Recipe 10.41. Epilogue

Recall the scenario with which this chapter began:

Suppose that you have a file named somedata.csv that contains 12 columns of data in comma-separated values (CSV) format. From this file you want to extract only columns 2, 11, 5, and 9, and use them to create database rows in a MySQL table that contains name, birth, height, and weight columns. You need to make sure that the height and weight are positive integers, and convert the birth dates from MM/DD/YY format to CCYY-MM-DD format. How can you do this?

So…how would you do that, based on the techniques discussed in this chapter?

Much of the work can be done using the utility programs developed here. You can convert the file to tab-delimited format with, extract the columns in the desired order with, and rewrite the date column to ISO format with

% --iformat=csv somedata.csv \             | --columns=2,11,5,9 \             | --columns=2 --iformat=us --add-century > tmp          

The resulting file, tmp, will have four columns representing the name, birth, height, and weight values, in that order. It needs only to have its height and weight columns checked to make sure they contain positive integers. Using the is_positive_integer⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) library function from the module file, that task can be achieved using a short special-purpose script that isn't much more than an input loop:

#!/usr/bin/perl # - height/weight validation example # Assumes tab-delimited, linefeed-terminated input lines. # Input columns and the actions to perform on them are as follows: # 1: name; echo as given # 2: birth; echo as given # 3: height; validate as positive integer # 4: weight; validate as positive integer use strict; use warnings; use Cookbook_Utils; while (<>) {   chomp;   my ($name, $birth, $height, $weight) = split (/\t/, $_, 4);   warn "line $.:height $height is not a positive integer\n"                 if !is_positive_integer ($height);   warn "line $.:weight $weight is not a positive integer\n"                 if !is_positive_integer ($weight); } 

The script doesn't produce any output (except for warning messages) because it doesn't need to reformat any of the input values. Assuming that tmp passes validation with no errors, it can be loaded into MySQL with a simple LOAD DATA statement:

mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'tmp' INTO TABLE               tbl_name              ;           

MySQL Cookbook
MySQL Cookbook
ISBN: 059652708X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 375
Authors: Paul DuBois © 2008-2017.
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