15.10 Performing a Basic Network Trace


HP-UX provides the nettl command to perform network tracing and logging. By default, a basic level of tracing and logging is activated at boot time:


 root@hpeos004[]  nettl -status  Logging Information: Log Filename:                           /var/adm/nettl.LOG* Max Log file size(Kbytes):   1000       Console Logging:        On User's ID:                   0          Buffer Size:            8192 Messages Dropped:            0          Messages Queued:        0 Subsystem Name:                 Log Class: NS_LS_LOGGING                                              ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NFT                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_LOOPBACK                                             ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NI                                                   ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_IPC                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_SOCKREGD                                             ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_TCP                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_PXP                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_UDP                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_IP                                                   ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_PROBE                                                ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_DRIVER                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_RLBD                                                 ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_BUFS                                                 ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_CASE21                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_ROUTER21                                             ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NFS                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NETISR                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NSE                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_STRLOG                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_TIRDWR                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_TIMOD                                                ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_ICMP                                                 ERROR DISASTER FILTER                                                     ERROR DISASTER NAME                                                       ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_IGMP                                                 ERROR DISASTER FORMATTER                                                  ERROR DISASTER STREAMS                                                    ERROR DISASTER LAN100                                                     ERROR DISASTER PCI_FDDI                                                   ERROR DISASTER GELAN                                                      ERROR DISASTER HP_APA                                                     ERROR DISASTER HP_APAPORT                                                 ERROR DISASTER HP_APALACP                                                 ERROR DISASTER BTLAN                                                      ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_IPV6                                                 ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_ICMPV6                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_LOOPBACK6                                            ERROR DISASTER IGELAN                                                     ERROR DISASTER Tracing Information: Trace Filename: Max Trace file size(Kbytes): 0 No Subsystems Active root@hpeos004[] 

As we can see, ERROR and DISASTER class of events are logged to /var/adm/nettle.LOG* and to the system console, e.g., you will get a message on the console whenever a network cable fails or is removed from an active LAN card. You can see from the above output that there are quite a few subsystems ( otherwise known as an entity ) we can trace, everything from the network driver ( -e NS_LS_DRIVER ) to the IP layer ( -e NS_LS_IP ), all the way to upper layer protocols like TCP ( -e NS_LS_TCP ). The type of problem we are experiencing will determine which subsystem we trace. A second part of the trace is deciding what type of information we are tracing. This is known as a trace mask . A trace mask will only trace for those types of packets, e.g., state , error , or logging packets. The most common trace mask includes both pduout (Outbound Protocol Data Unit, including header and data) and pduin (Inbound Protocol Data Unit, including header and data) packets. Finally, we will normally send the output of the trace to an output file instead of the default: stdout . Here, I am starting a trace at the IP level on pduin and pduout packets. The output file will be called /tmp/trace.TRC* :


 root@hpeos004[]  nettl -e NS_LS_IP -tn pduout pduin -f /tmp/trace  root@hpeos004[]  nettl -status  Logging Information: Log Filename:                           /var/adm/nettl.LOG* Max Log file size(Kbytes):   1000       Console Logging:        On User's ID:                   0          Buffer Size:            8192 Messages Dropped:            0          Messages Queued:        0 Subsystem Name:                 Log Class: NS_LS_LOGGING                                              ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NFT                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_LOOPBACK                                             ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NI                                                   ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_IPC                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_SOCKREGD                                             ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_TCP                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_PXP                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_UDP                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_IP                                                   ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_PROBE                                                ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_DRIVER                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_RLBD                                                 ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_BUFS                                                 ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_CASE21                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_ROUTER21                                             ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NFS                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NETISR                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_NSE                                                  ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_STRLOG                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_TIRDWR                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_TIMOD                                                ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_ICMP                                                 ERROR DISASTER FILTER                                                     ERROR DISASTER NAME                                                       ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_IGMP                                                 ERROR DISASTER FORMATTER                                                  ERROR DISASTER STREAMS                                                    ERROR DISASTER LAN100                                                     ERROR DISASTER PCI_FDDI                                                   ERROR DISASTER GELAN                                                      ERROR DISASTER HP_APA                                                     ERROR DISASTER HP_APAPORT                                                 ERROR DISASTER HP_APALACP                                                 ERROR DISASTER BTLAN                                                      ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_IPV6                                                 ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_ICMPV6                                               ERROR DISASTER NS_LS_LOOPBACK6                                            ERROR DISASTER IGELAN                                                     ERROR DISASTER Tracing Information: Trace Filename:                         /tmp/trace.TRC* Max Trace file size(Kbytes): 1000 User's ID:                   0          Buffer Size:            69632 Messages Dropped:            0          Messages Queued:        0 Subsystem Name:      Trace Mask: NS_LS_IP             0x30000000 root@hpeos004[] 

