
When it comes to securely protecting a Windows Vista system that connects to the Internet, arguably no single component is as important to the process as a firewall. Keep the following points in mind when it comes to protecting your Windows Vista system with a firewall:

  • Never consider a firewall an optional component on a Windows Vista system. Every Windows Vista system connected to the Internet should have firewall software installed and enabled, and preferably a package that supports both inbound and outbound filtering.

  • Windows Firewall is the native firewall component included with Windows Vista systems. Windows Firewall is enabled for all connections automatically, but does not implement outbound filtering features by default. You can enable outbound filtering via the new Windows Firewall with Advanced Security tool.

  • When you need to allow incoming connections from Internet users, do not disable your firewall. Instead, configure an exception or rule for the program or service that external users need to connect to. When these inbound connections are no longer required, disable their associated exceptions or rules.

  • Consider installing a personal firewall software package on your Windows Vista system. With the proliferation of virus and spyware threats on the Internet, it's more important than ever before to use a firewall that not only supports both inbound and outbound filtering, but also alerts you to suspicious connection attempts as they occur.

  • Periodically test the security of your firewall using online port scanners and outbound testing utilities. Doing so helps to ensure that you haven't mistakenly left a port open or exception enabled that could be used to compromise the security of your Windows Vista system.

PC Magazine Windows Vista Security Solutions
PC Magazine Windows Vista Security Solutions
ISBN: 0470046562
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 135
Authors: Dan DiNicolo © 2008-2017.
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