
Microsoft SharePoint technology, known as SharePoint Team Services, is a collection of products and services which provide the ability for people to engage in communication, document and file sharing, calendar events, sending alerts, tasks planning, and collaborative discussions in a single community solution. SharePoint enables companies to develop an intelligent application which connects their employees , teams , and information so that users can be part of a Knowledge Community.

Before you can use SharePoint Team Services, SharePoint needs to be set up and configured on a Windows 2003 Server by your network administrator or Internet service provider.

In Access, you can use the Import and Export commands to exchange data from lists or views in Windows SharePoint Services. When you import or export data to Windows SharePoint Services, the Windows SharePoint Services Wizard steps you through the process to access the SharePoint server and convert the data list between the two programs.

Show Me Microsoft Office Access 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Access 2003
ISBN: 0789730049
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 318 © 2008-2017.
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