

UML (Unified Modeling Language). See also tools for UML modeling; UML 2, new features in

automating development with, 16, 378

definition of, 1, 9–10

history of, 18

level of detail to describe with, 23, 364–365

methodologies for, 18, 29, 34–36

misconceptions about, 17–18

object-oriented principles used in, 20–28, 39–41

people using, 17

Principle of Least Surprise for, 28

training for, 375

uses of, 9–11

Web sites about, 372–373, 375

UML Dictionary Web site, 375

UML Forum Web site, 372–373

UML Revision Task Force (RTF) of OMG, 18

UML 2, new features in. See also UML

Action Semantics, 188

activity diagrams, 216

artifacts, 336

association end name, replacing role, 71

behavioral state diagram, 308

communication diagrams, 227, 228

component diagram, revisions to, 327

composite structure diagram, 90, 121

composite structure diagram with collaboration, 251

interaction frame and heading, 191

interaction occurrences, 203

interaction-overview diagram, 220

MDA and, 16

operators in interaction diagrams, 206

package diagram, 126

transition notation, 277, 290–292

UML 2, proposals for, 373

UML 2.0 Partners Web site, 373

UML-Forum Web site, 375


for button names in messages, 198

for link name, 62

for object name, 53–54

for static attribute or operation, 58–59

“Underlining the Nouns” technique, 40–41

Unified Modeling Language. See UML

«usb» stereotype, 334

use cases. See also domain classes; functional modeling

abstract, 167

activity diagrams for, 216

alternate paths for, 171–172

analysis packages based on, 342

application classes for, 122–125

central class for, 229–230

changing capability of, 169–171

class diagram for, 228–232

concrete, 167

concurrency of, 140–141

context diagrams for, 145

controller class for, 230–231

CRUD test for, 367

customers of, 132–133

defining, 139, 141–143

definition of, 131

diagramming, 139–141, 167–168

domain classes for, 121–122

extending, 169–174

generalizing, 166–169

including other use cases in, 161–165, 174

interaction-overview diagram for, 220–223

levels of, 143–145

naming, 142, 143

optional goals for, 173

output class for, 231–232

packaging, 146

priorities of, in system design, 316–317

subsystems for, 322, 343–344

too many of, 367

too many paths in, 367

when to use, 16

«use-case controller» stereotype, 230

use-case diagram. See also context diagram

application class diagram for, 123–124

constructing, 139–141, 143–144, 385

converting to operations in class diagrams, 181–182

definition of, 11, 139

for frameworks, 257

for functional modeling, 180–181

uses of, 14, 15, 179, 385–386

use-case modeling. See use cases; use-case diagram; use-case specification

«use-case package» stereotype, 146

use-case specification

alternate courses for, 155–160

definition of, 147–149

description for, 150

design details omitted from, 151–153

flow of events for, 153–154, 156–159

for functional modeling, 183–184

for included use cases, 163–164

main course for, 154

multiple scenarios for, 155–160

narration (story) for, 149–153

preconditions and postconditions for, 154

user-defined types, 46


definition of, 133

designing system for, 370

interaction with application, showing, 122–125

verification of domain classes by, 121–122

uses dependency, 329

»uses» stereotype, 330

UML 2 for Dummies
UML 2 For Dummies
ISBN: 0764526146
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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