Item 11: Consider different ways of reading from a stream.


The line input operator < filehandle > can be used to read either a single line from a stream in a scalar context, or the entire contents of a stream in a list context. Which method you should use depends on your need for efficiency, access to the lines read, and other factors like syntactic convenience.

The line-at-a-time method is the most efficient in terms of memory, and is as fast as "ordinary" alternatives. The implicit while (<>) form is equivalent in speed to the corresponding explicit code:

 while (<FH>) {    # do something with $_  } 

The usual implicit line-at-atime loop using <FH> inside while .

 while (defined($line = <FH>)) {    # do something with $line  } 

Explicit versionsimilar logic.

Note the use of the defined operator. This prevents the loop from missing a line if the very last line of a file is the single character " " with no terminating newlinenot a likely occurrence, but it can't hurt to be careful.

You can use a similar syntax with a foreach loop to read the entire file into memory in a single operation:

 foreach (<FH>) {    # do something with $_  } 

Read the whole file into memory, then step through it.

The all-at-once method uses more memory than the line-at-a-time method, but it is potentially faster. If all you want to do is step through the lines in a short file, it won't likely matter which method you use. All-at-once has its advantages when combined with operations like sorting:

 print sort <FH>; 

Print a file with its lines sorted "ASCIIbetically."

All-at-once may be appropriate if you need access to more than one line at a time:

Read in a file all at once to manipulate more than one line at a time.

 @f = <FH>;  foreach ( 0..$#f ) {    if ($f[$_] =~ /\bShazam\b/) {      $lo = ($_ > 0) ? $_ - 1 : $_;      $hi = ($_ < $#f) ? $_ + 1 : $_;      print map { "$_: $f[$_]" } $lo .. $hi;    }  } 

Read in the whole file and look at a "window" of lines. Looking for Shazam .

Print 3 adjacent lines with line numbers .

Many of these situations can still be handled with line-at-a-time input, although the code is definitely more complex:

Use a queue to manipulate more than one line at a time.

 @f[0..2] = ("\n") x 3;  for (;;) {    @f[0..2] = (@f[1, 2], scalar(<FH>));    last if not defined $f[1];    if ($f[1] =~ /\bShazam\b/) {      print map        { ($_ + $. - 1) . ": $f[$_]" } 0..2;    }  } 

Initialize the queue.

Queue with a slice assignment.

Looking for Shazam .

Print 3 adjacent lines with line numbers, again.

Maintaining a queue of lines of text with slice assignments makes this slower than the equivalent all-at-once code, but this technique works for arbitrarily large input. The queue could also be implemented with an index variable rather than a slice assignment, which would result in more complex but faster running code.

If your goal is simply to read a file into memory as quickly as possible, you might consider clearing the input separator variable $/ and reading the entire file as a single string. This will read the contents of a file or stream much faster than either of the alternatives above:

 {    local $/;    $the_file = <FH>;  } 

No input separator.

Slurp! Entire file in $the_file .

Finally, the read and sysread operators are useful for quickly scanning a file if line boundaries are of no importance:

Use read or sysread for maximum speed.

Compare files by reading blocks from each with sysread .

 open FH1, $file1 or die;  open FH2, $file2 or die;  my $chunk = 4096;  my ($bytes, $buf1, $buf2, $diff); 

Open two files.

Block size to read.

Set up buffers, etc.

 CHUNK: while ($bytes =      sysread FH1, $buf1, $chunk) {    sysread FH2, $buf2, $chunk;    $diff++, last CHUNK if $buf1 ne $buf2;  }  print "$file1 and $file2 differ" if $diff; 

Read a chunk from FH1 .

Read a chunk from FH2 .

Compare chunks .

Effective Perl Programming. Writing Better Programs with Perl
Effective Perl Programming: Writing Better Programs with Perl
ISBN: 0201419750
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1996
Pages: 116 © 2008-2017.
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