

MacArthur Foundation, 57

MacDuffie, John Paul, 103

McGregor, Douglas, 2, 8, 85, 88, 113, 118, 127-128

McKinsey study, 195

Management. See also Corporate governance; Leadership

boards of directors and, 35-36

challenges, 3-4, 7

communications and, 28-29

corporate citizenship and, 42

fundamentals, 26, 30-31

future practices, 291

Internet and, 127

investors and, 169-170

knowledge, 104

leadership and, 28

as lifelong learning process, 13

in network-centric world, 78-81

opportunities, 3-4

science of, 127

technological change and, 9-10

trust and, 4-5

values-based, 28

Management education. See also Sloan School of Management

in future, 10-13

globalization and, 58-59

MBA degree and, 111

Nike, Inc. and, 58-59

technology and, 285

twenty-first-century organizations and, 109-112

Management Information Systems, 2

Management science, 2

"Manifesto for the 21st-Century Organization," 86

Mannesmann takeover, 196

Manufacturer Referral Sites (MRS), 144

Mapping of human genome, 263, 289

Market allocation of capital, deregulation and denial of, 245

Marketing. See also Consumer power; Internet

automation, 127

change and, constancy of, 123-126

innovation and, 123-126

push, 5, 127, 130-131, 156, 158, 163-164

science and practice, 5

science theory, 126

theory Y and, 128

trust-based, 5-6, 163-164

Martin Ebner (Swiss financier), 193

Matsudaira, Paul, 263

MBA degree, 111

MCOs, 157-158

Medical technology

advances in, 270-271, 283

brain cancer treatment, 272

"cartilage gel," 275

controlled drug delivery, 272-273

health monitor, 264

personalized medicine, 271

"pharmacy on a chip" prototype, 272

single nucleotide polymorphisms, 271

tissue engineering, 273-275

MEMS, 264-265

Mendelsohn, Clare, 107

Merck & Company, Inc., 155-156, 162-164, 155-156, 156

Mergers and acquisitions, European, 194-200

Merrill Lynch study, 185

Merton, Robert, 2

Messier, Jean Marie, 190, 192

Microelctro-mechanical systems (MEMS), 264-265

Micromachines, 264-265

Microsoft, 281-282

Millennium Development Goals, 18

Millennium Summit (September 2000), 18

Miniaturization technology, 259, 263-264, 267

Minimalist model of corporate citizenship, 40-41

MIT Business Idea Warm-Up Competition, 276

MIT IDEAS Design Competition, 276

MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 268

MIT Media Lab, 262, 267, 280

MIT Schools of Science and Engineering, 9

MIT Sloan School of Management. See Sloan School of Management

MNCs, 39, 43, 57

MobilCom, 177

Monterey Conference on Financing for Development (March 2002), 19

Morfosys (German biotech start-up), 188

MRS, 144

Mullin, Leo, 135

Multi-fiber Agreement, 49

Multinational corporations (MNCs), 39, 43, 57

Murcott, Susan, 276-277, 279

My Years with General Motors (Sloan), 125

Myers, Stewart, 6, 252, 133, 135

Management[c] Inventing and Delivering Its Future
Management[c] Inventing and Delivering Its Future
ISBN: 7504550191
Year: 2005
Pages: 55 © 2008-2017.
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