
 < Day Day Up > 


CAP (Client Access Points), 8, 120-24

assigning role of, 119-24

automatic assignment of, 114

defined, 120

directory structure of, 122

folder and share permissions for NTFS, 660

Inbox Manager and Inbox Manager Assistant, 122-23

processing software inventory, 357

removing from site server, 122

role in packaging distribution, 439, 440

Capinst.exe file

command-line options, 315

setting up logon script with, 314-15

\CAP_sitecode directory, 76

Capture Filter dialog box, 265

Capture Filter SAPs And ETYPES dialog box, 265-66

Capture Trigger dialog box, 267

capturing data

capture triggers, 267-68

capturing network traffic, 263-66

Network Monitor capture window, 264, 268

viewing data, 268-71

CCIM32, 324, 326

CCM (Client Configuration Manager) Boot Loader, 668

Ccmclean.exe file, 330

Ccmexec.exe (SMS Agent Host), 131, 499

Ccmsetup.exe file

Advanced Client setup with, 309, 316-17

installing distributed software with, 318

CD installations

primary sites, 45-46

secondary sites, 150-56

central sites, 12, 13, 142, 143


highlight feature for System Monitor, 251

static chart from log file, 256

system monitor, 248-53

checkpoints. See also troubleshooting

Active Directory discovery methods, 300

checkpoint restart, 124

Heartbeat Discovery, 297

Network Discovery, 295

Windows User Account and User Group Discovery, 284-85

child sites. See also parent sites; site hierarchies

Collection Evaluator role for, 431

defined, 12, 141

defining distribution points to packages at, 449-54

distributing packages to, 444

functions of, 143

identifying site's parent, 171-73

locking collections to site administrator, 433-34

parent-child communications with SMS Site Address account, 667

removing phantom, 715-16

restoring, 729, 730

security for, 153

setting options for, 100-101

synchronizing collections with primary site, 434

upgrades not automatic for, 156

Choose Whether To Delete This Collection page (Delete Collection Wizard), 429

Cidm.log file, 395-96

CIM (Common Information Model) repository, 340

class qualifiers in SMS_def.mof file, 352

class security, 672

class security rights

defined, 102

modifying object class permissions, 676-78


assigning permissions to users, 680-83

attribute, 626-27

class qualifiers listed in SMS_def.mof file, 352

resource, 411

.CLF files, 431

Client Access Point tab (Site System Properties dialog box), 121

Client Access Points. See CAP (Client Access Points)

client agents

Advertised Programs Client Agent, 308, 439, 483-94

Hardware Inventory Client Agent, 14-15, 308, 335, 341, 346-47

Remote Tools Client Agent, 308, 369-82, 401-2

Software Inventory Client Agent, 15, 19, 308, 356, 362-64

Software Metering Client Agent, 308, 605-7

types of, 308

client component status indicators, 325

Client Configuration Manager (CCM) Boot Loader, 668

Client Installation Options page (Client Push Installation Wizard), 312-13

Client.msi file, 309

client offer (.OFR) file, 339

Client Push Installation method, 308-13

about, 308-9

client types for, 307

configuring, 309-11

wizard for, 311-13

Client Push Installation Properties dialog box, 309-11

Client Push Installation Wizard, 311-13

Client Installation Options page, 312-13

completing, 313

Installation Options page, 312

Welcome screen, 312

Client User Token account, 470-71, 669-70

clients. See also Advanced Client; Legacy Client; remote control; site assignments

