Flow Control Instructions

These instructions may alter the flow of the program.

Table B-4: Flow Control Instructions



Affected Flags


destination address


This pushes what would be the next value for %eip onto the stack, and jumps to the destination address. Used for function calls. Alternatively, the destination address can be an asterisk followed by a register for an indirect function call. For example, call *%eax will call the function at the address in %eax.




Causes an interrupt of the given number. This is usually used for system calls and other kernel interfaces.


destination address


Conditional branch. cc is the condition code. Jumps to the given address if the condition code is true (set from the previous instruction, probably a comparison). Otherwise, goes to the next instruction. The condition codes are:

  • [n] a [e] - above (unsigned greater than). An n can be added for "not" and an e can be added for "or equal to"

  • [n] b [e] - below (unsigned less than)

  • [n] e - equal to

  • [n]z - zero

  • [n] g [e] - greater than (signed comparison)

  • [n] l [e] - less than (signed comparison)

  • [n] c - carry flag set

  • [n] o - overflow flag set

  • [p] p - parity flag set

  • [n] s - sign flag set

  • ecxz - %ecx is zero


destination address


An unconditional jump. This simply sets %eip to the destination address. Alternatively, the destination address can be an asterisk followed by a register for an indirect jump. For example, jmp *%eax will jump to the address in %eax.



Pops a value off of the stack and then sets %eip to that value. Used to return from function calls.

Programming from the Ground Up
Programming from the Ground Up
ISBN: 0975283847
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 137

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