
Assembly CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable

System.Reflection (mscorlib.dll) class

In the .NET environment, assemblies are the fundamental units of development and deployment; although the various languages allow the .NET programmer to work with elements as fine-grained as classes or functions, these types must belong as part of an assembly in order to be loaded and used. Consequently, the assembly is the core of the component model in .NET.

The Assembly type is the Reflection API object representing the assembly. An assembly (either a .DLL or .EXEto the CLR, there is no difference) consists of one or more modules; most assemblies are in fact single-module assemblies. (Multimodule assemblies are certainly possible, but usually not necessary for most developers' needs. As such, they are not discussed here.) .NET programmers can use the object model in the Assembly class to discover information about a particular assemblyfor example, an assembly knows the modules contained within it, and each module knows the types defined and bound to that module. Thus, for any random assembly, a .NET program can enumerate each type defined inside that assembly. This is, in fact, what the WinCV.exe sample program (see the .NET SDK, in the \bin subdirectory) does. (The ILDasm.exe application provides similar results, but uses unmanaged APIs to view into an assembly, rather than Reflection.)

The Assembly API can be broken into two collections: those representing operations against a particular assembly (indicated by a particular Assembly instance), and those that work independently of a particular instanceloading an assembly into the CLR, for example.

The instance-specific methods of Assembly are, for the most part, self-describing . The properties of Assembly , in particular, are straightforward. CodeBase describes the URL from which this assembly was loaded, EntryPoint describes the entry point (the Main( ) ) of the assembly, if it has one, Evidence is the security information regarding this particular assembly, and FullName is the fully qualified ( name , culture, version info , and public key token) for this assembly. The remaining two properties are a bit more obscure: GlobalAssemblyCache is a simple boolean value indicating whether this assembly was loaded out of the global assembly cache or not, and Location describes the location of the manifest file (which may be in a different file if this is a multimodule assembly). Note that as of the 1.1 .NET release, a new property, ImageRuntimeVersion , returns the version number of the CLR used to build the assembly; when used against a 1.0-compiled assembly, it may return illegal strings like "v1.x86ret" or "retail" instead of the 1.1-documented "v1.1.4322".

Some instance methods of Assembly require a bit more in the way of explanation. GetName( ) returns the fully qualified name for this assembly; note that this is an AssemblyName instance, rather than a string. Because an Assembly is also a producer of custom attribute types (such as AssemblyVersionAttribute or AssemblyKeyFileAttribute ), Assembly also has the GetCustomAttributes( ) method. In addition, the IsDefined( ) method can be used to find a particular attribute type defined in this assembly; it simply returns a boolean true/false value, whereas GetCustomAttributes( ) returns the instance(s) of the attribute itself. A list (an array of AssemblyName instances) of all assemblies that this assembly references can be found by calling GetReferencedAssemblies( ) .

In addition to code, assemblies can contain arbitrary "resources." (Here the term "resource" means "anything that's not code.") These resources are contained as .file references in the assembly's manifest file and can be discovered from an Assembly instance by calling GetManifestResourceNames( ) . Information about the persistence scheme used for the resources is available via the GetManifestResourceInfo( ) . The actual resource itself can be obtained by calling GetManifestResourceStream( ) , which returns a System.IO.Stream object containing or pointing to the file's contents. In addition, a list of all files (both resources and code) can be obtained by calling GetFiles( ) , and a particular file can be opened by calling GetFile( ) .

An assembly consists of one or more modules; the list of modules bound to this assembly are available via the GetModules( ) call. A particular module can be obtained as a Module instance by calling GetModule( ) against the assembly. Because the CLR delays loading modules until required, Assembly also provides the GetLoadedModules( ) to list the modules of this assembly that have been loaded into the CLR. Going the other direction, the LoadModule( ) call forces the CLR to load the given module name into memory, rather than waiting for the usual on-demand loading policy of the CLR. Should a module-load fail for some reason, the CLR signals event handlers bound against the Assembly instance's ModuleResolve event.