Active Directory group policy installation method, 318

advertised program process flow, 496-98

Advertised Programs Client Agent configuration, 483-86

assigning programs to run on, 476

behavior when site server fails, 718

changes during SMS installation, 319-22

client component status indicators, 325

Client Push Installation method, 308-13

client-specific accounts, 668-70

computer imaging installation method, 319

configuring, 319-29

defining package access accounts, 446-49

determining platforms supported after migration, 757

discovering client computers, 277

enabling features as sitewide setting, 179

finding installed Hardware Inventory Client Agents on, 346-47

finding resource ID for, 364

hardware inventory frequency for, 340-41

installation methods for SMS, 307-8

language versions for, 180-81

Legacy and Advanced, 6-7

location and number of, 180

Logon Script Initiated installation method, 307, 314-15

manual installation of, 315-17

modifications in SMS 2003, 24

planning environment for, 31-32

postponing packages to, 547-48

protocol considerations for remote control, 382-83

rebooting in remote session, 391-92

reconnecting with distribution points, 457

Remote Chat sessions with, 392

Remote Control window for Windows XP, 389

removing site server client software, 78-79

removing SMS from, 329-31

requirements for Remote Tools, 370

running advertised programs on, 486-94

running remote diagnostic tools for Windows, 384-87

selecting multiple computers in a collection, 477

setting remote control options from, 380-82

setting roaming boundaries, 305-6

site assignment for, 87-88

sitewide settings for, 178-79

software distribution to, 484

software inventory on, 357-58, 362-63

software metering for, 606-7

specifying notification for Remote Tools sessions, 375

status messages for, 236-38

support discontinued for alpha-based, 24

synchronizing SQL Server, 751

synchronizing system time, 496

timing on CCIM32 updates, 324

troubleshooting installation for, 331-32

upgrading SMS 2.0 to Legacy or Advanced Clients, 774

video acceleration for Remote Tools, 377

Cli_xxxx.ofr file, 339

clock synchronization, 41-42, 751-52

Clone SMS User dialog box, 683

clustered servers, 45

CMOS Information diagnostic tool, 387

Collection Evaluator

setting schedule for updates, 414

status messages generated by, 432-33

update process flow, 430-31

Collection Limiting page (Create Direct Membership Rule Wizard), 412

Collection Membership Rules page (Delete Collection Wizard), 428

Collection Properties dialog box

General tab, 410

Membership Rules tab, 414, 418

collections, 405-35. See also inventory collection

access required to run queries on, 631

added by Update Inventory Tools, 534

advertisements effected by deleting, 425, 427

advertising to subcollections, 475

automating, 407-8

cautions using Delete Special option for, 425

Collection Evaluator update process flow, 430-31

defined, 405-6

deleting, 424-30

designating update intervals, 414

details on query rules affected by deleting, 428

direct membership, 407, 410-15

as discovered resources, 405

distributing software to, 472-78

enabling updating for query-based, 419, 434

global groups vs., 406

limiting queries to, 630-31

listing collection, 415

listing queries affected by deleting, 425, 428

locked, 433-34

membership rules, 407

predefined, 408-9

query-based, 415-19

refreshing Administrator Console view of, 435

removing limitations from, 538

site hierarchy and, 433-34

status messages for, 432-33

subcollections, 406, 419-21

synchronizing, 434

troubleshooting, 434-35

unlinking subcollections, 421-22

updating, 423-24

Colleval.log file, 432-33

Columns tab (Status Viewer Options dialog box), 207-8

command line path for package programs, 454-55

command-line options

Capinst.exe file, 315

Preinst.exe, 714-16

for SMS installation, 46-47

Smsman.exe file, 316


database maintenance, 741-42

DBCC, 741-43, 759

executing maintenance commands from SQL Server, 742-43

Compatible Video Drivers list, 377

compiling installation scripts, 563-64, 596-97

Completing page

Advertised Programs Wizard, 490

Client Push Installation Wizard, 313

Create Direct Membership Rule Wizard, 413

Create Package From Definition Wizard, 462

Delete Collection Wizard, 430

Distribute Software To Collection Wizard, 477

SMS Setup Wizard, 59-60, 72

Component Poller dialog box, 260-61

component server, 133

Component Status Summarizer, 215-18

error status message default settings, 218

Hierarchy Manager default settings, 217

warning status message default settings, 217

Component Status Summarizer Properties dialog box, 215-16

