option
--debug option
--debug-info option
--default-character-set option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
--default-collation option
--default-storage-engine option 2nd
--default-storage-engine=engine_name option
--default-table-type option
--default-time-zone option
--defaults-extra-file option 2nd
--defaults-file option 2nd 3rd 4th
--defaults-file optioon
--delay-key-write option 2nd
--delayed-insert option
--delete option
--delete-master-logs option
--delimiter option
--des-key-file option 2nd
--description option
--disable-keys option
--disable-local-infile option
--disable-log-bin option
--disconnect-slave-event-count option
--dryrun option
--embedded option
--embedded-libs option
--enable-local-infile option
--enable-locking option
--enable-named-pipe option 2nd 3rd 4th
--enable-pstack option
--enabled-name-pipe option
--err-log option
--example option
--execute option
--exit-info option
--extend-check option 2nd
--extended option 2nd
--extended-check option
--extended-insert option
--external-locking option
--fast option 2nd 3rd
--fields-enclosed-by option 2nd
--fields-escaped-by option 2nd
--fields-optionally-enclosed option
--fields-optionally-enclosed-by option
--fields-terminated-by option 2nd
--first-slave option
--flush option 2nd
--flush-logs option 2nd
--flushlog option
--force option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
--force-read option
--gdb option
--help option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th
--hex-blob option
--host option 2nd 3rd
--html option
--i-am-a-dummy option
--ignore option
--ignore-lines option
--ignore-spaces option
--include option
--info option
--information option
--init-connect option
--init-file option 2nd
--init-rpl-role option
--init-slave option
--innodb option
--innodb-file-per-table option 2nd 3rd
--innodb_autoextend_increment option
--innodb_checksums option
--innodb_data_file_path option 2nd
--innodb_data_home_dir option
--innodb_doublewrite option
--innodb_fast_shutdown option
--innodb_file_per_table option
--innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit option
--innodb_flush_method option
--innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog option
--innodb_log_arch_dir option 2nd
--innodb_log_archive option
--innodb_log_group_home_dir option 2nd 3rd
--innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct option
--innodb_safe_binlog option
--innodb_status_file option
--innodb_table_locks option
--install option 2nd 3rd
--install-manual option 2nd
--isam option
--join option
--keepold option
--key_buffer_size option
--keys option
--keys-used option 2nd
--language option 2nd
--ledir option
--libmysqld-libs option
--libs option
--line-numbers option
--lines-terminated-by option 2nd 3rd
--local option 2nd
--local-infile option 2nd 3rd 4th
--local-load option
--localstatedir option
--lock-all-tables option
--lock-tables option 2nd 3rd 4th
--log option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
--log-bin option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
--log-bin-index option 2nd 3rd
--log-bin-index=binlog option
--log-error option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
--log-isam option 2nd 3rd
--log-long-format option
--log-queries-not-using-index option
--log-queries-not-using-indexes option
--log-short-format option 2nd 3rd 4th
--log-slave-updates option
--log-slow-queries option 2nd 3rd
--log-update option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
--log-warnings option
--loose- prefixes 2nd
--loose- prefixes (MySQL program options)
--low-priority option
--low-priority-updates option
--master-connect-retry option
--master-data option
--master-host option
--master-info-file option 2nd
--master-password option
--master-port option
--master-retry-count option
--master-ssl option
--master-ssl-ca option
--master-ssl-capath option
--master-ssl-cert option
--master-ssl-cipher option
--master-ssl-key option
--master-user option
--max-binlog-dump-events option
--max-record-length option
--maximum- prefixes
--maximum- prefixes (MySQL program variables)
--maximum- variable prefixes 2nd 3rd
--medium-check option 2nd 3rd
--memlock option
--method option
--myisam-recover option 2nd