Frequently, a .NET programmer will not be interested in the modules that comprise the assembly, only the types defined within it. Towards that end, the Assembly type has a couple of "shortcut" methods to get the types. GetTypes( ) returns a list of all the types defined in this assembly as an array of System.Type references. GetType( ) returns a particular System.Type , or optionally (depending on which overload is used) throws an exception if the type cannot be found. Take note that the parameterless version of GetType( ) is the inherited method from System.Object ; it returns the System.Type reference for Assembly , not any types defined within the assembly itself. Note that the GetTypes( ) call returns a list of all types defined in the assembly, even those declared as private to the assembly (which normally should not be seen by assembly consumers); to see a list of only the "public" types, call GetExportedTypes( ) instead.

Once a particular type within the assembly has been located, an instance of that type can be created by calling CreateInstance( ) . This uses the system activator (see System.Activator ) to create an instance of that type and hand it back as a generic object reference. For example, calling object o = typeof(Object).Assembly.CreateInstance("DateTime"); is a roundabout way to create an instance of a System.DateTime ; the typeof(Object) returns the System.Type for System.Object . That type lives in the mscorlib.dll assembly, and calling CreateInstance("DateTime") succeeds because DateTime is defined within that assembly. .NET programmers typically only use this method when building a container application (such as ASP.NET) that will be creating instances of objects not known at compile-time.

The Assembly type also contains a number of static methods for use in referencing assemblies as a collective whole; for example, the GetAssembly( ) call returns the Assembly in which a particular Type is defined. (Knowing this, we could change the example in the last paragraph to read object o = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(object)).CreateInstance("DateTime"); , which is a bit clearer if a bit longer.) Likewise, the GetExecutingAssembly( ) returns the assembly in which the current code is executing, and GetCallingAssembly( ) returns the assembly whose code called the methods in this assembly. (These methods by themselves may seem less than useful, until the idea of walking the call-stack, as Code Access Security does, is considered .)

However, the two most important static methods on the Assembly class by far are Load( ) and LoadFrom( ) . Both load an assembly into the CLR, but in drastically different ways. LoadFrom( ) is the simpler of the two, taking a filename and loading it as an assembly into the CLRno questions asked. Load( ) goes through the assembly-load algorithm and checks the private probe path and the Global Assembly Cache before giving up on finding the assembly. (Note that if an assembly-load request fails, the appropriate events on the containing AppDomain instance are signaled.) In addition, starting with the 1.1 release, these two are joined by a new method, LoadFile( ) , which will load an assembly specified by a file location passed as a string.

