Parse-Time Attributes

These attributes are used by the page parser to parse the syntax of an .aspx page and generate code for the class that corresponds to the page.

Table A-17. System.Web.UI.ControlBuilderAttribute


Associates a custom control builder with a control.

Applied to


Sample usage



The InnerTextLabel control in Listing 12-10


The ControlBuilder class is associated with the base Control class and thus with every server control. Apply ControlBuilderAttribute only if you want to associate a custom control builder with your control.

Table A-18. System.Web.UI.ParseChildrenAttribute  


Informs the parser whether to interpret the nested content within a control's tag as properties or as child controls.

Applied to


Sample usage



[ParseChildren(true, "HotSpots")]


The ImageMap control in Listing 10-13


The constructor takes in a Boolean value that indicates whether the parser should parse nested content as properties. Control is not marked with this attribute, which implies that the parser treats nested content as child controls. WebControl is marked with ParseChildren(true) . Therefore, the parser treats nested content as properties. You can override the parsing logic associated with the base class by reapplying this attribute to your control.

The two-parameter form of this attribute takes in a property name as its second argument. When the two-parameter form is used, the nested content within the control's tags must correspond to the property specified in the second argument.

Table A-19. System.Web.UI.TemplateContainerAttribute


Informs the parser of the type of the container control of an ITemplate property. The parser uses this type as the exact type of the Container in data-binding expressions.

Applied to

Properties of type ITemplate

Sample usage



The ContactInfo control in Listing 12-7

Developing Microsoft ASP. NET Server Controls and Components
Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Server Controls and Components (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735615829
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 183 © 2008-2017.
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