Creating Custom UserControls


Visual Basic .NET Unleashed
By Paul Kimmel
Table of Contents
Chapter 16.  Designing User Interfaces

Essential to creating powerful user interfaces and cutting down on redundant work is creating custom controls. Whenever you contrive a partial solution that can be used more than one time, create a control.

The easiest way to create a control is to add a UserControl to your project. The UserControl acts as a drawing surface that you can paint a variety of controls onto and reuse that control. To create a user control and add it to the toolbox, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Windows Control Library.

  2. From the Visual Studio .NET main menu, click Project, Add User Control.

  3. Add the controls, code, and events to describe the behavior supported by your user control.

  4. Compile the Class Library containing your user control.

  5. Drag the UserControl.vb file from the Solution Explorer to the toolbox.

User controls in Visual Basic .NET are subclassed from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl. Their power is in their ease of use, and the ability to visually design them using the same technique you would use if you were designing a form.

Adding Controls to a UserControl

There are no differences between adding controls to a form and adding them to a UserControl. If a control can be added to a UserControl, that control will be enabled in the Windows Forms toolbox when the UserControl designer has the focus.

Some controls, like a MainMenu control, cannot be supported for UserControl objects.

Adding Events to a UserControl

The custom UserControl shown in Figure 16.7 demonstrates a control that implements an Open Picture dialog box. The control allows the user to preview various kinds of images, and to select a particular image by clicking the Open button (see Listing 16.9).

Figure 16.7. The OpenPictureDialog custom UserControl.


Listing 16.9 A custom UserControl that allows the user to preview images
  1:  Imports System.Windows.Forms  2:  Imports System.Drawing  3:  Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic  4:   5:  Public Class OpenPictureDialog  6:  Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl  7:   8:  [ Windows Form Designer generated code ]  9:   10:  Public Sub UpdateFilePath(ByVal Path As String)  11:  FileListBox1.Path = Path  12:  End Sub  13:   14:  Public ReadOnly Property FullName() As String  15:  Get  16:  Return GetFullName()  17:  End Get  18:  End Property  19:   20:  Public Overloads Function GetFullName() As String  21:  Return FileListBox1.Path & "\ " & FileListBox1.FileName  22:  End Function  23:   24:  Public Sub UpdatePictureBox(ByVal PictureName As String)  25:  Try  26:  PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(PictureName)  27:  Catch  28:  Beep()  29:  End Try  30:  End Sub  31:   32:  Public Sub UpdateDirectory(ByVal DriveName As String)  33:   34:  Try  35:  DirListBox1.Path = DriveName  36:  Catch x As Exception  37:  MsgBox(x.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)  38:  End Try  39:   40:  End Sub  41:   42:  Public Sub UpdateFilePattern(ByVal Pattern As String)  43:  FileListBox1.Pattern = Pattern  44:  End Sub  45:   46:  Private Sub DirListBox1_Change(ByVal sender As Object, _  47:  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DirListBox1.Change  48:  UpdateFilePath(DirListBox1.Path)  49:  End Sub  50:   51:   52:  Private Sub FileListBox1_SelectedValueChanged(_  53:  ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _  54:  Handles FileListBox1.SelectedValueChanged  55:   56:  UpdatePictureBox(FullName)  57:  End Sub  58:   59:  Private Sub DriveListBox1_SelectionChangeCommitted(_  60:  ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _  61:  Handles DriveListBox1.SelectionChangeCommitted  62:   63:  UpdateDirectory(DriveListBox1.Drive)  64:   65:  End Sub  66:   67:  Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged(_  68:  ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _  69:  Handles ComboBox1.SelectedValueChanged  70:   71:  UpdateFilePattern(ComboBox1.Text)  72:   73:  End Sub  74:  End Class 

The UserControl has a DriveListBox, FileListBox, and DirListBox all available in the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace. (The fact that these are legacy controls is not relevant to our discussion; any control is fair game.) The controls were all painted on the canvas of the UserControl in the same manner you would paint them on a form.

Several public methods are added to allow a consumer to modify the state of any aspect of the UserControl programmatically without interacting with specific controls. This choice would allow you to change the controls used without adversely affecting consumers.

You can easily add events when working with a user control in the control designer or the code editor. If you double-click on the control, the default event will be generated for that control. Alternatively, if you select the Class Name and Method Name in the code editor, you can implement any event, again, just as you would generate events for controls on a form.

Adding Code to a UserControl

A class is a class is a class. One of the benefits of Visual Basic .NET is that the language is more consistent. If an entity is a class, you can interact with that class as you would any other class. You can generalize the class and add new elements to the class. You can create instances of the class and use properties, fields, events, and methods.

Adding a UserControl to Visual Studio .NET

When you have tested your UserControl, you can compile the library containing the control. To add the control to Visual Studio .NET, you can drag the control from the Solution Explorer by dragging the .vbproj file to the toolbox, or through the toolbox context menu.

To add the control to the toolbox using the toolbox context menu, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click over the Windows Forms toolbox.

  2. Click the Customize Toolbox menu item.

  3. In the Customize Toolbox dialog box, click the .NET Framework Components tab.

  4. Click the Browse button and navigate to the .DLL assembly containing your component or components.

  5. When you have selected the component, ensure that the checkbox in the Name column of the Customize Toolbox dialog box is checked.

The component will show up in the toolbox, and you can drag and drop it onto any suitable container, like a form (see Figure 16.8).

Figure 16.8. The OpenPictureDialog control added to the Windows Forms toolbox.


Associating a Toolbox Bitmap with Your Control

You can associate a custom bitmap with your control by adding the ToolboxBitmapAttribute to your control's class definition. You can type the literal name of the .bmp file, including the path, or use the Type information of an existing type.

To associate the bitmap used for the OpenFileDialog with our OpenPictureDialog control, add the following attribute statement before the class statement before line 5 in Listing 16.9:

 <ToolboxBitmap(GetType(OpenFileDialog))> _ 

The constructor for the ToolboxBitmapAttribute class is overloaded and supports using the path information, too.

 <ToolboxBitmap("c:\ myimage.bmp")> _ 

Recall that by convention we drop the Attribute suffix for attribute classes.


Visual BasicR. NET Unleashed
Visual BasicR. NET Unleashed
Year: 2001
Pages: 222 © 2008-2017.
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