 public class  Assembly  : System.Security.IEvidenceFactory, ICustomAttributeProvider,        System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable {  // Public Instance Properties  public virtual string  CodeBase  {get; }    public virtual MethodInfo  EntryPoint  {get; }    public virtual string  EscapedCodeBase  {get; }    public virtual Evidence  Evidence  {get; }  // implements System.Security.IEvidenceFactory  public virtual string  FullName  {get; }    public bool  GlobalAssemblyCache  {get; }    public virtual string  ImageRuntimeVersion  {get; }    public virtual string  Location  {get; }  // Public Static Methods  public static string  CreateQualifiedName  (string   assemblyName   , string   typeName   );    public static Assembly  GetAssembly  (Type   type   );    public static Assembly  GetCallingAssembly  ( );    public static Assembly  GetEntryAssembly  ( );    public static Assembly  GetExecutingAssembly  ( );    public static Assembly  Load  (AssemblyName   assemblyRef   );    public static Assembly  Load  (AssemblyName   assemblyRef   , System.Security.Policy.Evidence   assemblySecurity   );    public static Assembly  Load  (byte[ ]   rawAssembly   );    public static Assembly  Load  (byte[ ]   rawAssembly   , byte[ ]   rawSymbolStore   );    public static Assembly  Load  (byte[ ]   rawAssembly   , byte[ ]   rawSymbolStore   ,        System.Security.Policy.Evidence   securityEvidence   );    public static Assembly  Load  (string   assemblyString   );    public static Assembly  Load  (string   assemblyString   , System.Security.Policy.Evidence   assemblySecurity   );    public static Assembly  LoadFile  (string   path   );    public static Assembly  LoadFile  (string   path   , System.Security.Policy.Evidence   securityEvidence   );    public static Assembly  LoadFrom  (string   assemblyFile   );    public static Assembly  LoadFrom  (string   assemblyFile   , System.Security.Policy.Evidence   securityEvidence   );    public static Assembly  LoadFrom  (string   assemblyFile   , System.Security.Policy.Evidence   securityEvidence   ,         byte[ ]   hashValue   , System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm   hashAlgorithm   );    public static Assembly  LoadWithPartialName  (string   partialName   );    public static Assembly  LoadWithPartialName  (string   partialName   , System.Security.Policy.Evidence   securityEvidence   );  // Public Instance Methods  public object  CreateInstance  (string   typeName   );    public object  CreateInstance  (string   typeName   , bool   ignoreCase   );    public object  CreateInstance  (string   typeName   , bool   ignoreCase   , BindingFlags   bindingAttr   ,         Binder   binder   , object[ ]   args   , System.Globalization.CultureInfo   culture   , object[ ]   activationAttributes   );    public virtual object[ ]  GetCustomAttributes  (bool   inherit   );  // implements ICustomAttributeProvider  public virtual object[ ]  GetCustomAttributes  (Type   attributeType   , bool   inherit   )  // implements ICustomAttributeProvider  public virtual Type[ ]  GetExportedTypes  ( );    public virtual FileStream  GetFile  (string   name   );    public virtual FileStream[ ]  GetFiles  ( );    public virtual FileStream[ ]  GetFiles  (bool   getResourceModules   );    public Module[ ]  GetLoadedModules  ( );    public Module[ ]  GetLoadedModules  (bool   getResourceModules   );    public virtual ManifestResourceInfo  GetManifestResourceInfo  (string   resourceName   );    public virtual string[ ]  GetManifestResourceNames  ( );    public virtual Stream  GetManifestResourceStream  (string   name   );    public virtual Stream  GetManifestResourceStream  (Type   type   , string   name   );    public Module  GetModule  (string   name   );    public Module[ ]  GetModules  ( );    public Module[ ]  GetModules  (bool   getResourceModules   );    public virtual AssemblyName  GetName  ( );    public virtual AssemblyName  GetName  (bool   copiedName   );    public virtual void  GetObjectData  (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo   info   ,        System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext   context   )  // implements ISerializable  public AssemblyName[ ]  GetReferencedAssemblies  ( );    public Assembly  GetSatelliteAssembly  (System.Globalization.CultureInfo   culture   );    public Assembly  GetSatelliteAssembly  (System.Globalization.CultureInfo   culture   , Version   version   );    public virtual Type  GetType  (string   name   );    public virtual Type  GetType  (string   name   , bool   throwOnError   );    public Type  GetType  (string   name   , bool   throwOnError   , bool   ignoreCase   );    public virtual Type[ ]  GetTypes  ( );    public virtual bool  IsDefined  (Type   attributeType   , bool   inherit   );  // implements ICustomAttributeProvider  public Module  LoadModule  (string   moduleName   , byte[ ]   rawModule   );    public Module  LoadModule  (string   moduleName   , byte[ ]   rawModule   , byte[ ]   rawSymbolStore   );    public override string  ToString  ( );  // overrides object   // Events  public event ModuleResolveEventHandler  ModuleResolve  ; } 



Returned By

System.AppDomain.{GetAssemblies( ) , Load( )} , System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs.LoadedAssembly , ManifestResourceInfo.ReferencedAssembly , Module.Assembly , System.ResolveEventHandler.{EndInvoke( ) , Invoke( )} , System.Type.Assembly

Passed To

Multiple types

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963 © 2008-2017.
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