Platform SDK Support for Tablet Input

Platform SDK Support for Tablet Input

There are two key classes in the Tablet PC managed API that facilitate tablet input the InkCollector class and the InkOverlay class. You may also recall that the Tablet PC Platform SDK provides some controls that perform tablet input as well; they will be the subject of Chapter 8. For the time being, we ll focus on tablet input at the class level.

Getting Ink from a Tablet

Real-time inking is arguably the most desirable functionality in a Tablet PC application. After all, that s one of the key differentiators between a Tablet PC and a traditional PC, and it turns out to be one of the most nontrivial to implement. The designers of the Tablet PC Platform realize this, and they have turned a non-trivial task into a trivial one by packaging real-time inking functionality into the InkCollector and InkOverlay classes.

Say Hello to the InkCollector

We ll start off by looking at InkCollector a class whose primary purpose is to provide real-time ink input to an application. InkCollector objects use a Windows Forms based window as an ink canvas a rectangular region in which pen input will be captured. This window is commonly referred to as the InkCollector s host window.

The InkCollector class can provide an application with useful events such as system gesture detection and ink gesture recognition if desired. It also remembers the ink that the user has drawn, so repaints of the host window preserve any ink that was previously drawn. The bonus here is that the InkCollector class is extremely easy to use, as you ll see in this first sample application.

Recall that only Windows XP Tablet PC Edition ships out of the box with ink recognition capability.

Sample Application: HelloInkCollector

Let s dive right into learning about using InkCollector by looking at some code. This sample shows the most straightforward use of the InkCollector class in an application: a form is created and an InkCollector instance is attached to the window. Digital ink can then be drawn on the form, as shown in Figure 4-5, using the tablet hardware installed in the system, including the mouse.

figure 4-5 greetings from the helloinkcollector sample application

Figure 4-5. Greetings from the HelloInkCollector sample application

Perhaps what s most surprising about the HelloInkCollector application is that the key functionality is only two lines of code! Check it out:


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HelloInkCollector.cs // // (c) 2002 Microsoft Press // by Rob Jarrett // // This program demonstrates the simplest usage of the InkCollector // class. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Ink; public class frmMain : Form { private InkCollector inkCollector; // Entry point of the program [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run(new frmMain()); } public frmMain() { // Set up the form which will be the host window for an // InkCollector instance ClientSize = new Size(400, 250); Text = "HelloInkCollector"; // Create a new InkCollector, using the form for the host // window inkCollector = new InkCollector(Handle); // We're now set to go, so turn on ink collection inkCollector.Enabled = true; } }

You ll notice how the Visual Studio .NET forms designer was not used to create the user interface for the application this was done purposefully. All the sample applications are like this, for two reasons: it simplifies things for those who wish to manually type in the code, and it keeps the code succinct (hopefully) in its meaning.

After creating a form, the HelloInkCollector application includes the form s handle property in the InkCollector constructor this tells InkCollector we want the form to be the host window:

// Create a new InkCollector, using the form for the host // window inkCollector = new InkCollector(Handle);

Once the InkCollector object has been created, inking functionality can be activated by setting the Enabled property to true.

// We're now set to go, so turn on ink collection inkCollector.Enabled = true;

At this point, the user is free to ink on the form using any installed tablet device. When the form is invalidated the ink will repaint automatically, and if you try to draw ink off the edge of the form, the ink will be clipped to the form s boundaries. Not bad for a couple of lines of code!

The HelloInkCollector sample uses an entire form s client area for the ink canvas. If a smaller area in the form is desired, there are three ways to accomplish this: the first method is to use a child window on the form as the host window (which is what the rest of the samples in this chapter do), the second method is to specify to InkCollector an input rectangle within the host window via the SetWindowInput Rectangle API, and the third is to set the InkCollector s Margin X and Margin Y properties.

Now that we have a basic application that provides inking functionality up and running, let s see how easy it is to get some editing functionality running.

