Item 35: Use map and grep to manipulate complex data structures.

Item 35: Use map and grep to manipulate complex data structures.

Sometimes it's useful to take a "slice" out of a multidimensional array or hash, or to select slices that have certain characteristics. Conversely, you may need to assemble a collection of lists into a 2-D array, or perhaps assemble a collection of 2-D arrays into a 3-D array. Perl's map and grep operators are a perfect choice for chores like these.

Slicing with map

Let's begin with a program that reads a file containing 3-D coordinates into memory:

Reading a file of 3-D coordinates into memory

This program will read a file of 3-D coordinates into memory. Each line of the file will contain the x, y, and z coordinates of a single point, separated by whitespace. For example:

 # point data  1 2 3  4 5 6  9 8 7 
 open POINTS, "points" or    die "couldn't read points data: $!\n";  while (<POINTS>) {    next if /^\s*#.*$/;    push @xyz, [ split ];  } 

Skip comments, then split a line into 3 values, put 'em in an anonymous array, and append it to @xyz .

 foreach $pt (@xyz) {    print "point ", $i++,      ": x = $pt->[0], y = $pt->[1], ",      "z = $pt->[2]\n";  } 


point 1: x = 1, y = 2, z = 3

point 2: x = 4, y = 5, z = 6

point 3: x = 9, y = 8, z = 7

The point data is read into a structure that looks like the following:


Now, let's suppose you would like to have just the x (0th) element from each point, as indicated by the shading in the figure. You could write a loop using an explicit index, or perhaps use a foreach loop:

 for ($i = 0; $i < @xyz; $i++) {    push @x, $xyz[$i][0];  } 

Here's a for loop with an explicit index.

 foreach (@xyz) {    push @x, $_->[0];  } 

The same general idea, with a foreach loop.

But, really, this is a natural application for map :

Use map to take slices of complex data structures.

 @x = map { $_->[0] } @xyz; 

Select the 0th element from each anonymous array in @xyz .

Nesting with map

On the other hand, suppose that you are starting out with parallel arrays @x , @y , and @z containing vectors of points:


You now would like to assemble them into a single 3-D structure like the one shown earlier. Once again, you could use some sort of explicit looping structure:

 for ($i = 0; $i < @x; $i++) {    $xyz[$i][0] = $x[$i];    $xyz[$i][1] = $y[$i];    $xyz[$i][2] = $z[$i];  } 

Turn @x , @y , and @z into @xyz , the slow and tedious way.

However, map provides a much more elegant alternative:

Use [ ] inside map to create more deeply nested structures.

 @xyz = map    { [ $x[$_], $y[$_], $z[$_] ] } 0 .. $#x; 

Turn @x , @y , and @z into @xyz , the Perl-ish way.

No doubt you can envision a host of variations on the slicing and nesting themes. For example, switching the x (0th) and y (1st) coordinates:

 @yxz = map {    [ $_->[1], $_->[0], $_->[2] ]  } @xyz; 

Swap x and y coordinates.

 @yxz = map    { [ @$_[1, 0, 2] ] } @xyz; 

It's prettier using a slice.

Or, perhaps, creating a new list containing the magnitudes of the points:

 @mag = map { sqrt(    $_->[0] * $_->[0] +    $_->[1] * $_->[1] +    $_->[2] * $_->[2]  ) } @xyz; 

Compute magnitude of each point in @xyz and put results into a list.

The Schwartzian Transform (see Item 14) is an application that uses both slicing and nesting operations with map :

 @sorted_by_mtime =    map { $_->[0] }    sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }    map { [ $_, -M $_ ] }    @files; 

. . . then slice.

First, nest . . .

Selecting with grep

Suppose that you would like to filter @xyz so that it contains only points whose y coordinate is greater than its x coordinate.

You could write a loop (how did you guess I was going to say that?):

 foreach $pt (@xyz) {    if ($pt->[1] > $pt->[0]) {      push @y_gt_x, $pt;    }  } 

Select points with y > x, using a foreach loop.

But this time, we have a task that is perfectly suited to grep :

Use grep to select elements from nested structures.

 @y_gt_x = grep { $_->[1] > $_->[0] } @xyz; 

Select points with y > x.

Of course, you can combine map and grep for example, to gather up the x coordinates of the points with y greater than x :

 @x = map { $_->[0] }    grep { $_->[1] > $_->[0] } @xyz; 

Select x coordinates for points with y > x.

 @x = map {    $_->[1] > $_->[0] ?      ($_->[0]) :      ()  } @xyz; 

Select x coordinates for points with y > x, another way.

Effective Perl Programming. Writing Better Programs with Perl
Effective Perl Programming: Writing Better Programs with Perl
ISBN: 0201419750
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1996
Pages: 116 © 2008-2017.
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