Section 9.13. Time Class Case Study: Creating Class Libraries

9.13. Time Class Case Study: Creating Class Libraries

We have seen that classes from preexisting libraries, such as .NET's Framework Class Library (FCL), can be imported into Visual Basic applications. Each class in the FCL belongs to a namespace that contains a group of related classes. Class libraries and namespaces facilitate software reuse by enabling applications to add classes from other namespaces (as we have done in most examples). This section demonstrates how to create your own class libraries for reuse.

Making a Class Reusable

Before a class can be imported into multiple applications, it must be placed in an assembly to make it reusable. The steps for creating an assembly are as follows:

  1. Create a Class Library project.

  2. Add the reusable class(es) to the project. [Note: You can also create reusable classes from scratch.]

  3. Ensure that each reusable class is declared Publiconly Public classes can be imported for use in other projects; non-Public classes are typically placed in a library to support the Public reusable classes in that library.

  4. Compile the project to create the assembly that contains the reusable class(es).

  5. In an application that requires the class library, add a reference to the class library. Then specify an Imports statement for the class library and use its class(es) in your application.

Next, we present the five steps in detail.

Step 1.

Creating a Class Library Project

In this example, we'd like to place class Time of Fig. 9.1 into a class library to make it a reusable class. To create a class library in Visual Basic 2005 Express, select File > New Project... and choose Class Library from the list of templates, as shown in Fig. 9.18. Name your project TimeLibrary, then click OK.

Figure 9.18. Creating a Class Library Project.

When you create a Class Library project, Visual Basic automatically includes the file Class1.vb in the project. You can modify the Public class in this file to create a reusable class. However, we'll be using the file from the Time class in Fig. 9.1, so you can select Class1.vb in the Solution Explorer and press Delete to remove it from the project.

Step 2.

Adding Class Time to the Project

Next, you must add the file that contains class Time to the project. Right click TimeLibrary in the Solution Explorer. In the menu that appears, select Add > Existing Item... to display the Add Existing Item dialog box. Locate the Time.vb file from Fig. 9.1, select it and click the Add button to add the file to this Class Library project. [Note: We assume that you downloaded the book's examples and placed them on your C:\ drive. If so, the file is located in the directory C:\examples\ch09\Fig09_01-02\TimeTest\.]

Step 3.

Adding Class Time to the Project

Recall that only Public classes can be imported for use in other projects. Thus, you must add the Public access modifier to class Time to make it reusable. The new version of class Time is shown in Fig. 9.19. Notice that line 3 now contains Public.

Figure 9.19. Creating reusable class Time.

  1  ' Fig. 9.19: Time.vb  2  ' Represents time to clients in 12-hour and 24-hour clock formats.  3  Public Class Time  4     Inherits Object ' if not specified, compiler includes it implicitly  5  6     ' declare Integer instance variables for the hour, minute and second  7     Private hourValue As Integer ' 0 - 23  8     Private minuteValue As Integer ' 0 - 59  9     Private secondValue As Integer ' 0 - 59 10 11     ' Time constructor initializes instance variables 12     ' when a Time object is created 13     Public Sub New() 14        SetTime(12, 0, 0) ' initialize hour to noon; minute, second to 0 15     End Sub ' New 16 17     ' set a new time value using universal time, check validity of the 18     ' data, set invalid hour to noon, set invalid minute, second to zero 19     Public Sub SetTime(ByVal hh As Integer, _ 20        ByVal mm As Integer, ByVal ss As Integer) 21        Hour = hh ' set hourValue using Hour property 22        Minute = mm ' set minuteValue using Minute property 23        Second = ss ' set secondValue using Second property 24     End Sub ' SetTime 25 26     ' property Hour 27     Public Property Hour() As Integer 28        Get ' return hourValue 29           Return hourValue 30        End Get 31 32        Set(ByVal value As Integer) ' set hourValue 33           If (value >= 0 AndAlso value < 24) Then ' in range 0-23 34              hourValue = value ' value is valid 35           Else ' value is invalid 36              hourValue = 12 ' set to default of noon 37           End If 38        End Set 39     End Property ' Hour 40 41     ' property Minute 42     Public Property Minute() As Integer 43        Get ' return minuteValue 44           Return minuteValue 45        End Get 46 47        Set(ByVal value As Integer) ' set minuteValue 48           If (value >= 0 AndAlso value < 60) Then ' in range 0-59 49              minuteValue = value ' value is valid 50           Else ' value is invalid 51              minuteValue = 0 ' set to default of 0 52           End If 53        End Set 54     End Property ' Minute 55 56     ' property Second 57     Public Property Second() As Integer 58        Get ' return secondValue 59           Return secondValue 60        End Get 61 62        Set(ByVal value As Integer) ' set secondValue 63           If (value >= 0 AndAlso value < 60) Then ' in range 0-59 64              secondValue = value ' value is valid 65           Else ' value is invalid 66              secondValue = 0 ' set to default of 0 67           End If 68        End Set 69     End Property ' Second 70 71     ' convert Time to a String in universal-time (24-hour clock) format 72     Public Function ToUniversalString() As String 73        Return String.Format("{0}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", Hour, Minute, Second) 74     End Function ' ToUniversalString 75 76     ' convert Time to a String in standard-time (12-hour clock) format 77     Public Overrides Function ToString() As String 78        Dim suffix As String ' AM or PM suffix 79        Dim standardHour As Integer ' a standard hour in the range 1-12 80 81        ' determine whether the 12-hour clock suffix should be AM or PM 82        If Hour < 12 Then 83           suffix = "AM" ' note space preceding AM 84        Else 85           suffix = "PM" ' note space preceding PM 86        End If 87 88        ' convert hour from universal-time format to standard-time format 89        If (Hour = 12 OrElse Hour = 0) Then 90           standardHour = 12 91        Else 92           standardHour = Hour  Mod 12 ' 1 through 11, AM or PM 93        End If 94 95        Return String.Format("{0}:{1:D2}:{2:D2} {3}", _ 96           standardHour, Minute, Second, suffix) 97     End Function ' ToString 98  End Class ' Time 

