
AddressFamily CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable

System.Net.Sockets (system.dll) enum
 public enum  AddressFamily  {  Unspecified = 0  ,  Unix = 1  ,  InterNetwork = 2  ,  ImpLink = 3  ,  Pup = 4  ,  Chaos = 5  ,  Ipx = 6  ,  NS = 6  ,  Iso = 7  ,  Osi = 7  ,  Ecma = 8  ,  DataKit = 9  ,  Ccitt = 10  ,  Sna = 11  ,  DecNet = 12  ,  DataLink = 13  ,  Lat = 14  ,  HyperChannel = 15  ,  AppleTalk = 16  ,  NetBios = 17  ,  VoiceView = 18  ,  FireFox = 19  ,  Banyan = 21  ,  Atm = 22  ,  InterNetworkV6 = 23  ,  Cluster = 24  ,  Ieee12844 = 25  ,  Irda = 26  ,  NetworkDesigners = 28  ,  Max = 29  ,  Unknown = -1  } 

This enumeration contains values to specify the address family used by a socket. This indicates to which family of addressing schemes the address of the socket belongs. Note that the standard four-digit IP scheme falls under the enumeration InterNetwork , and its successor, IPv6, under the enumeration InterNetworkV6 .


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable , System.IFormattable , System.IConvertible) AddressFamily

Returned By

System.Net.EndPoint.AddressFamily , System.Net.IPAddress.AddressFamily , System.Net.SocketAddress.Family , Socket.AddressFamily

Passed To

System.Net.SocketAddress.SocketAddress( ) , Socket.Socket( ) , TcpClient.TcpClient( ) , UdpClient.UdpClient( )

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963 © 2008-2017.
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