We should not run this trace for long because the output file will grow very quickly. If we have a known, reproducible problem, we would normally start the trace, produce the problem, and then turn the trace off. The resulting binary output file can be formatted into readable text with the netfmt command. We can then analyze the trace to try to establish what the problem is. Here, I have turned the trace OFF after producing the known problem:


 root@hpeos004[]  nettl -tf -e all  root@hpeos004[] 

In my example, I performed a telnet between two nodes while the trace was running. To cut down the amount of output we are looking at, we can use a formatting/filter file. This can be just a filter at MAC, IP, protocol, or even port number level. Here is a simple filter file to filter source and destination IP addresses:


 root@hpeos004[]  cat .netfmt.conf  filter ip_saddr filter ip_daddr root@hpeos004[] 

Now I can format the binary output file:


 root@hpeos004[]  netfmt -c .netfmt.conf -f /tmp/trace.TRC000  more  ---------------------- SUBSYSTEM FILTERS IN EFFECT -----------------         ---------------- LAYER  1 -----------------         ---------------- LAYER  2 -----------------         ---------------- LAYER  3 -----------------         filter ip_saddr          hpeos004         filter ip_daddr          hpeos003         ---------------- LAYER  4 -----------------         ---------------- LAYER  5 ----------------- ---------------------- END SUBSYSTEM FILTERS ----------------------- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvARPA/9000 NETWORKINGvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv@#%   Timestamp            : Fri Oct 17 BST 2003 11:44:36.184066   Process ID           : [ICS]              Subsystem        : NS_LS_IP   User ID ( UID )      : -1                 Trace Kind       : PDU OUT TRACE   Device ID            : -1                 Path ID          : 0   Connection ID        : 0   Location             : 00123 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Transmitted 40 bytes via IP  Fri Oct 17 11:44:36.184066 BST 2003   pid=[ICS]    0: 45 00 00 28 f6 a5 40 00 40 06 c2 51 c0 a8 00 42  E..(..@.@..Q...B   16: c0 a8 00 46 c1 5f 17 70 88 68 45 71 6c d3 af 73  ...F._.p.hEql..s   32: 50 10 80 00 eb 0a 00 00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  P............... vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvARPA/9000 NETWORKINGvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv@#%   Timestamp            : Fri Oct 17 BST 2003 11:44:36.314090   Process ID           : 4220               Subsystem        : NS_LS_IP   User ID ( UID )      : 0                  Trace Kind       : PDU OUT TRACE   Device ID            : -1                 Path ID          : 0   Connection ID        : 0   Location             : 00123 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Standard input root@hpeos004[] root@hpeos004[]  ll /tmp/trace.TRC000  -rw-------   1 root       sys         336197 Oct 17 11:51 /tmp/trace.TRC000 root@hpeos004[] 

As you can see, we have lots of information to go through in an individual trace: This trace was running for approximately 2 minutes while I logged into a remote host and then exited again. We should supply the entire trace (and any other supporting information relating to the problem) to the Response Center to help them analyze the problem further.

HP-UX CSE(c) Official Study Guide and Desk Reference
HP-UX CSE(c) Official Study Guide and Desk Reference
Year: 2006
Pages: 434

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