9.4 Traceroute

The traceroute program is a very useful tool that prints a list of the routers an IP packet travels through on its way to a particular destination. If there is trouble communicating with a machine and you suspect the problem may be due to misrouted packets or an intermediate network that is off the air, traceroute will help identify the problem.

9.4.1 How Traceroute Works

The specification for IP includes a mechanism for recording the path taken by a packet. Each router can add its address directly to a packet that has the appropriate option set. However, this mechanism is not commonly used for two reasons. One is that the design allows for a only a very small number of routers to store their addresses in the packet. The other is that routers may treat packets differently if they have special options set. Since the goal is to determine what the router would do with ordinary traffic, it may defeat the purpose to have these packets given special treatment.

Instead of using the IP feature for recording route paths, traceroute uses an extremely clever hack [6] to figure things out. It does not rely on any special options at all but instead takes advantage of an unexpectedly useful but required behavior of IP.

[6] Here the word hack does not refer to anything malicious but is instead used in its older and more traditional sense of a clever and unexpected solution to a problem.

Every IP packet contains a field in its header called the TTL field. This is a number that can range from 0 to 255. When a packet is sent out from a machine, it starts with a relatively high TTL, usually 255, and each router the packet passes through along the way to its destination decrements the TTL value by one. [7] If in the course of decrementing the TTL value the router finds the new value will be zero, the packet is discarded and an ICMP error message is sent back to the original sender. The idea is that no packet should be able to live on the network forever. This helps keep a routing loop or other misconfiguration from becoming a catastrophic problem. Eventually, after being forwarded 255 times, a packet will just disappear from the network.

[7] Actually, the router may decrement the value by more than one but must always decrement the value by at least one. In practice, each router will decrement the value by one.

So how does this help determine the route to a particular destination? Say we want to know the path to www.example.com from client.example.com. Instead of sending out the first packet with the usual TTL value of 255, we send it with the TTL set to one. The first router that receives our packet will decrement the TTL value to zero, and as a result, it will send an ICMP error message back to client.example.com indicating the problem. So now we know the IP address of the first router: It is the source address of the ICMP error message! The router gives away its identity when it reports the problem. Next, we send a packet to www.example.com with the TTL value set to two. The packet will make it through the first router, which decrements the TTL to one, but the second router will decrement the TTL to zero and send an ICMP error message back to client.example.com. Now we have the address of the second hop router. We continue in this way, sending out packets with successively higher TTLs until we can reach the final destination host.

Traceroute uses this algorithm to collect information, as you can see from the sample output that follows . Each line represents one router, beginning with the nearest hop and ending with the destination host. Instead of sending one packet for each test, traceroute sends three; the numbers at the end of each line tell you how much time elapsed after the packet was sent and before the ICMP response for the attempt was received.

 Solaris% traceroute server.example.com    traceroute to SERVER.EXAMPLE.COM (, 30 hops max, 40...     1  ROUTER-1.EXAMPLE.COM (  0.379 ms  0.273 ms  0.316 ms     2  ROUTER-2.EXAMPLE.COM (  0.335 ms  0.365 ms  0.320 ms     3  SERVER.EXAMPLE.COM (  69.641 ms  38.169 ms  39.9... 

9.4.2 Installing Traceroute

Most modern versions of Unix come with traceroute installed by default. On Linux and Solaris, it lives in /usr/sbin/traceroute , which might be in your path only if you are logged in to a root account. If your system does not have traceroute installed, you can download it from ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/traceroute.tar.gz . It will build easily on most systems:

 Solaris% ./configure    Solaris% make 

If you have a particularly old system, you may run into problems building traceroute. Read the INSTALL file in the distribution for additional help.

Traceroute needs to be run with root privileges. Typically, it is installed with root as the owner and the setuid bit enabled, which allows non-root users to run it with root privileges. If for some reason it is not installed this way on your system, you will either need to run the program from a root account or turn the setuid bit on yourself:

 Solaris# chown root /usr/local/bin/traceroute    Solaris# chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/traceroute 

Of course, you must execute these commands from a root account. Do note that if someone else is maintaining your system, that person may have disabled the setuid bit on traceroute on purpose. Since bugs in setuid programs can occasionally let an attacker gain root access to the system from a user -level account, some administrators will disable the setuid bit from all non-essential programs.

9.4.3 Using Traceroute

Most of the time, the only argument given to traceroute is the name of the destination to which you wish to learn the path, though occasionally you may wish to use the -n flag to turn off DNS lookups for the router names . The traceroute man page lists a number of more fancy options that control the behavior of the program.

Traceroute will sometimes print special characters designating that a particular kind of unexpected response was received. The meaning of these characters is listed in Figure 9.1.

Figure 9.1. Special Traceroute Characters.




No response received


Host unreachable


Network unreachable


Protocol unreachable


Source route failed


Fragmentation needed


Administratively unreachable

! number

Other ICMP unreachable


Response TTL < 1

As with any diagnostic tool, it is important to consider what the tool is actually testing because the output is not always a direct representation of reality. Under abnormal conditions, for example, traceroute may present unexpected results. If your site or a site that you are probing is blocking ICMP traffic, traceroute will not work. The routers will send ICMP error messages when the TTL is decremented to zero, but when those messages are blocked from reaching your workstation, traceroute cannot collect the information.

Also remember that on the Internet, every packet sent from machine A to machine B does not have to take the same path. In Figure 9.2, there are many different paths available between the two hosts , and each packet may take a different path, even in the middle of downloading a single Web page. If traceroute finds that more than one router responds to different probes of the same TTL value, it will print the responses from each router. But this does not guarantee that the paths listed by traceroute are the same as those that other traffic took. Perhaps traceroute was unlucky and did not happen to find the same path. Or perhaps an operator administratively changed the path between the time you experienced the problem you are attempting to debug and your attempts to run traceroute. This should not dissuade you from using traceroute as a diagnostic tool; in most cases, traceroute will display the same path other traffic would have taken. But do be aware that it is possible for the path to be different.

Figure 9.2. Different Paths Between Two Hosts.


The traceroute man page discusses a number of other interesting cases in which the output is unexpectedly affected by bugs in software, such as the destination host's operating system. Most of these bugs were corrected long ago, but reading these examples is a good way to understand how seemingly unrelated problems can affect traceroute's behavior.

Open Source Network Administration
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 130462101
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 85

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