

False default value in SQL Server connection strings, description of, 443

FieldCount property of Data Reader classes, explanation of, 450

file authorization, explanation of, 540

file lists, obtaining, 418

File menu, using with MDI applications, 124

fileList ArrayList, constructing in Form1 class, 420-421

fileOpenMenuItem example, 126


downloading with FTP, 383-386

renaming, 426-427

uploading to connected remote servers, 432-433

fileSize, assigning with UploadFile method of Form1 class, 433

Fill method of data adapter object populating DataSets with, 469-470, 475

FillEllipse method of Graphics class, overview of, 265

FillRectangle method of Graphics class, overview of, 265

Find dialog box, using, 156-164

Find method, 70-72

of DataView class, 462

of Document class, 167

of FindDialog class, 160-162

FindDialog class

Find method of, 160-162

obtaining instance of, 157

OnClosing method used with, 158

Replace method of, 162-163

ReplaceAll method of, 164

FixFieldValue utility method of DbObject class, explanation of, 552

Font class of System.Drawing namespace, overview of, 267

Font objects

using different end caps with, 268-270

using with Rect class in UML class diagram editor, 310

Font property, instantiating for view objects, 42

fontFace variable in View class, explanation of, 41

FontHeight property, returning value of, 47

Footer user control in BuyDirect application, explanation of, 554

ForeColor control, assigning colors to, 259-260

form class for changing page setup, code for, 146-147

Form1 class in FTP client application

control names on, 393

creating, 392-395

declaration in, 395

locating, 392

manipulating files with, 394-395

methods of, 396-433

purpose of, 377

Form1.vb file for StyledTextArea control, contents of, 90-92


adding ToolBar controls to, 133

for drawing application, 279

myTextBox control in, 13

printing code with, 141-142

Singleton example of, 136

forms-based authentication, overview of, 530-538

FormsAuthentication class, properties and methods of, 532

FPIs (Formal Public Identifiers), using with public external DTDs, 106


changing frequency in games, 221-222

drawing in Doggie computer game, 222-226

navigating in Doggie computer game, 231

role in games, 215

Friend scope, using with StyledTextArea control, 61

FTP class in FTP client application

creating, 379-391

declaration in, 380

events of, 391

methods of, 381-391

properties of, 380-381

purpose of, 377

FTP client application

compiling and running, 434

creating class diagram for, 376-377

EventArgs subclasses in, 392

Form1 class in, 392-395

FTP class in, 379-391

Helper class in, 377

implementing, 374-376

installing and configuring FTP server for, 347-348

LoginForm class in, 378-379

Main static method used with, 368-374

NETFTP console application used with, 349-352

FTP commands

terminating, 342

using, 340-343

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

control and data connections in, 339-340

overview of, 339-346

FTP replies, sending, 343-346

FTP servers

changing directory in, 398-400

connecting to, 353-354

downloading files in, 363-365

dynamics of, 339

installing and configuring in Windows 2000 Server, 347-348

receiving byte streams from, 355-359

sending commands to, 360, 390

uploading files in, 366-367

FTPNET.exe file, accessing, 349

Real World. NET Applications
Real-World .NET Applications
ISBN: 1590590821
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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