When Ink Is Not Enough

The InkCollector class is great at providing real-time ink, but oftentimes you ll want to give your users the ability to select, manipulate, and erase the ink they ve drawn. InkCollector doesn t have any support for this, but it s definitely possible to augment InkCollector and write all that functionality yourself. However, that would be a rather time-consuming task, and quite a wasteful one especially if only standard ink interaction behavior was desired! Tablet PC developers everywhere would be reinventing the wheel, which isn t exactly an indicator of a great software platform. Fortunately, the Tablet PC Platform SDK provides a class named InkOverlay that implements common ink-interaction behaviors it supports selecting, moving, resizing, and erasing ink, as well as all the real-time inking capability that InkCollector has.

InkOverlay is a proper superset of the InkCollector an instance of InkCollector can be replaced by an instance of InkOverlay and it will always function identically.

The Ink Controls: InkPicture and InkEdit

In addition to the InkCollector and InkOverlay classes, the Tablet PC Platform provides two controls that are capable of accepting input: InkPicture and InkEdit. They are both Windows Forms controls and are designed to make forms-based ink capture easier. We ll discuss them in detail in Chapter 8.

InkOverlay has a property named EditingMode that indicates the input behavior (or input mode) that should be currently active. The property is of the type InkOverlayEditingMode. Table 4-3 lists its members and the resulting behaviors.

Table 4-3. The Members of InkOverlayEditingMode and Their Meanings


Editing Behavior


Real-time inking mode ink is drawn wherever the pen touches in the input area. InkOverlay will act just like InkCollector.


Selection mode tapping or lassoing ink selects it, and tapping on white space dismisses the selection. The selection can be moved or resized.


Eraser mode ink is erased whenever encountered by the pen. The erase granularity is either at the stroke level or the point level, determined by InkOverlay s EraseMode property.

Sample Application: HelloInkOverlay

Demonstrating most of the extra functionality that InkOverlay has over Ink Collector is quite easy. This next sample application is similar to HelloInkCollector except it uses a panel control as the host window, adds a ComboBox to change the EditingMode, and adds a push button to change ink color. You could also use a panel as the host window and include the ability to change ink color in HelloInkCollector because inking functionality is identical between InkCollector and InkOverlay. For the first sample to be as brief as possible we opted not to include them. Figure 4-6 shows what HelloInkOverlay looks like in action.

figure 4-6 the inkoverlay class provides everything inkcollector does and also has selection and erasing abilities.

Figure 4-6. The InkOverlay class provides everything InkCollector does and also has selection and erasing abilities.


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HelloInkOverlay.cs // // (c) 2002 Microsoft Press // by Rob Jarrett // // This program demonstrates basic usage of the InkOverlay class. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Ink; public class frmMain : Form { private Panel pnlInput; private Button btnColor; private ComboBox cbxEditMode; private InkOverlay inkOverlay; // Entry point of the program [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run(new frmMain()); } // Main form setup public frmMain() { SuspendLayout(); // Create and place all of our controls pnlInput = new Panel(); pnlInput.BackColor = Color.White; pnlInput.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; pnlInput.Location = new Point(8, 8); pnlInput.Size = new Size(352, 192); btnColor = new Button(); btnColor.Location = new Point(8, 204); btnColor.Size = new Size(60, 20); btnColor.Text = "Color"; btnColor.Click += new System.EventHandler(btnColor_Click); cbxEditMode = new ComboBox(); cbxEditMode.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cbxEditMode.Location = new Point(76, 204); cbxEditMode.Size = new Size(72, 20); cbxEditMode.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(cbxEditMode_SelIndexChg); // Configure the form itself ClientSize = new Size(368, 236); Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { pnlInput, btnColor, cbxEditMode}); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; MaximizeBox = false; Text = "HelloInkOverlay"; ResumeLayout(false); // Fill up the editing mode combobox foreach (InkOverlayEditingMode m in InkOverlayEditingMode.GetValues( typeof(InkOverlayEditingMode))) { cbxEditMode.Items.Add(m); } // Create a new InkOverlay, using pnlInput for the // collection area inkOverlay = new InkOverlay(pnlInput.Handle); // Set eraser mode to be point-level rather than stroke-level //inkOverlay.EraserMode = InkOverlayEraserMode.PointErase; //inkOverlay.EraserWidth = 200; // Select the current editing mode in the combobox cbxEditMode.SelectedItem = inkOverlay.EditingMode; // We're now set to go, so turn on tablet input inkOverlay.Enabled = true; } // Handle the click of the color button private void btnColor_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create and display the common color dialog, using the // current ink color as its initial selection ColorDialog dlgColor = new ColorDialog(); dlgColor.Color = inkOverlay.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color; if (dlgColor.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { // Set the current ink color to the selection chosen in // the dialog inkOverlay.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color = dlgColor.Color; } } // Handle the selection change of the editing mode combobox private void cbxEditMode_SelIndexChg(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Set the current editing mode to the selection chosen // in the combobox inkOverlay.EditingMode = (InkOverlayEditingMode)cbxEditMode.SelectedItem; } }

