The Direct3D Framework

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On the DirectX Software Developer's Kit (SDK), the DirectX team has provided some code known as the Direct3D Framework. This code isn't part of the Direct3D API itself but is "helper code" that performs common tasks such as initialization, texture management, vector and matrix math, and mode switching. The code was written to provide a common foundation for most of the Direct3D sample programs in the SDK, but you're free to use this code in your own programs as well. I think you'll find that using the Direct3D Framework will save you a lot of programming effort. RoadRage, the game on which this book is based, is built on the Direct3D Framework, and I'll be walking you through much of this code as I explain several aspects of Direct3D programming. The classes CD3DFramework7 and CD3DApplication are part of the Direct3D Framework, as are all functions that begin with D3DEnum, D3DMath, D3DUtil, and D3DTextr. Note that you only have to use the parts of the framework that you need. For example, you could write your own texture management code while still using the Direct3D Framework's initialization and utility functions.

Inside Direct3D
Inside Direct3D (Dv-Mps Inside)
ISBN: 0735606137
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 131 © 2008-2017.
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