

C language, 7, 37

C++, 106, 409

CABEQ operation, 369

CABxx, 185, 218, 417, 418, 444–445

ENDSR and, 444, 445

fixed format conditional syntax in, 200

GOTO and, 445

ITER and, 445

LEAVE and, 445

LEAVESR and, 445

syntax diagram for, 195

TAG and, 369, 444, 445

calculation specifications, 3, 4, 7–9, 37, 76–79

alternate, 76

built-in functions and, 118

/END-FREE directive, 110–111

enhanced-format, 530

expressions in, 110–111

figurative constants in, 24

fixed-format, 529

free-format, 76, 530–540

/FREE-FORM directive, 110–111

order or priority of, 76

sequence of, 8

standard, 76

calculation statements, 4

calculations, 10

CALL, 185, 219–220, 399–401, 410, 588–589

parameter lists (PLIST) and, 323–326

in procedures and subprocedures, 477–478, 484

prototyped calls and, 456–458

qualified program name and, 220

syntax diagram for, 195

CALLB, 185, 221–222, 410

parameter lists (PLIST) and, 323–326

in procedures and subprocedures, 395, 399–401, 480, 484, 486, 490

syntax diagram for, 195

CALLP, 103, 110, 117, 185, 223–224

free-format syntax for, 201, 540

natural expression support in, 200

in procedures and subprocedures, 395, 399–401, 477–480, 484, 490

prototyped calls and, 461, 463, 464

syntax diagram for, 195


program-to-program, 452–460, 452

prototyped, 460–464

RETURN and, 348–349

*CANCL, 31, 264

carriage return (CR), edit word control code, 93

CASE (case structures), 5, 22, 226, 433, 440–445, 440

ENDSL and, 444

function vs. logic modules using, 442–445

IF THEN ELSE and, 440–445, 440

OTHER and, 444

SELECT and, 353–354

SELECT-WHEN-OTHER and, 440–445, 440

successive operations using, 442–445

WHEN and, 440–441, 444

case groups, OTHER and, 321

case sensitivity, 12, 194

CASxx, 185, 225–227, 225, 410, 417, 433, 436

CABxx and, 444–445

ENDxx and, 263

ENSR and, 265

EXSR and, 275

fixed format conditional syntax in, 200

syntax diagram for, 195

CAT, 185, 195, 227–228

catch-all routines, OTHER and, 321

CCSID Definition specification keyword, 59

*CDMY, 190, 297, 298, 307

CEEDOD (Retrieve Operational Descriptor), 490–491, 588–589

CEEGSI, 588–589

CHAIN, 20, 154, 185, 229–231, 496, 510, 511, 517, 519

cursor positioning after successful operation of, 509

DELETE and, 248

DOWxx and, 256–257

enhanced format calculation specifications in, 530

fixed format calculation specifications and, 529

free-format syntax for, 201, 531

IFxx and, 282–284

KLIST and, 288

READ and, 332–333

READE and, 336

READP and, 337, 338

READPE and, 341

syntax diagram for, 195

UPDATE and, 380

workstation device file processing and, 518

%CHAR, 119, 136–137

EVAL and, 266

EVALR and, 268–269

free-format syntax in, 537

character data type, 13

character literal values, 23

CHECK, 185, 195, 231–233, 235

%CHECK, 119, 137

CHECKR, 185, 195, 234–235

%CHECKR, 119, 138

choice constructs, parameter passing and, 450

choice, in control flow, 432–435

CL, 106

CLASS Definition specification keyword, 59

CLEAR, 185, 236–238

decimal data errors and, 564

free-format syntax for, 201

initial values in, 237

MOVE and, 297

MOVEL and, 297

RESET and, 237, 346

syntax diagram for, 195

CLOSE, 185, 239, 519–520

CHAIN and, 230–231

FEOD and, 277

free-format syntax for, 201

OPEN and, 319

READ and, 332–333

READE and, 336

READP and, 338

READPE and, 341

syntax diagram for, 195

workstation device file processing and, 518

*CMDY, 190, 297, 298, 307

CMP, 423

COBOL, xix–xxii, 3, 6, 37, 106

CodeStudio, 6

colon separator, in arguments, 117