That s a fair bit longer of a listing than HelloInkCollector, isn t it? There isn t much more Tablet Input API usage, though you ll notice that most of the extra code deals with the child controls on the form. Let s take a closer look at the interesting parts of the sample.

After creating the child controls, placing them on the form, and filling up the ComboBox using C# s awesome reflective abilities, an InkOverlay object is created, specifying the panel control as the host window:

// Create a new InkOverlay, using pnlInput for the // collection area inkOverlay = new InkOverlay(pnlInput.Handle);

That s a bit different from using the entire form as the host window, but InkCollector and InkOverlay can handle this situation nicely (pardon the pun). Ink will be clipped to the edge of the control, and the user won t be able to start inking outside the control s boundaries. By using the 3-D border effect and white background on the panel control we get a nice visual representation of where the user can and cannot ink.

Next the selection in the ComboBox is updated using the EditingMode property of InkOverlay, and then tablet input is enabled.

 // Select the current editing mode in the combobox cbxEditMode.SelectedItem = inkOverlay.EditingMode; // We're now set to go, so turn on tablet input inkOverlay.Enabled = true;

This code snippet changes the color of the ink using the common color dialog:

 // Handle the click of the color button private void btnColor_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create and display the common color dialog, using the // current ink color as its initial selection ColorDialog dlgColor = new ColorDialog(); dlgColor.Color = inkOverlay.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color; if (dlgColor.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { // Set the current ink color to the selection chosen in // the dialog inkOverlay.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color = dlgColor.Color; } }

InkCollector and InkOverlay objects keep a set of ink rendering properties around named default drawing attributes. These are characteristics such as color, thickness, and pen tip style that are encapsulated by a class named Drawing Attributes. InkCollector uses a property of type DrawingAttributes to maintain the default drawing attributes, named DefaultDrawingAttributes.

Subsequent strokes created in the InkCollector will take on the new color set from the dialog. More detailed coverage of drawing attributes and ink rendering will be covered in the next chapter.

Lastly, when the EditingMode ComboBox selection is changed, the editing mode of the InkOverlay instance is updated.

// Handle the selection change of the editing mode combobox private void cbxEditMode_SelIndexChg(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Set the current editing mode to the selection chosen // in the combobox inkOverlay.EditingMode = (InkOverlayEditingMode)cbxEditMode.SelectedItem; }

When you run the HelloInkOverlay application, it will quickly become apparent just how much functionality InkOverlay has. You can draw ink, select the ink, move it, resize it, and erase it all from a small program.

Changing the Eraser Mode

The Delete mode can be either stroke-based or point-based, referring to the granularity of ink that is removed when the stroke is touched. Stroke-based erasure will delete the entire stroke when it s hit, and point-based erasure chops out ink from a stroke when it s hit (much like a real eraser does). The property EraserMode in the InkOverlay class indicates which form of erasing should be performed. It is of type InkOverlayEraserMode, which is an enumeration with two members: StrokeErase and PointErase. The default value of the EraserMode property is InkOverlayEraserMode.StrokeErase. Point-based erase has an eraser size essentially the amount of ink to erase from within a stroke that is specified by the EraserWidth property on an InkOverlay object.