Step 4.

Building the TimeLibrary

To create the assembly containing the reusable class, select Build > Build TimeLibrary. When you build a Class Library project, the compiler creates a .dll file, known as a dynamic link librarya type of assembly that you can reference from other applications. This assembly is located in the project's bin\Release directory. By default, the name of the file is the class library's name followed by the .dll extensionTimeLibrary.dll in this example. The assembly file contains the reusable class Time, which can now be imported into other projects. Save your project and remember where you saved it on your system, so you can locate the TimeLibrary.dll file in the next step. Note that class libraries are not executable, so if you attempt to execute the class library by selecting Debug > Start, you'll receive an error message.

Step 5.

Create an Application, Add a Reference to the Class Library's Assembly and Import the Library's Namespace

Once the class is compiled and stored in an assembly, it can be imported into a program for reuse. Module TimeLibraryTest (Fig. 9.20) uses class Time from the assembly TimeLibrary.dll to create a Time object, set its time and display the time.

Figure 9.20. Module TimeLibraryTest references TimeLibrary.dll.

  1  ' Fig. 9.20: TimeLibraryTest.vb  2  ' Demonstrating class Time in TimeLibrary.  3  Imports TimeLibrary ' import namespace TimeLibrary  4  5  Module TimeLibraryTest  6     Sub Main()  7        Dim time As New Time() ' call Time constructor  8  9        Console.WriteLine("The initial universal time is: " & _ 10           time.ToUniversalString() & vbCrLf & _ 11           "The initial standard time is: " & time.ToString()) 12 13        time.SetTime(13, 27, 6) ' set time with valid settings 14        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Universal time after setTime is: " & _ 15           time.ToUniversalString() & vbCrLf & _ 16           "Standard time after setTime is: " & time.ToString()) 17 18        time.SetTime(99, 99, 99) ' set time with invalid settings 19        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _ 20           "After attempting invalid settings: " & vbCrLf & _ 21           "Universal time: " & time.ToUniversalString() & _ 22           vbCrLf & "Standard time: " & time.ToString()) 23     End Sub ' Main 24  End Module ' TimeLibraryTest 

 The initial universal time is: 12:00:00 The initial standard time is: 12:00:00 PM Universal time after setTime is: 13:27:06 Standard time after setTime is: 1:27:06 PM After attempting invalid settings: Universal time: 12:00:00 Standard time: 12:00:00 PM 

When you create a Class Library project, the classes in that library are automatically placed in a namespace that has the same name as the library itself. Thus, class Time is located in namespace TimeLibrarypart of the assembly TimeLibrary.dll. Before you can use the classes in the namespace TimeLibrary, you must reference its assembly. Select Project > Add Reference..... The Add Reference dialog that appears contains a list of class libraries from the .NET Framework. Some class libraries, like the one containing the System namespace, are so common that they are added to your application implicitly. Additional libraries can be selected from this dialog. In the dialog, click the Browse tab, then locate and select the TimeLibrary.dll file (located in the bin\Release directory of the TimeLibrary project we created in Steps 14) as shown in Fig. 9.21. Click OK to add the reference to the project.

Figure 9.21. Adding a Reference.

After adding the reference, you can use keyword Imports followed by the namespace name TimeLibrary (line 3) to inform the compiler that you are using classes from this namespace. Module TimeLibraryTest and class Time are in different namespaces, so the Imports statement at line 3 allows module TimeLibraryTest to use class Time.

The Imports statement at line 3 is not required if you refer to class Time with its fully qualified nameTimeLibrary.Timewhich includes the namespace name and the class name. For example, line 7 could be written as

 Dim time As New TimeLibrary.Time() 

You can use this fully qualified name in your programs, or you can import the class and use its simple name (the unqualified class nameTime). If another namespace also contains a Time class, fully qualified class names can be used to distinguish between the two Time classes and prevent a name conflict (also called a name collision).

Visual BasicR 2005 for Programmers. DeitelR Developer Series
Visual Basic 2005 for Programmers (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 013225140X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 435 © 2008-2017.
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