Recipe 8.8. Summaries and NULL Values


You're summarizing a set of values that may include NULL values and you need to know how to interpret the results.


Understand how aggregate functions handle NULL values.


Most aggregate functions ignore NULL values. Suppose that you have a table expt that records experimental results for subjects who are to be given four tests each and that lists the test score as NULL for those tests that have not yet been administered:

mysql> SELECT subject, test, score FROM expt ORDER BY subject, test; +---------+------+-------+ | subject | test | score | +---------+------+-------+ | Jane    | A    |    47 | | Jane    | B    |    50 | | Jane    | C    |  NULL | | Jane    | D    |  NULL | | Marvin  | A    |    52 | | Marvin  | B    |    45 | | Marvin  | C    |    53 | | Marvin  | D    |  NULL | +---------+------+-------+ 

By using a GROUP BY clause to arrange the rows by subject name, the number of tests taken by each subject, as well as the total, average, lowest, and highest scores can be calculated like this:

mysql> SELECT subject,     -> COUNT(score) AS n,     -> SUM(score) AS total,     -> AVG(score) AS average,     -> MIN(score) AS lowest,     -> MAX(score) AS highest     -> FROM expt GROUP BY subject; +---------+---+-------+---------+--------+---------+ | subject | n | total | average | lowest | highest | +---------+---+-------+---------+--------+---------+ | Jane    | 2 |    97 | 48.5000 |     47 |      50 | | Marvin  | 3 |   150 | 50.0000 |     45 |      53 | +---------+---+-------+---------+--------+---------+ 

You can see from the results in the column labeled n (number of tests) that the query counts only five values, even though the table contains eight. Why? Because the values in that column correspond to the number of non-NULL test scores for each subject. The other summary columns display results that are calculated only from the non-NULL scores as well.

It makes a lot of sense for aggregate functions to ignore NULL values. If they followed the usual SQL arithmetic rules, adding NULL to any other value would produce a NULL result. That would make aggregate functions really difficult to use because you'd have to filter out NULL values every time you performed a summary, to avoid getting a NULL result. Ugh. By ignoring NULL values, aggregate functions become a lot more convenient.

However, be aware that even though aggregate functions may ignore NULL values, some of them can still produce NULL as a result. This happens if there's nothing to summarize, which occurs if the set of values is empty or contains only NULL values. The following query is the same as the previous one, with one small difference. It selects only NULL test scores, so there's nothing for the aggregate functions to operate on:

mysql> SELECT subject,     -> COUNT(score) AS n,     -> SUM(score) AS total,     -> AVG(score) AS average,     -> MIN(score) AS lowest,     -> MAX(score) AS highest     -> FROM expt WHERE score IS NULL GROUP BY subject; +---------+---+-------+---------+--------+---------+ | subject | n | total | average | lowest | highest | +---------+---+-------+---------+--------+---------+ | Jane    | 0 | NULL  | NULL    | NULL   | NULL    | | Marvin  | 0 | NULL  | NULL    | NULL   | NULL    | +---------+---+-------+---------+--------+---------+ 

For COUNT⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠), the number of scores per subject is zero and is reported that way. On the other hand, SUM⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) , AVG⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠), MIN⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠), and MAX⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) return NULL when there are no values to summarize. If you don't want these functions to produce NULL in the query output, use IFNULL⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) to map their results appropriately:

mysql> SELECT subject,     -> COUNT(score) AS n,     -> IFNULL(SUM(score),0) AS total,     -> IFNULL(AVG(score),0) AS average,     -> IFNULL(MIN(score),'Unknown') AS lowest,     -> IFNULL(MAX(score),'Unknown') AS highest     -> FROM expt WHERE score IS NULL GROUP BY subject; +---------+---+-------+---------+---------+---------+ | subject | n | total | average | lowest  | highest | +---------+---+-------+---------+---------+---------+ | Jane    | 0 |     0 |  0.0000 | Unknown | Unknown | | Marvin  | 0 |     0 |  0.0000 | Unknown | Unknown | +---------+---+-------+---------+---------+---------+ 

COUNT⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) is somewhat different with regard to NULL values than the other aggregate functions. Like other aggregate functions, COUNT( expr ) counts only non-NULL values, but COUNT(*) counts rows, regardless of their content. You can see the difference between the forms of COUNT⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) like this:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(score) FROM expt; +----------+--------------+ | COUNT(*) | COUNT(score) | +----------+--------------+ |        8 |            5 | +----------+--------------+ 

This tells us that there are eight rows in the expt table but that only five of them have the score value filled in. The different forms of COUNT⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠) can be very useful for counting missing values. Just take the difference:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) - COUNT(score) AS missing FROM expt; +---------+ | missing | +---------+ |       3 | +---------+ 

Missing and nonmissing counts can be determined for subgroups as well. The following query does so for each subject, providing an easy way to assess the extent to which the experiment has been completed:

mysql> SELECT subject,     -> COUNT(*) AS total,     -> COUNT(score) AS 'nonmissing',     -> COUNT(*) - COUNT(score) AS missing     -> FROM expt GROUP BY subject; +---------+-------+-------------+---------+ | subject | total | nonmissing  | missing | +---------+-------+-------------+---------+ | Jane    |     4 |           2 |       2 | | Marvin  |     4 |           3 |       1 | +---------+-------+-------------+---------+ 

MySQL Cookbook
MySQL Cookbook
ISBN: 059652708X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 375
Authors: Paul DuBois © 2008-2017.
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