Try uncommenting the code just after the InkOverlay object is created to play around with the point-level erase functionality:

// Create a new InkOverlay, using pnlInput for the // collection area inkOverlay = new InkOverlay(pnlInput.Handle); // Set eraser mode to be point-level rather than stroke-level inkOverlay.EraserMode = InkOverlayEraserMode.PointErase; inkOverlay.EraserWidth = 200;

The eraser width is specified in 100ths of a millimeter, otherwise known as HIMETRIC units the coordinate measurement used for all ink in the Tablet PC Platform.

The InkControl Class in the BuildingTabletApps Library

Included on the CD-ROM of this book is the BuildingTabletApps library, containing numerous helper classes and functions you are free to leverage in your own applications. The functionality of HelloInkOverlay is encapsulated in the InkControl class, used in upcoming chapters sample applications to provide a quick and dirty editing UI, avoiding the replication of HelloInkOverlay s code in every case.

InkOverlay s Attach Mode

Another advantage the InkOverlay class has over InkCollector is the ability to attach to the host window in two ways. By default, InkCollector and InkOverlay objects will use the actual host window as the canvas to collect and draw ink on. Depending on the behavior of the host window, though, it is possible for redraw problems to occur.

For example, a host window might draw on itself when an event other than paint occurs, which could result in ink being obscured until the next paint event occurs. Another example is if a control is specified as the host window when the host window belongs to another process (perhaps an OCX is used that is implemented in a separate .exe). In this case, ink collection will fail because the InkCollector and InkOverlay require the host window to belong to the same process as they do.

To solve these problems, the InkOverlay class can use a window of its own to collect and render ink. Setting the AttachMode property of an InkOverlay to InkOverlayAttachMode.InFront results in a transparent window being used instead of the host window. The default value of the AttachMode property is InkOverlayAttachMode.Behind, the other value in the InkOverlayAttachMode enumeration.

The InkOverlay class is a great way for your application to get common ink behavior. However, it can t fully provide the ink experience that the Tablet PC can in an application like Windows Journal. A brief summary of the functionality that the InkOverlay class doesn t provide you is listed here:

  • Using the top-of-pen as an eraser

  • Press-and-hold (or right-click and right-drag) in ink mode to modelessly switch to select mode

  • An insert/remove space mode

  • Showing selection feedback in real time (for instance, as the lasso is being drawn, ink becomes selected or deselected immediately as it is enclosed or excluded by the lasso)

  • Using a scratchout gesture to delete strokes

Luckily, that s a pretty short list. And these deficiencies are addressed by sample applications in this book. The first two items are covered in this chapter; the next two are covered in the next chapter, and the last is covered in Chapter 7.

It s not really fair to do a full-out feature comparison of InkOverlay and Windows Journal because Journal was written as an end-to-end application. However, there is a quantifiable set of features that defines an inking experience, and it s that set that is being used to compare the two pieces of software.

If the InkOverlay class is a superset of InkCollector with commonly used functionality, you might ask why InkCollector even exists. That s a good question! The most reasonable answer we can come up with is this: InkCollector is useful if you want to customize tablet input behavior and when little or none of InkOverlay s functionality is desired that makes a cleaner basis to start from. Otherwise, you might as well always use InkOverlay and get its extra functionality for free.

Now that we ve seen the surface of tablet input functionality that the Tablet PC Platform provides, let s move on to studying tablet input events of InkCollector and InkOverlay. To keep things simple, we ll return to using InkCollector as the subject for tablet input capture; later on the extra events InkOverlay has will be discussed.

InkCollector Events

The default behavior of InkCollector and InkOverlay is cool but what if you wanted to extend or alter that behavior, or perform certain custom actions for your own application s needs? For example, you might want your application to

  • Be notified whenever an ink stroke is drawn so that the stroke can be serialized and sent over a network connection to another machine, perhaps as part of a collaborative whiteboard application.

