

F1 key, 54
F2 key, 72, 84, 129
F3 key, 84
F4 key, 71, 84, 148
F5 key, 76, 80, 81, 84, 161, 224
F6 key, 78, 84
F7 key, 84
F8 key, 84
F9 key, 84
False property, 20
field elements, 363
Field object, 649, 657-58, 825
Field Settings command, 695, 696, 699, 700
FieldInfo parameter, 291
fields, 92-95
data, 96, 657-59
defining relations between, 634
what they are, 571
working with, 363, 364-65
normal, 363-64
passing of, 100-102
Fields object, 825
Fields recordset property, 667
file handles, 278
File Name setting, 653
file names , obtaining, 221
File object, 176, 273-74, 826
file server database systems, 571
File System Objects (FSO), 267-69, 301
FileGet External DataImport command, 644
FileNew command, 30
FileNewMicrosoft Datalink file, 653
FilePage Setup command, 28
FilePrint Preview command, 28
FileProtect Sheet command, 28
FileSave as command, 29
FileSave As command, 643
FileSave command, 22, 639
FileAttribute constants, 176
FileDateTime command, 304
FileDialog object, 285
in Excel 2002, 49
methods and properties, 826
FileDialogFilter object, 826
FileDialogFilters object, 826
FileDialogSelectedItems object, 827
FileExists method, 275, 301
FileLen command, 304
Filename parameter, 290
files. See also binary files; text files
commands for managing, 304
copying, 274
creating, 274
deleting, 274
moving, 274
properties of, 273-74, 302
selecting, 390-91
sharing, 56
Files object, 827
Files property, 273, 302
file-selection dialog, 49
FileSystem property, 269, 302
FileSystemObject object, 268-69, 827
FillFormat object, 560, 827
fill-in function, 27
filter criteria, 633 , 636
Filter function, 237
Filter methods, 590
Filter object, 590, 827
Filter recordset property, 667
filtering data, 582-88
advanced filters, 585-88
autofilters, 583-85
filtering form, 590
filters, equipping database with, 19
Filters object, 828
final dialog, 629
Find method, 49, 200, 589, 660, 667
Find Next command, 579
Find Prev command, 579
FindControl method, 471
FindFormat property, 49, 200
FindNext method, 589
FindPrevious method, 589
Fix function, 233, 244
floating point numbers , 248
Floor object, 530, 536, 538, 828
Fm20.dll object library, 131, 132
Folder object, 272-73, 828
FolderExists method, 275, 301
accessing, 283-84
changing, 271
commands for managing, 304
copying, 274
creating, 274
current, 271
deleting, 274
in Excel 2000, 52
incoming, generating test files for, 684-85
moving, 274
properties of, 272-73, 302
temporary folder, 271-72
Folders object, 828
Font class, 61
Font object, 32, 207, 828
Font property, 20, 195
on buttons , 20
cells , 208
internal representation of, 853
specifying, 73
footers, in smart forms, 503
For EachNext, 117-18
For loops , 117, 641
ForAppending setting, 276
ForEach loops, 104, 137, 166
ForeColor property, 20, 563
foreign-language VBA code, 4
form editor
building new controls, 406
copying tools, 403
setting access key, 403
setting properties, 402
setting tab order, 403-4
setting visual appearance, 404
sizing and positioning controls, 402
using ActiveX controls, 404-5
form letter, in Microsoft Word (example), 591-94
format functions, 242-43, 246
FormatAutoformat command, 697
FormatCells command, 198
FormatCellsBorder command, 209
FormatCellsProtection command, 319-20
FormatConditional Formatting command, 56
FormatCondition object, 56, 313, 502, 829
FormatConditions object, 829
FormatCurrency function, 239, 243, 246
FormatDateTime function, 243, 252-53, 266
FormatNumber function, 243, 246
FormatPercent function, 243, 246
formatting options, 501-2
FormDateInput form, 556
FormDateInput module, 548
forms, 8, 68. See also dialogs; smart forms
avoiding termination via Close box, 436-37
cascades, 449-50
chains of, 450-51
closing, 435
controls as components of, 398-99
definition of, 387
designing, macros for, 41
displaying, 434
dynamic, 451-53
in Excel 2000, 53
multipage, 424-29
positioning, 435
programming techniques
numerical input, 447-48
reciprocal calling, 449-51
user -defined
changes since Excel 97, 396
creating new, 398
event procedures, 400-401
form editor, 402-6
hierarchy, 800
invoking, 401-2
naming, 399
OK and Cancel buttons, 400
overview, 395
testing, 399
visual appearance, 404
UserForm object for representing, 434-37
Forms library. See MS Forms library
Formula property, 186, 194-95, 201, 591, 717
FormulaHidden attribute, 319-20
FormulaHidden property, 320, 326
FormulaLocal property, 194
FormulaR1C1 property, 554
FormulaR1C1Local property, 194
for calculating discounts , 510-11
matrix, 311-12
Formulas setting, 583
FormulasCalculated Field command, 717
ForNext, 115-17
ForWriting setting, 276
fractional part, of numbers, 234
Frame object, 829
frames , collecting controls within, 422-23
FreeFile function, 278, 279
FreeFormBuilder object, 829
FreeSpace property, 269, 302
freestanding applications. See applications, freestanding
FreezePanes property, 218
frequency distribution example, 598
FROM query, 663
FROM table1 SQL command, 668
FROM table2 SQL command, 668
FSO (File System Objects), 267-69, 301
FSO library, 53
FullName property, 217
func function, 97-98, 99
function assistant. See InsertFunction form
Function name() keyword, 97
Function Name instruction, 77
Function property, 729
functions, 97
data type of value returned by, 99
for dates and times, 250-54
exponential, 234
logarithmic , 234
system, 755
transformation, 241-43, 245-46
trigonometric, 234
in add-ins, 309, 734-35
advantages, 306
called with cell range, 310
categories, 308
defining, 306-7
Discount function, 306-7
error checking, 311
in Excel 97, 56
matrix, 311-12
in other worksheets, 309
problems with, 313-14
set as volatile, 313
in Share.xlt, 522-23
for working with character strings, 236
worksheet, 232, 266

Definitive Guide to Excel VBA
Linux Application Development For The Enterprise (Charles River Media Programming)
ISBN: 1584502533
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 134 © 2008-2017.
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