

Sano, Darrell (Designing Visual Interfaces), 225

Save As dialog, 124, 169-171

Save Changes dialog, 167-168

scarcity thinking, 502

scenario-based design

actor, 76

context, constructing, 80-82, 84

detail, appropriate level of, 87

dialogue between user and artifact, 76

fiction versus, 71

finalizing, 90

form of product, developing using, 84, 88-90

goal-directed scenario, 76, 77, 78-79

idea, generating using, 75

idea, validating using, 75, 77

key path, 86-88, 89

magic solution, 82

mapping, visual, 86, 87

need, identifying using, 82-83

pattern approach to, 88

persona, using in, 71, 76-77

principle, applying to, 88

scenario, 17, 75-77, 80-82

setting, 76

storyboarding, 87

task accomplishment, describing, 76

textual scenario, 81

use case scenario, 77

use, identifying necessary using, 90

validation scenario, 89-90

schedule, 41, 97

screen, initial, 84

screen real estate

control, 340, 341, 342, 343

dialog box, 399, 409, 411-412

embedded system, 492, 493

sovereign software, 105, 106-107

transient software, 109-110

Web design, 115

screen resolution, 333


annotating, 151-152

auto-scrolling, 295-297

display control, as, 360-361

feedback medium, as, 106, 360-361

horizontal, 349

list control, of, 345, 346, 348, 349

motor control necessary, 270-271

navigation method, as, 146, 148

screen edge, extending to, 361

sovereign software, 106

speed, 296

time delay, 296

transient software, 110

SDI (single document interface), 334-335

segmentation model, 53


additive, 283-284

contiguous, 282-286

discrete, 282-286

drag rectangle, 285-286

exclusion, mutual, 283

extending, 285

graphics software selection-cursor, 307

group selection, 285

indicating visually, 286-288

insertion-point selection, 285

keyboard, using, 271, 283-284, 309

mouse, using, 271, 281, 285, 309

null, 285

object-verb command order, 281-282

replacing, 284-285

spreadsheet, 285

undoing, 164

word processing, in, 284-285

XOR display, 286-287

self-referential design, 58

sequence model, 73

Settings menu, 373


drop shadow, 327, 425-426

3D modeling, in, 313

shaping object, 309-312

shareware, 461

Shneiderman, Ben (user interface expert), 263

shortcut, keyboard, 217-218, 378-379, 415-416, 462-463


economy of form, 97

mechanical design, 8

minimizing interface, 119, 123-124

transient software, 110-111

visual, 8, 228, 234

Web application, 482

single document interface. See SDI

sizing object, 229, 309-310

sketching interaction framework, 86

SketchUp, 314, 315, 463

sleep state, indicating, 128

slider control, 352-353, 361

smart software, 191-198

SmartRecovery (Windows), 472

SME (subject matter expert), 42

Software for Use (Constantine), 34

sovereign posture software

color, 105

document-centric, 108

feedback, 106

input method, 106-108

intermediate user, designing for, 105

posture, 103-108

screen real estate, 105, 106-107

scroll bar, 106

system tray launch area, 112

visual design, 105-106, 232, 233

Web application, 483-484, 486

window state, 104, 108, 331

spinner control, 353-354

splash screen, 461

splitter control, 277, 325, 361

Spreadsheet (Microsoft Works), 278

spreadsheet software, 159, 285, 333, 334. See also Excel

standards, 243-246, 371-373, 379

Start menu (Windows), 390

startup screen, avoiding blank, 130


busy, 128-129, 404

control, indicating on, 341, 342, 387

embedded system, 493

remembering, 111, 412-413, 420

sleep state, 128

Taskbar, indicating on, 112, 113

toolbar, indicating on, 387

visual design, indicating using, 226

window state, 104, 108, 331-334


appliance, smart, 118

dialog box, indicating using, 405-406

progress meter, 405, 451, 473

Windows status area, 112-113, 391

storage system, 199-203, 478, 485, 486

storyboarding, 87. See also scenario-based design


burner mapping analogy, 152-153

smart, 491, 493

style guide, 92

subject matter expert. See SME

success of design

goal, meeting as measure of, 19-20, 66-67

knowledge acquired as measure of, 248

persona, measuring against, 57

process for attaining, 8–9

suggestion, software offering of, 185

Symbian handhelds, 495

system modal dialog, 395, 410

system model, 21

system tray, 112

About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
Year: 2006
Pages: 263 © 2008-2017.
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