

California state university system, 176
Campaign: of creating buy-in, 188; of storytelling, 106, 110
Capacity: aligning resources with, 137138, 144; confronting confusion over expectations and, 4647
Carver, J., 47
Catalyst, 12, 201, 228
Challenge, of leadership opportunity: over- optimism about, 2325
Change, environmental: evolution of strategic needs and, 215216; new roles and, 63
Change and change implementation: anticipating future needs and, 224225; appreciative versus authoritative stance in, 151171; common traps in, 154161; confronting confusion and, 4445; enlisting help for, across the organization, 182184, 196197; involving others in, 188190; keeping key functions for, 8890, 9091; negotiating buy-in for, 149200; new roles and, 149153; ongoing intelligence gathering and, 5657; over-preparation for, 154157; prerequisites for purposeful, 1516; relational competence and, 151153; strategic moves for, 162200. See also Buy-in; Resistance
Chemistry, testing for, 3840
Choice in assignment, perception of no, 2526
Ciampa, D., 7374
Citigroup, 64
Civil War cavalry commanders, 163
Clients or customers: listening to, to get buy-in, 169171; making the case to, 100
Coalitions: blocking, heading off, 4950, 55; winning, forging broad links and, 180188
Codes of behavior: intelligence gathering on, 19
Collaborative approach: balance between authoritative approach and, 151161; as competence, 151153. See also Buy-in
Commitment, of others: backers as indication of, 107108; confronting confusion over, 4547, 202; negotiating buy-in and, 149200; probing and mobilizing, 62; resource allocation as indication of, 112113. See also Buy-in
Commitment, of women leaders : questioning of, 1011
Communication: establishing ground rules for, 7982, 86; to get buy-in, 165172, 188190; to stakeholders about new appointment, 94102; treating disagreements as failure in, 155157
Compensation decisions: as strategic responsibility, 9394
Competence: lack of presumption of, as fundamental obstacle , 3; overconfidence in, 205207, 257 n .5; relational, 12, 151153, 256 n .9; tests encountered by women for, 313. See also Expertise; Skill sets
Conflict mediation: invisibility of, 9192
Confusion, confronting: in case study, 4748; guiding questions for, 59; importance of, 4445, 48; in intelligence gathering stage, 28, 4348, 59; intuition in, 4344; over commitment, 4547; over role definition, 47; over the reasons behind one's selection, 45
Congruence, testing for, 216217
Connecting the dots, 215216
Consequences of inaction, walking through, 193195
Continental Cablevision, Nancy Hawthorne at, 68
Contributions: differentiating , from boss's contributions, 229230; promoting visibility of, 211, 228237; respecting others', 163164, 180, 188
Cooperation, assessing potential, 2425. See also Buy-in; Collaborative approach
Cost cutting, overemphasis on, 116117
Coworkers: engagement of potential, 3543; seeding storytelling with, 104105, 110 . See also Peers; Team members
Credentials: testing for gaps in, 3738; testing for match in, 3637
Credibility: lack of presumption of, as fundamental obstacle, 3; lack of presumption of, in new appointment, 6667; need for backers for, 6671; relational competence and, 151153; skill sets versus perception of, 1013; strategic responsibilities and, 87, 88; tests encountered by women for, 313. See also Scrutiny; Tests and testing
Crisis mode, 213, 224
Culture, organizational: fit with, 2122, 201204; intelligence gathering on, 3435
Currencies, organizational, 230231

Her Place at the Table. A Woman's Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success
Her Place at the Table: A Womans Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success
ISBN: 0470633751
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 64 © 2008-2017.
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