byJohn Kauffman, Fabio Claudio Ferracchiatiet al.?
Wrox Press ?2002

p2p (programmer to programmer) web site, 6

Packet Size connection attribute, 79-80

PacketSize property, ADO.NET connection objects, 80

Page class, 313

DataBind method, 166

IsPostBack property, 192

IsValid property, 209

Page directives, 403

AutoEventWireup attribute, 311

CodeBehind attribute, 311

Inherits attribute, 313

Language attribute, 311

Trace attribute, 362

PageIndexChanged event, DataGrid controls, 179

PagerStyle subelement, DataGrid controls, 218

pages (see web pages)

PageSize attribute, DataGrid controls, 179

Panel controls, 404

parameter objects, ADO.NET, 274

Direction property, 279-80

SourceVersion property, 239

Value property, 280

Parameters property, ADO.NET command objects, 283

parameters, SQL stored procedures, 270-77

output parameters, 277-83

parent columns, ADO.NET, 155-56

PerfMon utility, 369-70

performance, 361-83

ADO Recordset objects, 377

connection pooling, 362-68

data reader objects, 379

DataSet class, 381

measurement, 361-62

performance counters, 368-74

PerformanceCounter class, 374

CounterName property, 371

NextValue method, 374

PerformanceCounterCatagory class, 371

GetCategories method, 371

GetCounters method, 371

Pooling connection attribute, 365

presentation tiers, 24

primary keys, 200-201

auto-increment primary keys, 200-201

PrimaryKey property, ADO.NET DataTable class, 236

procedural languages, 40

providers, ADO.NET (see also 63

pseudocode, 39-40

Beginning ASP. NET 2.0 and Databases
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 and Databases (Wrox Beginning Guides)
ISBN: 0471781347
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 263

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