

factor 1, 183

factor 2, 183

FEOD, 186, 277, 496, 512

CHAIN and, 230–231

cursor positioning after successful operation of, 509

free-format syntax for, 201

READ and, 332–333

READE and, 336

READP and, 338

READPE and, 341

syntax diagram for, 196

fetch, 81

field, 497

field indicators, 20

field length, 183

field record relation indicators, 20, 67

%FIELD, 125

fields, 3, 9

definition specification and, 52

naming conventions for, 12

reserved field names in, 27–28, 28

scope in, 401–402, 401

%FIELDS, 121, 151

figurative constants, 23, 24–25, 28, 302–303

file, 497

file description specifications, 37

file processing, 9, 493–525

access, access path in, 497, 508–514, 515–518

*ALL in, 520

CHAIN in, 510, 511, 517, 519

CLOSE in, 519–520

cross reference in, 497

cursor positioning in, after successful operation, 509

data definition specification (DDS) in, 498–507

database file in, 497, 498–503

DELETE in, 511

disk files in, 498

equi-join files in, 506

EXCEPT in, 511, 512

EXFMT in, 520–521, 522

FEOD in, 512

field in, 497

file in, 497

full procedural files in, 495–497

indexes in, 497, 515–518

join logical files in, 497, 506–508, 508

key field in, 497, 500–503, 505, 517

key lists in, 517

keyed files (K) in, 508–509

library in, 497

logical file in, 497, 504–508, 504

mapping logical files in, 504

members in, 497

naming conventions for, 12

OPEN in, 512, 519–520

operational codes for, 496

partial key lists in, 501

physical file in, 497, 498–503

POST in, 521

product structure file in, 502–503

random access, 497

READ in, 513, 522

READC in, 523

READE and, record locking anomaly in, 510–516

READP in, 513

READPE and, record locking anomaly in, 510–514

records in, 497

RPG cycle and, 495

SELECT and OMIT in, 504–505

SETGT in, 514

SETLL in, 514

UPDATE in, 514, 523–524

view in, 497

workstation device file processing and, 517–518

WRITE and, 495, 514, 520, 524–525

file specifications, 4, 8, 9, 43–51, 117–118

file status error codes, PARM and, 204–206

file status indicator, 17

file translation tables, 37, 38

first page indicators, 21

fixed format RPG IV, 3, 529

FIXNBR (Fix Decimal Data Errors), 41, 554–555, 559–561, 563–564, 567

flag setting, 431

flat file systems

decimal data errors and, 561

program organization and, 396–397

float data type, 13

%FLOAT, 121, 152

FLTDIV Control specification keyword, 41

FOR, 103, 117, 126, 186, 278–279, 410, 433–435

free-format syntax for, 201

natural expression support in, 200

nesting, 206–207

syntax diagram for, 196

FORCE, 186, 280

free-format syntax for, 201

syntax diagram for, 196

format names, naming conventions for, 12

FORMLEN keyword, 48

FORMOFL keyword, 19, 48

FORMSALIGN keyword, 42

FORTRAN, xix–xxii

%FOUND, 121, 152–153, 421

enhanced format calculation specifications in, 530

SCAN and, 351–352

SETLL and, 356–357

free-format (See also alternate syntax options), 3, 37, 110–111, 200–201, 207, 527–540

/FREE and /END-FREE in, 530–540

/FREE-FORM directive, 110–111

FROMFILE Definition specification keyword, 62

FTRANS Control specification keyword, 42

full procedural file processing, 495–497

OPEN and, 319–320

READ and, 331

function key attention identification bytes, 15, 17, 18–19, 22, 590

function modules (See also built-in functions), 115

CASE and, 442–445

parameter passing and, 450

user-written, 477

The Modern RPG IV Language
The Modern RPG IV Language
ISBN: 1583470646
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 156
Authors: Robert Cozzi © 2008-2017.
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