Component Status window (Administrator Console), 200-203

components, 6-15. See also Component Status Summarizer and specific components

accessing settings for site objects, 103

adding to site installation, 67-72

Administrator Console, 9-11

client modifications made with SMS installation, 320

database, 737-39

enhancements, 22

features installed during setup, 49-50

installed on SMS client, 6-7, 325

involved with sender process flow, 184-86

management point component configuration, 131-32

monitoring status of, 239-40

site hierarchy, 11, 12-13

site servers, 7-8

site system, 8-9

sites, 7

sitewide settings for client, 178-79

SQL Server, 734

starting, 705

stopping, 240, 705, 744

viewing messages for specific, 201-3

Components tab (System Management Properties dialog box), 325-28

computer imaging installation method, 319

Concurrent SMS Administrator Consoles page (SMS Setup Wizard), 59, 64

Configure Expert dialog box, 272

configuring site servers and site systems, 87-138. See also Site Control Manager; site servers; site systems

accessing component settings for site objects, 103

Advanced Client boundary configuration, 98-100

assigning site system roles, 118-20

CAP, 120-24

component server, 133

configuring site boundaries, 88-89, 92-93, 304-6

defining site system roles, 113-37

displaying site properties, 90-91

distribution points, 124-29

management points, 129-33

modifying SMS Service account, 93-98

monitoring Site Control Manager process, 107-13

overview, 87

reporting points, 133-35

server locator points, 135-37

setting options for child sites, 100-101

site boundaries and subnet masks, 88-90

site configuration process flow, 103-7

site system connection accounts, 115-17

site system roles that can be assigned, 113-14

SQL Server account modifications, 93, 98

Connect To SQL Server dialog box, 742

connection accounts

client, 117, 670, 712

configuring, 115-17

need for additional, 138

SMS Server, 667-68

SMS Service Account as, 162

unnecessary with advanced security, 116


configuring for SQL Server, 750-51

selecting parent site, 154-55

using Remote Tools over RAS, 383

context menu for Status Message Viewer entries, 206

Control Panel

changes with SMS installation on client, 321-22

Remote Control program, 380

running Software Inventory Client Agent through SMS in, 36

Control Parameters dialog box, 390

Copy Package page (New Distribution Points Wizard), 450


existing reports, 646-47

user rights, 682-83

counters. See also object counters

SMS-specific System Monitor, 256-57

table of System Monitor, 251-52

Courier Sender, 191-93

changing parcel status, 193

creating address to target site, 191

creating outgoing parcels, 192-93

default creation of, 186

launching Courier Sender Manager, 193

shortcut added for, 73

Courier Sender Address Properties dialog box, 191

Courier Sender Manager, 193

Cqmgr32. log file, 344

Create Direct Membership Rule Wizard, 410-15

completing, 413

limiting collections, 412

searching for resources, 411

selecting resources, 413

Welcome page, 411

Create Package From Definition Wizard

completing, 462

defining packages, 461

managing source files, 461

setting source directory location, 462

Create Secondary Site Wizard

addresses from parent to new site, 148-49

choosing SMS security mode, 147

creating unique site identity, 145

designating site server, 146

new address for contacting parent site, 149-50

new address to secondary site, 149

specifying location of installation source files, 146-47

starting, 144

Creation Of The SMS Site Database page (SMS Setup Wizard), 62


criterion types for queries, 627-28

defining query, 416-17, 633-35

Criteria tab (Query Statement Properties dialog box), 232, 416-17

Criterion Properties dialog box, 233, 417, 633, 639

Crystal Reports. See also Report Viewer; reports

unsupported in SMS, 23, 640

custom Administrator Console, 684-92

creating, 686-91

distributing, 691-92

limiting access in, 690

security and, 684-86

selecting console tree entries, 689-90

setting up standalone snap-in, 687

Custom Setup

choosing Remote Tools option, 371

components installed during setup, 49-50

Heartbeat Discovery enabled during, 279

installation options in SMS Setup Wizard, 60-66

scope of, 49

setup option defaults for, 49

customized reports, 642-43

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 Administrator's Companion
Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 Administrators Companion (Pro-Administrators Companion)
ISBN: 0735618887
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 178 © 2008-2017.
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