

x coordinate

calculating with RepositionCaret method of View class, 55

of carets in pixels, 47

x position of text area, scrolling to right, 49

XML comments, identifying, 100

XML documents. See also valid XML documents; well-formed XML documents

attributes specified in, 108-109

declaring child elements in, 105

describing, 98

determining data integrity of, 99

displaying hierarchical data structure of, 153

with elements and attributes, 109

elements in, 98, 101-102

EMPTY keyword used with, 104

encoding declarations in, 100

entities used with, 107-108

example of, 97

explanation of, 96

with internal DTDs, 104

opening, 181

processed instructions in, 101

saving, 170

standalone attribute used with, 103

valid version number for, 100

validating, 113, 115, 171

validating with schemas, 109-111

writing to, 113, 116-117

XML Editor application

compiling and running, 184-185

displaying, 174

Find dialog box used with, 156-164

IndexTabPage class used with, 175

locating code for, 174

XmlViewer component used with, 153-156

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

advantages of, 97

components of, 98, 100

importing into databases, 112

reading, 113-114

theory of, 96-99

Web site for, 112

XML nodes, traversing, 113, 117-120

XML recommendation version 1.0 Web site, 98

XML tags, identifying, 96

XmlDocument class, properties of, 118

XMLEditor class

AddTabPage method of, 176

child_Closed method of, 177-178

child_TitleChanged method of, 177

GetDocumentByFilepath method of, 178

methods of, 176-184

NewDocument method of, 179

OnMdiChildActivate method of, 179-180

OpenDocument method of, 181-182

tabControl_SelectedIndexChanged method of, 182-183

toolBar_ButtonClick method of, 183-184

XmlNode class, using, 117

XmlReader class

child classes of, 113

methods of, 114

XmlTextReader class, constructing instances of, 113

XmlValidatingReader class, using, 115

XmlViewer component of MDI container, overview of, 153-156

xScreen and yScreen variables in GameActor class, explanations of, 231

xsd: prefix, meaning of, 110

Real World. NET Applications
Real-World .NET Applications
ISBN: 1590590821
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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