--myisam-reocver option
--mysqladmin option
--mysqld option 2nd
--mysqld-version option
--named-commands option
--ndbcluster option
--new option
--no-auto-rehash option
--no-autocommit option
--no-beep option
--no-create-db option
--no-create-info option 2nd
--no-data option 2nd
--no-defaults option
--no-log option 2nd
--no-named-commands option
--no-pager option
--no-tee option
--noindices option
--offset option
--old-passwords option 2nd 3rd
--one-database option
--one-thread option
--open-files option
--open-files-limit option
--opt option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
--optimize option
--order-by-primary option
--pager option
--parallel-recover option
--password option 2nd 3rd 4th
--pid-file option 2nd
--pid-file=file_name option
--pipe option
--port option 2nd 3rd 4th
--port=port_num option
--position option
--prefix option 2nd
--print-defaults option
--prompt option
--protocol option 2nd 3rd
--protocol=memory option
--protocol=pipe option
--protocol=socket option
--protocol=tcp option
--quick option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
--quiet option
--quote-names option 2nd
--raw option
--read-from-remote-server option
--read-only option
--reconnect option
--record_log_pos option 2nd
--recover option 2nd 3rd 4th
--regexp option
--relative option
--relay-log option 2nd 3rd 4th
--relay-log-index option 2nd 3rd 4th
--relay-log-index=relay-log option
--relay-log-info-file option 2nd
--remove option
--repair --extended option
--repair --quick option
--repair --use-frm option
--repair option 2nd
--replace option
--replicate-do-db option
--replicate-do-table option
--replicate-ignore-db option
--replicate-ignore-table option
--replicate-rewrite-db option
--replicate-same-server-id option
--replicate-wild-do-table option
--replicate-wild-ignore option
--report-host option
--report-password option
--report-port option
--report-user option
--resetmaster option
--resetslave option
--result-file option 2nd
--rpl-recovery-rank option
--safe-mode option
--safe-recover option 2nd 3rd
--safe-show-databases option
--safe-updates option 2nd
--safe-user-create option
--safe_recover option
--safemalloc-mem-limit option
--secure-auth option 2nd 3rd
--server-id option
--set-auto-increment option
--set-character-set option 2nd
--set-charset option
--set-variable option 2nd 3rd
--shared-memory option 2nd 3rd 4th
--shared-memory-base-name option 2nd 3rd
--shared-memory-base-name=name option
--short-form option
--show-slave-auth-info option
--sigint-ignore option
--silent option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
--single-transaction option 2nd 3rd
--skip-bdb option
--skip-column-names option
--skip-gran-tables option
--skip-grant-tables option 2nd
--skip-host-cache option
--skip-innodb option
--skip-isam option
--skip-kill-mysqld option
--skip-line-numbers option
--skip-local-infile option
--skip-locking option
--skip-name-resolve option 2nd
--skip-networking option 2nd 3rd
--skip-new option
--skip-opt option
--skip-safemalloc option
--skip-show-database option
--skip-slave-start option
--skip-stack-trace option
--skip-symlink option
--skip-thread-priority option 2nd
--slave-load-tmpdir option 2nd
--slave-skip-errors option
--sleep option
--socket option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
--socket=file_name option
--sort-index option
--sort-records option
--sort-recover option
--sort_buffer_size option
--sporadic-binlog-dump-fail option
--sql-bin-update-same option
--sql-mode option 2nd
--ssl option
--ssl-ca option
--ssl-capath option
--ssl-cert option
--ssl-cipher option
--ssl-key option
--standalone option
--start-check-pos option
--start-datetime option
--start-position option
--status option
--stop-datetime option 2nd
--stop-position option
--suffix option
--symbolic-links option
--sync-bdb-logs option
--sync-frm option
--tab option 2nd
--table option
--tables option 2nd
--tcp-ip option
--tee option
--temp-pool option 2nd
--test option
--timezone option 2nd 3rd
--tmpdir option 2nd 3rd 4th
--to-last-log option
--transaction-isolation option 2nd
--unbuffered option
--unpack option 2nd
--update-state option
--use-frm option
--user option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
