
IsolatedStorageScope serializable, flag

System.IO.IsolatedStorage (mscorlib.dll) enum

This enumeration allows you to specify the levels of isolation an IsolatedStorageFile store should have. For example, if you call IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore( ) with Assembly , the isolated storage cannot be accessed by code from another assembly. Roaming allows the isolated store to be placed in a roaming profile; without it, the store does not roam with the user .

 public enum  IsolatedStorageScope  {  None = 0x00000000  ,  User = 0x00000001  ,  Domain = 0x00000002  ,  Assembly = 0x00000004  ,  Roaming = 0x00000008  } 


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable , System.IConvertible) IsolatedStorageScope

Returned By


Passed To

IsolatedStorage.InitStore( ) , IsolatedStorageFile.{GetEnumerator( ) , GetStore( ) , Remove( )}

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963 © 2008-2017.
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