
 < Day Day Up > 


SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol), 11–12


ensuring full-sized segments, 130–131

Maximum Segment Size (MSS), 90, 92–93,130–131

select function

advantages and disadvantages of, 136–137

described, 60–65

Perl TCP server, 232–233

Python TCP server, 209–210

Ruby TCP server, 254–256

Tcl implementation, 271–272

Sending data

optimizing buffer sizes, 131–133

optimizing, 135–136

send function, 38, 52–55

sendto function, 38, 52–55

socket buffer size, 68, 81, 86–87

Sequenced stream sockets, 39–40


accept function, 38, 45–47

binding addresses, 42–43

broadcast datagram server/client

C language, 302–304

design, 280–281

Perl, 374–375

Python, 352–353

Ruby, 396–397

client/server symmetry, 32–33

connect function, 38, 47–49

datagram server/client

C language, 294–296

design, 279–280

Java, 320–323

Perl, 347–348

Python, 347–348

Ruby, 391–392

getservbyname function, 60, 75–77

getservbyport function, 60, 77–78

listen function, 38, 44–45

multicast server/client

C language, 298–300

design, 281–282

Java, 325–327

Perl, 372–373

Python, 349–350

Ruby, 393–394

Tcl, 415–417

Sockets programming example (server.c), 27–30

static ports, 6

stream server in Java, 316–318

stream server/client

C language, 290–293

design, 278–279

Perl, 366–368

Python, 344–346

Ruby, 388–390

Tcl, 410–412

writing for multihomed nodes, 109–113

ServerSocket class (Java), 180


Perl methods for information, 232

Python methods for information, 209

Ruby methods for information, 254

Tcl methods for information, 271

sethostname function, 60, 69–70

setsockopt function, 60, 67–68, 80–81.  see also Socket options

shutdown function, 60, 68–69

SIGURG signal, 105

SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol)


C language, 310–314

design, 285–287

Java, 336–341

Perl, 382–386

Python, 360–364

Ruby, 403–408

Tcl, 424–427

Net::SMTP Perl module, 234–235

Net::SMTP Ruby class, 256–257

Python smtplib module, 211

resources, 288

sockatmark function, 105

Socket addresses

C language, 163–194

Java, 182–183

Perl, 220–221

Python, 200

Ruby, 245–246

Tcl, 266

Socket class, 179–180, 241

Socket options

C language, 169–170

getsockopt function, 60, 67–68, 80–81

IPPROTO_IP options, 67–68, 80, 93–101

IPPROTO_TCP options, 67–68, 80, 90–93

Java, 189–190

Perl, 229–231

Python, 205–208

Ruby, 252–253

setsockopt function, 60, 67–68, 80–81

SO_BROADCAST option, 81–82

SO_DEBUG option, 81, 82–83

SO_DONTROUTE option, 81, 83

SO_ERROR option, 81, 83–84

SO_KEEPALIVE option, 81, 85–86

SO_LINGER option, 81, 84–85

SO_RCVBUF option, 81, 86–87, 131–133

SO_RCVLOWAT option, 81, 87

SO_RCVTIMEO option, 81, 88

SO_REUSEADDR option, 81, 89–90

SO_SNDBUF option, 81, 86–87, 131–133

SO_SNDLOWAT option, 81, 87–88

SO_SNDTIMEO option, 81, 88

SO_TYPE option, 81

SOL_SOCKET options, 67–68, 80–90

Tcl, 269–270


blocking and nonblocking, 106, 146

creating and destroying

C language, 162

Java, 181–182

Perl, 218–220

Python, 199–200

Ruby, 243–245

Tcl, 263–266

described, 26

functions, list of, 38, 60.  see also specific functions

multiple, 137

separating control and data connections, 138

socket function, 38, 39–40

Sockets I/O

C language, 166–169

Java, 186–189

Perl, 225–229

Python, 203–205

Ruby, 249–252

Tcl, 267–269

Sockets programming, 26–30.  see also Code patterns

SocketServer module (Python), 212–213

Software license, 430–431


callbacks, 138–139

configuration, 141

TCP/IP stack selection, 140–141

zero-copy buffer functions, 139

Static ports, 6

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), 11–12

Stream sockets

described, 39–40

Java, 186–188

Perl, 225–228

Python, 203–204

Ruby, 250–251

Tcl, 267–269


stream client design, 278–279

stream mode, 13

stream server design, 278–279

stream server/client

C language, 290–294

Java, 316–320

Perl, 366–369

Python, 344–347

Ruby, 388–391

Tcl, 410–413

String arrays, 153

Subnetting, 17

Swapping byte order, 34

System requirements, 429

 < Day Day Up > 

BSD Sockets Programming from a Multi-Language Perspective
Network Programming for Microsoft Windows , Second Edition (Microsoft Programming Series)
ISBN: 1584502681
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 225
Authors: Jim Ohlund © 2008-2017.
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