
  • 5.1 Show that the two definitions of expectation for probability measures, (5.1) and (5.2), coincide if all sets are measurable.

  • 5.2 Prove (5.3) (under the assumption that X = xi is measurable for i = 1, , n).

  • 5.3 Prove that

    and that

  • 5.4 Prove Proposition 5.1.1.

  • * 5.5 Show that E is (a) additive, (b) affinely homogeneous, and (c) monotone iff E is (a) additive, (b) positive (in the sense that if X 0 then E(x) 0), and Thus, in light of Proposition 5.1.1, (a), (b), and (c) together give an alternate characterization of Eμ.

  • * 5.6 Show that if μ is a countably additive probability measure, then (5.4) holds. Moreover, show that if E maps gambles that are measurable with respect to a σ-algebra to , and E is additive, affinely homogeneous, and monotone and satisfies (5.4), then E = Eμ for a unique countably additive probability measure μ on .

  • * 5.7 Up to now I have focused on finite sets of worlds. This means that expectation can be expressed as a finite sum. With infinitely many worlds, new subtleties arise because infinite sums are involved. As long as the random variable is always positive, the problems are minor (although it is possible that the expected value of the variable may be infinite). If the random variable is negative on some worlds, then the expectation may not be well defined. This is a well-known problem when dealing with infinite sums, and has nothing to do with expectation per se. For example, consider the finite sum 1 1 + 1 1 + . If this is grouped as (1 1) + (1 1) + , then the sum is 0. However, if it is grouped as 1 (1 1) (1 1) + , then the sum is 1. Having negative numbers in the sum does not always cause problems, but, when it does, the infinite sum is taken to be undefined.

    To see how this issue can affect expectation, consider the following two-envelope puzzle. Suppose that there are two envelopes, A and B. You are told that one envelope has twice as much money as the other and that you can keep whatever amount is in the envelope you choose. You choose envelope A. Before opening it, you are asked if you want to switch to envelope B and take the money in envelope B instead. You reason as follows. Suppose that envelope A has $n. Then with probability 1/2, envelope B has 2n, and with probability 1/2, envelope B has $n/2. Clearly you will gain $n if you stick with envelope A. If you choose envelope B, with probability 1/2, you will get $2n, and with probability 1/2, you will get $n/2. Thus, your expected gain is $(n + n/4), which is clearly greater than $n. Thus, it seems that if your goal is to maximize your expected gain, you should switch. But a symmetric argument shows that if you had originally chosen envelope B and were offered a chance to switch, then you should also do so.

    That seems very strange. No matter what envelope you choose, you want to switch! To make matters even worse, there is yet another argument showing that you should not switch. Suppose that envelope B has $n. Then, A has either $2n or $n/2, each with probability 1/2. With this representation, the expected gain of switching is $n and the expected gain of sticking with A is $5n/4.

    The two-envelope puzzle, while on the surface quite similar to the Monty Hall problem discussed in Chapter 1 (which will be analyzed formally in Chapter 6), is actually quite different. The first step in a more careful analysis is to construct a formal model. One thing that is missing in this story is the prior probability. For definiteness, suppose that there are infinitely many slips of paper, p0, p1, p2, . On slip pi is written the pair of numbers (2i, 2i+1) (so that p0 has (1, 2), p1 has (2, 4), etc.). Then pi is chosen with probability αi and the slip is cut in half; one number is put in envelope A, the other in envelope B, with equal probability. Clearly at this point—whatever the choice of αi— the probabilities match those in the story. It really is true that one envelope has twice as much as the other. However, the earlier analysis does not apply. Suppose that you open envelope A and find a slip of paper saying $32. Certainly envelope B has either $16 or $64, but are both of these possibilities equally likely?

    1. Show that it is equally likely that envelope B has $16 or $64, given that envelope A has $32, if and only if α4 = α5.

    2. Similarly, show that, if envelope A contains 2k for some k 1, then envelope is equally likely to contain 2k1 and 2k+1 iff αk 1 = αk. (Of course, if envelope A has $1, then envelope B must have $2.)

      It must be the case that i=0 αi = 1(since, with probability 1, some slip is chosen). It follows that the αis cannot all be equal. Nevertheless, there is still a great deal of scope in choosing them. The problem becomes most interesting if αi+1/αi > 1/2. For definiteness, suppose that αi = 1/3(2/3)i. This means αi+1/αi = 2/3.

    3. Show that i=0 αi = 1, so this is a legitimate choice of probabilities.

    4. Describe carefully a set of possible worlds and a probability measure μ on them that corresponds to this instance of the story.

    5. Show that, for this choice of probability measure μ, if k 2, then

    6. Show that, as a consequence, no matter what envelope A has, the expected gain of switching is greater than 0. (A similar argument shows that, no matter what envelope B has, the expected gain of switching is greater.)

