
Whether you read other people’s blogs on Blog*Spot or create and manage your own blog on, you will enjoy the clean and simple way to access Weblogs. This chapter showed you how to create your own blog, customize it, and publish it to close friends or to the world. Now, you can even post to your blog using your cell phone or mobile device. Send text and pictures to your blog, or create a new one automatically. You can even use the third-party AudioBlogger service to leave voice blog posts on your site. An entire book could be written about using all the features, writing templates, adding money-making things like Google’s AdSense, and more. This chapter gave you a good overview of blogging with Blogger.

You may want to put a reminder in your Google Calendar to send a post to your blog. Learn more about Google Calendar in the next exciting chapter.

Google Power Tools Bible
Google Power Tools Bible
ISBN: 0470097124
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 353 © 2008-2017.
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