More Progress, More Changes (Wednesday)

I have found a solution to Eric's problem. Yes!

As I work, I put all my code and tests in a Configuration Management tool because I'm afraid I'll make a mistake and lose track of my changes. The plan is simple: Take a complete snapshot of each iteration.

Also, from the use cases I make a more complete list of tests to run.

I now work on a dialog for extracting the data, sorting it, and presenting it in a way that can be digested by Excel to make nice graphs.

Around 11:30 A.M. Eric calls. He forgot one requirement: A person may be working on more than one activity and need to have several counters active at the same time.

Ouch. Change the Vision. This one may be difficult, so I add it to the Risk List.

The Rational Unified Process Made Easy(c) A Practitioner's Guide to Rational Unified Process
Programming Microsoft Visual C++
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 173 © 2008-2017.
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