      This seems paradoxical. If you choose envelope A, no matter what you see, you want to switch. This seems to suggest that, even without looking at the envelopes, if you choose envelope A, you want to have envelope B. Similarly, if you choose envelope B, you want to have envelope A. But that seems absurd. Clearly, your expected winnings with both A and B are the same. Indeed, suppose the game were played over and over again. Consider one person who always chose A and kept it, compared to another who always chose A and then switched to B. Shouldn't they expect to win the same amount? The next part of the exercise examines this a little more carefully.

    7. Suppose that you are given envelope A and have two choices. You can either keep envelope A (and get whatever amount is on the slip in envelope A) or switch to envelope B (and get whatever amount is on the slip in envelope B). Compute the expected winnings of each of the two choices. That is, if Xkeep is the random variable that describes the amount you gain if you keep envelope A and Xswitch is the random variable that describes the amount you win if you switch to envelope B, compute Eμ(Xkeep) and Eμ(Xswitch).

    8. What is Eμ(Xswitch Xkeep)?

      If you did part (h) right, you should see that Eμ(Xswitch Xkeep) is undefined. There are two ways of grouping the infinite sum that give different answers. In fact, one way gives an answer of 0 (corresponding to the intuition that it doesn't matter whether you keep A or switch to B; either way your expected winnings are the same) while another gives a positive answer (corresponding to the intuition that you're always better off switching). Part (g) helps explain the paradox. Your expected winnings are infinite either way (and, when dealing with infinite sums, + a = for any finite a).

  • 5.8 Prove Proposition 5.2.1. Show that the restriction to positive affine homogeneity is necessary; in general, Eμ(aX) aEμ(x) and Eμ(aX) aEμ(x) if a < 0.

  • * 5.9 Show that a function mapping gambles to is superadditive, positively affinely homogeneous, and monotone iff E is superadditive, E(cX) = cE(x), and E(x) inf{X(w) : w W}. In light of Theorem 5.2.2, the latter three properties provide an alternate characterization of .

  • 5.10 Show that if the smallest closed convex set of probability measures containing and is the same, then E = E. (The notes to Chapters 2 and 3 have the definitions of convex and closed, respectively.) It follows, for example, that if W ={0, 1} and μα is the probability measure on W such that μ (0) = α, = {μα0, μα1}, and = {μα : α0 α α1}, then = .

  • 5.11 Some of the properties in Proposition 5.2.1 follow from others. Show in particular that all the properties of E given in parts (a)–(c) of Lemma 5.2.1 follow from the corresponding property of E and part (d) (i.e., the fact that E(X = E(X)). Moreover, show that it follows from these properties that

  • 5.12 Show that (5.6), (5.7), and (5.8) hold if consists of countably additive measures.

  • 5.13 Prove Proposition 5.2.3.

  • 5.14 Prove Proposition 5.2.4.

  • * 5.15 Prove Proposition 5.2.5.

  • * 5.16 Show that expectation for belief functions can be defined in terms of mass functions as follows. Given a belief function Bel with corresponding mass function m on a set W and a random variable X, let xU = minwU X(w). Show that

  • 5.17 Show that

    Thus, the expression (5.15) for probabilistic expectation discussed in Exercise 5.3 can be used to define expectation for plausibility functions, using belief instead of probability. Since EBel(X) EPlaus(X) in general, it follows that although (5.3) and (5.15) define equivalent expressions for probabilistic expectation, for other representations of uncertainty, they are not equivalent.

  • * 5.18 Show that EBel satisfies (5.11). (Hint: Observe that if X and Y are random variables, then (X Y>x) = (X > x) (Y > x) and (X Y > x) = (X > x) (Y > x), and apply Proposition 5.2.5.)

  • * 5.19 Show that EBel satisfies (5.12). (Hint: Observe that if X and Y are comonotonic, then it is possible to write X as a1XU1 + + anXUn and Y as b1XU1 + + bnXUn, where the Uis are pairwise disjoint, ai aj iff i j, and bi bj iff i j. The result then follows easily from Proposition 5.2.5.)

  • 5.20 Show that if X is a gamble such that (X) = {x1,, xn} and x1 < x2 < < xn, and

    for j = 1, , n, then (a) X = Xn and (b) Xj and (xj+1 xj)XX>xj are comonotonic, for j = 1, , n 1.

  • 5.21 Prove Lemma 5.2.9. (Hint: First show that E(aX) = aE(x) for a a positive natural number, by induction, using the fact that E satisfies comonotonic additivity. Then show it for a a rational number. Finally, show it for a a real number, using the fact that E is monotone.)

  • 5.22 Show EBel is the unique function E mapping gambles to that is superadditive, positively affinely homogeneous, and monotone and that satisfies (5.11) and (5.12) such that E(XU) = Bel(U) for all U W.

  • 5.23 Show explicitly that, for the set of probability measures constructed in Example 5.2.10, * is not a belief function.

  • 5.24 Show that Eμ(X) =Eμ(X).

  • * 5.25 Prove Lemma 5.2.13.

  • 5.26 Prove Theorem 5.2.14. (You may assume Lemma 5.2.13.)