comma, edit word control code, 93

comments, 533

free-format syntax in, 533–534

COMMIT, 185, 240–241, 496

free-format syntax for, 201

ROLBK and, 350

syntax diagram for, 195

COMMIT File specification keyword, 47

COMP, 117, 185, 195, 241, 410, 414, 417–419, 433

compare and branch operations (CABxx), 218, 417–418, 444–445

compare statements, 108–109, 218

comparison (=) operator, 104, 105

comparison expressions, 103

compile-time built-in functions, 117

compile-time table and arrays, 37, 98–100

compilers, 541–556

ACTGRP (Activation Group) in, 547

ALWNULL (Allow Null-Capable Fields) in, 555–556

AUT (User Authority) in, 553–554

BNDDIR (Binding Directory) in, 547

choices for RPG IV programs in, 543–556

conditional compiler preprocessor source directives, 34

Control (header) specifications and, 38–43

Create Bound RPG Program (CRTBNDRPG) and, 543–556

Create Program (CRTPGM) and, 543

Create RPG Module (CRTRPGMOD) in, 543

CVTOPT (Data Type Conversion Options) in, 551

DBGVIEW (Debug View Level) in, 549–550

DFTACTGRP (Default Activation Group) in, 545–546

directives for, 31–34, 33

FIXNBR (Fix Decimal Data Errors) in, 554–555, 559–561, 563–564, 567

GENLVL (Generation Severity) in, 545

INDENT (Indented Compiler Listing) in, 551

Input specifications and, 67

integrated language environment (ILE) and, 545

LANGID (Language Identifier) in, 552

*MODULE and, 543

OPTIMIZE (Optimization Level) in, 550

optimizing code and, 409–411

OPTION in, 547–549

OUTPUT (Compiler Output Listing) in, 550

*PGM and, 543, 544

REPLACE (Replace Existing Program) in, 552–553

SRCFILE (Source File Name) in, 544

SRCMBR (Source File Member) in, 544

SRTSEQ (Sort Sequence Table) in, 552

TEXT in, 545

TGTRLS (Target Operating System Release) in, 555

TRUNCNBR (Truncate Numbers on Overflow) in, 554

USRPRF (User Profile Authority Adoption) in, 553

conditional compiler preprocessor source directives, 34

conditioning indicators, 20, 22, 183, 409–410

CONST keyword, 26, 59, 110, 111–113, 481

constants and literal values, 22–29

continuation character, 106

Control (header) specifications (See also header specification), 38–43

control codes, for edit word, 92–93

control flow constructs, sequence, choice, repetition, 432–435

control level indicators, 19–20, 183

control specifications, 8, 37

control values, 28

controlling and conditioning indicators, 20

Convert to Uppercase source code, 586

converting code to modern RPG programming practices, 423

COPY, 410

/COPY directives, 32, 33, 479

COPYNEST Control specification keyword, 39

COPYRIGHT Control specification keyword, 39

Create Bound RPG Program (CRTBNDRPG)

compiler option and, 543–556

program organization and, 396, 400

Create Program (CRTPGM)

compiler option and, 543

in procedures and subprocedures, 476

Create RPG Module (CRTRPGMOD)

compiler option and, 543

in procedures and subprocedures, 476

program organization and, 396–397, 400

cross foot and array, XFOOT, 386

cross reference, 497

CTDATA keyword, 59, 98–100

currency symbol

controlling appearance of, CURSYM keyword, 39, 97

edit codes and, 94

edit word control code, 93

cursor positioning, after successful file operation, 509

CURSYM keyword, 39, 97

CVTOPT (Data Type Conversion Options), 551

*CYMD, 190, 297, 298, 307

The Modern RPG IV Language
The Modern RPG IV Language
ISBN: 1583470646
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 156
Authors: Robert Cozzi © 2008-2017.
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