Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture

Web Services is a software model for distributed computing that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The Web Services infrastructure is similar to Java remote method invocation (RMI), Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), and Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), in that it provides a framework for developers to create software components that can interact with other software components easily, regardless if they're running on the same machine or running on a server halfway around the world. This interaction is achieved by using machine-to-machine exchanges conducted over HTTP-based transports, usually for communicating XML messages.

Web Services generally exposes interfaces in some machine-discoverable form, although there's no requirement for this format. Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is the most popular format for describing these interfaces; it defines the service name and location, method prototypes, and potentially documentation on the service. Tools are available for using these WSDL files to generate stub code (in various languages) for interacting with target Web Services. You can design your Web service around a document programming model, meaning you receive and send XML documents with peers and use standard XML manipulation APIs to decode, parse, and create documents. WSDL isn't tied to any implementation, so the responsibility for document consistency and accuracy is placed on the platform or developer. For this reason, hand-generated WSDL documents might very well contain errors or omit methods. Also, there's no current standard for locating WSDL documents, although they generally end in a .wsdl extension and are served somewhere on the target site.

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an umbrella term for a loosely coupled collection of Web Services. This architecture has grown popular over the past several years, as HTTP has morphed into a fairly universal communication protocol. Most Web services use communication protocols based on Simple Object Access Protocol or Representational State Transfer (more on these protocols in the next section), although there's no requirement for a certain communication protocol.

Whether Web services introduce any new vulnerabilities is somewhat a matter of opinion. Web services might be more prone to XML-related vulnerabilities (such as XML external entities [XXE] and XPath injection, explained in Chapter 17, "Web Applications"). Their analysis might also require more attention to certain classes of operational vulnerabilities. In particular, automated or certificate-based authentication mechanisms are necessary for server-to-server communications. Often both sides of communications aren't validated adequately, and interfaces intended for servers are publicly accessible.


Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a protocol for exchanging XML messages, generally over an HTTP transport mechanism. The value of SOAP is that it's based entirely on simple, text-based, open standards. The major criticism of SOAP is that, in practice, it's complex and bandwidth intensive. For the most part, you can audit SOAP like any other Web application. It exposes methods that can be vulnerable to SQL or XML injection attacks, among others.

The body of a SOAP request is contained in an envelope that identifies the requested service, method, and parameters. Extensions to SOAP can also add encryption and signature-based method authentication in addition to any HTTP-based methods; this component isn't addressed in detail in this chapter, however. The body of the SOAP message does provide additional potential for data filtering. Validation against an XML schema can help prevent a variety of attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), memory manipulation, and various XML-based attacks. A schema isn't a foolproof method, however; it might still allow harmful data through. When auditing, pay special attention to applications that rely entirely on schema-based protection and look for malicious data that can be validated successfully.


Representational State Transfer (REST) includes almost any type of Web service communication protocol that isn't SOAP, so REST-based communication could take any form. Fortunately, XML is often used with REST, so most of the discussion on SOAP applies. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is another popular format for REST data exchange. Used mostly by client applications, it's simply a method of bundling data into a JavaScript object. The advantage of JSON is that it's generally smaller than the equivalent XML and is easy for Web browsers to consume. For this reason, JSON is commonly used in dynamic applications, not server-to-server communications. This means JSON is used in areas more prone to XSS vulnerabilities, particularly stored XSS. So you need to pay careful attention to ensure that attackers can't supply raw JavaScript for a JSON-encoded object.


Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is a term for the recent generation of highly interactive Web applications. These applications make extensive use of client scripting, style sheets, and asynchronous communication to create user interfaces that behave like typical rich client applications. The interesting thing about an AJAX application is that it's a client-side technology. By definition, this technology should have almost no impact on security. However, the extensive use of dynamic client content can start to blur the lines between what data should be on the client and what should be on the server. In reviewing these applications, pay special attention to information leakage to the client and insufficient data filtering at the server. This is no different from the vulnerabilities described in Chapter 17; it's just a mistake that's even easier to make in AJAX development.

The Art of Software Security Assessment. Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
ISBN: 0321444426
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 194

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