  • 5.27 Prove Proposition 5.2.15.

  • 5.28 Find gambles X and Y and a possibility measure Poss for which EPoss(X Y) max(EPoss(X), EPoss(Y)).

  • 5.29 Prove Proposition 5.2.16.

  • 5.30 Let EPoss(X) = maxx(X) Poss(X = x)x. Show that EPoss satisfies monotonicity, the sup property, and the following three properties:

    Moreover, show that if E maps gambles to and satisfies monotonicity, the sup property, (5.16), (5.17), and (5.18), then there is a possibility measure Poss such that E = EPoss.

  • 5.31 Let

    Show that for all b 1. This suggests that EPoss is not a reasonable definition of expectation for possibility measures.

  • 5.32 Prove analogues of Propositions 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 for Eκ (replacing and + by + and min, respectively).

  • 5.33 Verify that EPl,EDD = EPl.

  • * 5.34 Show that . Then define natural sufficient conditions on , , and Pl that guarantee that EPl is (a) monotone, (b) superadditive, (c) additive, and (d) positively affinely homogeneous.

  • 5.35 Given a utility function u on C and real numbers a > 0 and b, let the utility function ua,b = au + b. That is, ua,b(c) = au(c) + b for all c C. Show that the order on acts is the same for u and ua,b according to (a) the expected utility maximization rule, (b) the maximin rule, and (c) the minimax regret rule. This result shows that these three decision rules are unaffected by positive affine transformations of the utilities.

  • 5.36 Show that if W is the set of all probability measures on W, then EW(ua) = worstu. Thus, a a iff worstu(a) worstu(a).

  • 5.37 Show that if aa then a.

  • 5.38 Prove Theorem 5.4.2. (Hint: Given DS = (A, W, C), let the expectation domain ED = (D1, D2, D3, , ) be defined as follows:

    • D1 = 2W, partially ordered by .

    • D2 = C, and c1 2 c2 if ac1 A ac2, where aci is the constant act that returns ci in all worlds in W.

    • D3 consist of all subsets of W C. (Note that since a function can be identified with a set of ordered pairs, acts in A can be viewed as elements of D3.)

    • x y = x y for x, y D3; for U D1 and c D2, define U c = U {c}.

    • The preorder 3 on D3 is defined by taking x y iff x = y or x = a and y = a for some acts a, a A such that a A a.

    Note that D2 can be viewed as a subset of D3 by identifying c D2 with W {c}. With this identification, 2 is easily seen to be the restriction of 3 to D2. Define Pl(U) = U for all U W. Show that EPl, ED(ua) = a.)

  • 5.39 Fill in the details showing that GEU can represent maximin. In particular, show that EPlmax, EDmax(ua) = worstu(a) for all actions a A.

  • 5.40 This exercise shows that GEU can represent a generalized version of maximin, where the range of the utility function is an arbitrary totally ordered set. If DP = (DS, D, u), where D is totally preordered by D, then let τ(DP) = (DS, EDmax, D, Plmax, D, u), where EDmax, D = ({0, 1}, D, D, min, ), 0 x = 1 x = x for all x D, and Plmax, D is defined as in the real-valued case; that is, Plmax, D(U) is 1 if U and 0 if U =. Show that EDmax, D is an expectation domain and that GEU(τ(DP)) = maximin(DP).

  • 5.41 Show that if MDP = , then all acts have infinite regret.

  • 5.42 Show that EPlDP, EDreg(ua) = MDP regretu(a) for all acts a A.

  • * 5.43 Prove Theorem 5.4.4. (Hint: Use a construction much like that used in Exercise 5.38 to prove Theorem 5.4.2.)

  • 5.44 Show that if PlBel(U) PlBel(V) then Bel(U) Bel(V), but the converse does not hold in general.

  • * 5.45 This exercise shows that GEU ordinally represents BEL.

    1. Define a partial preorder on D 2W by taking (f, U) (g, V) iff infiI f(i) infiI g(i). Show that is a partial preorder, although not a partial order.

    2. Given a belief function Bel, define PlBel by taking PlBel(U) = PlBel (U), U). Show that PlBel is a plausibility measure that represents the same ordinal tastes as Bel. (Note that for the purposes of this exercise, the range of a plausibility measure can be partially preordered.)

    3. Define an expectation domain EDD such that

  • * 5.46 Prove Theorem 5.4.6. (Hint: Combine ideas from Exercises 5.38 and 5.45.)

  • 5.47 Show that Eμ(XV | U) = μ(V | U).

  • 5.48 Show that EBel(X | U) = EBel |U (X).

  • 5.49 Show that conditional expectation can be used as a tool to calculate unconditional expectation. More precisely, show that if V1, , Vn is a partition of W and X is a random variable over W, then

    (Compare this result with Lemma 3.9.5.)

  • 5.50 Prove Lemma 5.5.1.

  • 5.51 Prove Lemma 5.5.2.

Reasoning About Uncertainty
Reasoning about Uncertainty
ISBN: 0262582597
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 140

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