--user options
--user=mysql option
--verbose option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
--version option 2nd
--vertical option 2nd
--wait option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
--warnings option
--where option
--with-archive-storage-engine option
--with-berkeley-db option
--with-charset option
--with-collation option
--with-csv-storage-engine option
--with-example-storage-engine option
--with-extra-charsets option
--with-federated-storage-engine option
--with-isam option
--without-innodb option
--xml option 2nd
-1 (all-in-1) option
-? (help) option 2nd 3rd
-a (all) option
-A (all-databases) option 2nd
-a (analyze) option 2nd
-a (ansi) option
-a (auto-repair) option
-A (no-auto-rehash) option
-A (set-auto-increment) option
-B (backup) option 2nd
-b (backup) option
-b (basedir) option
-b (block-search) option
-B (databases) option 2nd
-b (no-beep) option
-c (check) option 2nd
-C (check-only-changed) option 2nd
-c (complete-insert) option
-c (count) option
-D (data-file-length) option
-D (database) option
-d (database) option
-d (delete) option
-d (description) option
-D (disable-log-bin) option
-d (no-data) option
-e (execute) option
-e (extended) option
-e (extended-check) option
-e (extended-insert) option
-E (vertical) option 2nd
-F (databases) option
-F (fast) option 2nd
-f (force) option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
-f (force-read) option
-G (named-commands) option
-h (datadir) option
-h (host) option
-h (host_name) option 2nd
-H (html) option
-h option
-i (comments) option
-i (ignore) option
-i (ignore-spaces) option
-I (info) option
-i (information) option
-i (sleep) option
-i (status) option
-j (join) option
-j (position) option
-K (disable-keys) option
-k (keys) option
-k (keys-used) option 2nd
-L (language) option
-L (local) option
-l (local-load) option
-l (lock-tables) option 2nd 3rd
-l (log) option
-L (skip-line-numbers) option
-m (medium-check) option 2nd
-n (new) option
-n (no-create-db) option
-N (skip-column-names) option
-n (sort-recover) option
-n (unbuffered) option
-n option
-o (offset) option
-o (one-database) option
-o (optimize) option
-o (safe-recover) option
-O (set variable) option
-O (set-variable) option
-O option
-out-of-range data type values, handling 2nd 3rd 4th
-p (parallel-recover) option
-p (password) option 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
-p option
-q (no-named-commands) option
-q (quick) option 2nd 3rd 4th
-q (quiet) option
-Q (quote-names) option 2nd
-r (chroot) option
-r (raw) option
-R (read-from-remote-server) option
-r (recover) option
-r (relative) option
-r (repair) option
-r (replace) option
-r (result-file) option 2nd
-R (sort-records) option
-R (to-last-log) option
-s (short-form) option
-s (silent) option
-S (socket) option
-S (sort-index) option
-T (debug-info) option
-T (exit-info) option
-t (no-create-info) option
-T (read-only) option
-T (tab) option 2nd
-t (table) option
-t (test) option
-t (tmpdir) option
-T (tmpdir) option
-t (tmpdir) option
-U (safe-updates) option 2nd
-u (unpack) option 2nd
-U (update-state) option
-u (user) option 2nd
-u (user_name) option 2nd
-u mysql option
-v (verbose) option
-V (version) option
-W (pipe) optioon
-W (wait) option
-w (wait) option 2nd 3rd 4th
-w (where) option
-w option 2nd 3rd 4th
-x (first-slave) option
-x (lock-all-tables) option
-X (xml) option 2nd
/ (backslash), division operator 2nd
< (less-than sign), comparison operator 2nd 3rd
< comparison operator 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
<< bit operator
<= comparison operator 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
= (equal sign), comparison operator 2nd 3rd
= comparison operator 2nd 3rd 4th
=== (identically-equal-to) operator 2nd
? (question mark)
_ 2nd
_ (underscore)
_ (underscore) wildcard character
_ wildcards 2nd
_charset cast operator 2nd
_use) command
| (pipe) bit operator
|| logical operator
~ (tilde) bit operator

MySQL The definitive guide to using, programming, and administering MySQL 4. 1 and 5. 0
Mysql: the Definitive Guide to Using, Programming, and Administering Mysql 4.1 and 5.0
Year: 2004
Pages: 190
Authors: Paul Dubois

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