JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service)

advantages of,373–375

definition of,372–373

integration with Acegi Security,373

when to use,375

Jakarta Apache Cactus tool,106,421

Jakarta Commons Attributes,238–241

Jakarta Commons FileUpload package,478

Jakarta POI,516

JARs,list of,36

Jasper Reports,integration with,21


evolution of,Spring Framework and,31

when to use,582–583

Java 5.0 annotations,241–242

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)

advantages of,373–375

definition of,372–373

integration with Acegi Security,373

when to use,375

Java Data Objects (JDO)

DAO (Data Access Object) interface,289–291

DAO support class for,173

definition of,255,256,288–289,298–299

exception translations,297

integration with,19

isolation level,applying,297

JDBC connection,access to,297

object query language used by,257

Open PersistenceManager in View pattern,295–297

persistent object lifecycle,289,294–295

resource management for,16

Spring setup for,291–293

transaction management,293–294

transaction timeout,applying,297


unchecked exceptions and,16

when to use,298–299

Java Message Service (JMS)

accessing with a template,338–340

ConnectionFactory interface for,340

definition of,6,335–337,580

destination management for,342–343

exception handling,340

future support for,345

Gateway pattern and,343–345

message converters for,340–342

message publication,35

QOS (quality of service) parameters,339

standard usage compared to Spring support,337

synchronous receiving with,339

transaction management,343

Java Objects (POJOs)

AOP and,11,14,578

application objects as,7

business service objects as,27,585


persistence specification,599


remoting and,35

Spring Framework support for,3,4,5,37,577


transaction management and,12,34,219,225

Java Properties format,for container definitions,108–109

Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL),489,494,497

Java Transaction API (JTA)

definition of,220

resource management for,16,17

simplified use of,5

synchronization using,278–280

transaction manager for,249–251

when to use,224–225

Java Transaction Processing: Design and Implementation (Little,Maron,Pavlik),217

Java Transaction Service (JTS) specification,220–222


JavaMail API,354

JavaServer Faces (JSF) web framework


data binding,528

definition of,525

features of,528,529,531,533

integration with,20,547–548


presentation layer,529

JavaServer Pages (JSPs)

configuring application for,497

constructing view using,489

creating forms using custom tags,497–505

definition of,496–497

JAX-RPC,Web Services using

accessing a service,326–328

custom application objects,330–332

definition of,324–325

exporting a service,328–330

support classes for,325

when to use,325,333

JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean class,325,327

JaxRpcServicePostProcessor interface,330

JBoss 3.x server,transaction manager for,249

JbossIntegrationFilter module,Acegi,383

JCA connector,Hibernate,275–276


advantages of,175

connection management,174

cross database escape syntax,175

DAO support class for,172

direct use of,173–175

example of,67–69

exception handling,174

resource lookup,175

resource management for,16,17

SQL and,175

vendor implementations of,175

when to use,215

JDBC framework

advantages of,175–176

batch updates,208–209

data access layer using,177–182

database querying with JdbcTemplate class,183–189,204–206,214

database querying with RDBMS operation classes,189–194,206–209

definition of,5,171,579

example of,176–177

exception handling,175–176,180–182

exception translations,201–203

key generation,194–196

performance of,214

running in application server,199–201

stored procedures,196–199,210–214

versions of,215

when to use,215,584

JDBC RowSet Implementations tutorial,189

JdbcDaoSupport class,172

JdbcExtractor class,JDBC,200,208

JdbcTemplate class,JDBC

batch updates,209

callback methods,183–184

convenience methods,184–185

example of,176–177

LOB access using,204–206

performance of,214

prepared statements using,187–188

queries using,185–186

updates using,186

JDK proxy,determining whether proxy is,145

JdkDynamicAopProxy interface,158

JDO (Java Data Objects)

DAO (Data Access Object) interface,289–291

DAO support class for,173

definition of,255,256,288–289,298–299

exception translations,297

integration with,19

isolation level,applying,297

JDBC connection,access to,297

object query language used by,257

Open PersistenceManager in View pattern,295–297

persistent object lifecycle,289,294–295

resource management for,16

Spring setup for,291–293

transaction management,293–294

transaction timeout,applying,297


unchecked exceptions and,16

when to use,298–299

JdoCallback class,291

JdoDaoSupport class,173

JdoDialect interface,297–298

JdoInterceptor class,294

JDOQL (JDO Query Language),288

JdoTemplate class,290–291

JdoTransactionManager class

definition of,225,226,227,246–247

when to use,293–294


evolution of,Spring Framework and,29–31

integration with Spring,580

Spring Framework and,38

traditional applications of,disadvantages of,1–3

versions of,215

J2EE Design and Development  (Johnson),428

J2EE Development without EJB (Johnson,Hoeller),169,398,491,597


jMock library,106

JMS (Java Message Service)

accessing with a template,338–340

ConnectionFactory interface for,340

definition of,6,335–337,580

destination management for,342–343

exception handling,340

future support for,345

Gateway pattern and,343–345

message converters for,340–342

message publication,35

QOS (quality of service) parameters,339

standard usage compared to Spring support,337

synchronous receiving with,339

transaction management,343

JMSException class,JMS,340

JmsException class,Spring,340

JmsGatewaySupport class,343–345

JmsTemplate class,338–340

JmsTransactionManager class,225,226,227,343

JMX support,6,35,580


data source declaration for transactions,253

resource management for,16,17

simplified use of,5,34–35

JndiDestinationResolver class,343

JndiObjectFactoryBean class,70,342,356,400–402

JndiRmiProxyFactoryBean class,323–324

JndiRmiServiceExporter class,324

Job interface,349

job,Quartz scheduler,349–351

JobDataMap class,351

JobDetail class,351

JobDetailBean class,351

Johnson,Ralph (Design Patterns),597


AOP alliance founder,120

coined Dependency Injection,8

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development, 597

J2EE Design and Development, 428

J2EE Development without EJB, 169, 398, 491, 597

Spring Framework developer,32–33

join point,AOP

definition of,118

set of (pointcuts),125–131

JOnAS/JOTM server,transaction manager for,249

jPetStore sample application

definition of,598

iBATIS SQL Maps and,261

lightweight remoting and,307

Tapestry and,543

transactions and,592

J2SE dynamic proxies,12,158

JSF web framework


data binding,528

definition of,525

features of,528,529,531,533

integration with,20,547–548


presentation layer,529


JSPs (JavaServer Pages)

configuring application for,497

constructing view using,489

creating forms using custom tags,497–505

definition of,496–497

JSR-220 persistence,30–31,302

JSTL (Java Standard Tag Library),489,494,497

JstlView class,451,497

JTA (Java Transaction API)

definition of,220

resource management for,16,17

simplified use of,5

synchronization using,278–280

transaction manager for,249–251

when to use,224–225

JtaTransactionManager class

definition of,226–227,249–251

Hibernate and,278

JMS and,343

when to use,224,230,266,276,277,293,294

JTS (Java Transaction Service) specification,220–222

JUnit Recipes  (Rainsberger),110

JUnit tests

DAO and,24

guidelines for,593–594

integration testing and,421–422

mock objects for,36

security and,381,391–395


web applications and,485

jWebUnit tool,485

Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework
Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework
ISBN: 0764574833
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 188

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