UCL (Upper Control Limits), 569

UML (Unified Modeling Language)

Application Designer, UML comparisons, 34

Class Designer, UML class diagrams compared, 128-129

component diagram, 10

Deployment Designer, UML deployment diagram compared, 97-98

deployment diagram, 64-65

existing models and, 24

fully integrated UML capability, achieving, 24-25

new visual designers, comparisons to, 23-24

overview, 23

UNC (Universal Naming Convention), 629

understanding of processes, lack of, 501

Unexpected exception raised in heap code path error, 269

unit test, creating a performance session from, 312-313

Unit Test Framework

Assert methods

Assert.AreEqual method, 371-372

Assert.AreNotEqual method, 371-372

Assert.AreNotSame method, 372-373

Assert.AreSame method, 372-373

Assert.Fail method, 374

Assert.Inconclusive method, 374

Assert.IsFalse method, 373

Assert.IsInstanceOfType method, 373

Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType method, 373

Assert.IsNotNull method, 373

Assert.IsNull method, 373

Assert.IsTrue method, 373

initialization and cleanup of unit tests

AssemblyCleanup attribute, 371

AssemblyInitialize attribute, 371

ClassCleanup attribute, 370-371

ClassInitialize attribute, 370-371

overview, 368-369

TestCleanup attribute, 369-370

TestInitialize attribute, 369-370

unit testing

AllItemsAreInstancesOfType method, 374

AllItemsAreNotNull method, 374

AllItemsAreUnique method, 374

AreEqual method, 374

AreEquivalent method, 374

AreNotEqual method, 374

AreNotEquivalent method, 374

Assert methods, 371-374

CollectionAssert class, 374-375

Contains method, 374, 375

custom unit test properties, defining, 377

data-driven unit tests, creating, 378

DoesNotContain method, 374

DoesNotMatch method, 375

EndsWith method, 375

exceptions, 376

ExpectedException attribute, 376

initialization and cleanup of unit tests, 368-371

IsNotSubsetOf method, 374

IsSubsetOf method, 374

Matches method, 375

StartsWith method, 375

StringAssert class, 375-376

TestContext class, 377-378

TestProperty attribute, 377

unit testing

advantages of, 358-359

ASP.NET applications

attributes of ASP.NET unit tests, 387-388

creating ASP.NET unit tests, 388-389

overview, 387

code coverage

enabling, 390

overview, 389-390

results, viewing, 390-391

code generation

generating code from tests, 386-387

generating tests from code, 382-386

overview, 382

with NUnit, 361

overview, 358

private members testing

overview, 379

PrivateObject class, 379-381

PrivateType class, 381-382

Team System unit testing

creating your first unit test, 362-364

debugging unit tests, 368

managing and running unit tests, 364-366

overview, 361-362

results, 367-368

test run configuration, 366-367

test projects, 340

test-driven development (TDD), 359-361

third-party tools for, 361

Unit Test Framework

AllItemsAreInstancesOfType method, 374

AllItemsAreNotNull method, 374

AllItemsAreUnique method, 374

AreEqual method, 374

AreEquivalent method, 374

AreNotEqual method, 374

AreNotEquivalent method, 374

Assert methods, 371-374

CollectionAssert class, 374-375

Contains method, 374, 375

custom unit test properties, defining, 377

data-driven unit tests, creating, 378

DoesNotContain method, 374

DoesNotMatch method, 375

EndsWith method, 375

exceptions, 376

ExpectedException attribute, 376

initialization and cleanup of unit tests, 368-371

IsNotSubsetOf method, 374

IsSubsetOf method, 374

Matches method, 375

StartsWith method, 375

StringAssert class, 375-376

TestContext class, 377-378

TestProperty attribute, 377

writing unit tests, 359

Universal Naming Convention (UNC), 629

unsupported deployment scenarios, 650

uploading process templates in Team Foundation Server, 622

Upper Control Limits (UCL), 569

usage rules, 226

user accounts, 651

user experience, 589

user-defined constraints, 76

Users, 649

Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System
Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764584367
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 220

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