  • Be notified when a press-and-hold system gesture occurs so that an object can be selected.

  • Prevent inking entirely but still receive raw tablet input events so that direct-manipulation editing operations can be performed.

    Applying the term raw to tablet input refers to the simplest form of events that occur when a pen interacts with a digitizer: hover, pen down, pen move, and pen up.

InkCollector and InkOverlay expose an extensive set of event notifications that can be used to trigger other functionality or alter default behavior. These events can be grouped into various categories of notifications to better understand their purpose.

Ink Stroke Events

This first class of events occurs as a result of digital ink being created. An ink stroke can cause either the Stroke event or Gesture event to fire when it s created by default, InkCollector and InkOverlay do not try to recognize strokes as gestures, so the Stroke event always is fired when a stroke is created. InkCollector and InkOverlay have a property named CollectionMode (of type CollectionMode) that indicates how gesture recognition should take place collect ink only and not recognize gestures (the default value of InkOnly), collect ink and recognize ink as gestures if possible (InkAndGesture), or recognize ink as gestures only (GestureOnly). The Stroke and Gesture events are shown in Table 4-4.

Table 4-4. Stroke and Gesture Events

Event Name

Event Arguments Class




An ink stroke was just created.



An ink stroke was just created and was recognized as a gesture.

When either the Stroke or Gesture event fires, the corresponding Event Args-based object has a property named Cancel that allows the ink stroke to be thrown away or added to the InkCollector or InkOverlay s Ink object. By default, the Stroke event has this property set to false (to mean always save the stroke unless code in the event handler says otherwise), as does the Gesture event (to mean always throw the stroke away and fire the stroke event unless code in the event handler says otherwise).

Pen Movement Events

The next category of events occurs as a result of discrete physical actions with the cursor. A cursor in the Tablet PC Platform sense simply refers to a pen or a mouse. Take a look at the pen movement events in Table 4-5. You can see how the names of these events map easily to their descriptions.

Table 4-5. The Pen Movement Events

Event Name

Event Arguments Class




The cursor has come within proximity of the digitizer device or hovered into the ink canvas s space.



An update of the cursor state when it is hovering.



A button on the cursor has been pressed.



The cursor tip has touched the surface of the digitizer.



An update of the cursor state when it is on the digitizer s surface.



A system gesture (pen-based action) has occurred.



A button on the cursor has been released.



The cursor has left the proximity of the digitizer or hovered out of the ink canvas s space.

The CursorInRange and CursorOutOfRange events indicate the cursor is coming in or out of physical range with the ink canvas area this can mean either horizontally (within the x and y plane) or vertically (if the tablet hardware supports this). The CursorDown, CursorButtonDown, and CursorButtonUp events refer to the cursor tip going down or pen buttons being pressed or released.

The NewPackets and NewInAirPackets events signal that the current cursor state has been updated. They will be further discussed later in this chapter.

The SystemGesture event is one of the most useful events in this list because it refers to the fact that a system gesture (referred to as a pen-based action earlier in the chapter) has been recognized. The InkCollectorSystemGestureEventArgs object given to the event handler specifies which system gesture was recognized through its Id property a value in the SystemGesture enumeration. System gestures are useful when implementing your own editing behaviors.

Members of the SystemGesture enumeration include Tap, Drag, RightTap, RightDrag, and DoubleTap.

Mouse Trigger Events

Mouse events are typically sent alongside tablet input events. The mouse trigger events of the InkCollector class, described in Table 4-6, are used to prevent those mouse events from being fired.

Table 4-6. Mouse Trigger Events

Event Name

Event Arguments Class




A DoubleClick event is about to be fired.



A MouseDown event is about to be fired.



A MouseMove event is about to be fired.



A MouseUp event is about to be fired.



A MouseWheel event is about to be fired.

Each event s EventArg-based parameter has a Cancel property that is initially set to false. If the event handler sets the value to true, the corresponding mouse event will not fire.

Tablet Hardware Events

The class of events pertaining to tablet hardware occurs when a tablet device is either added or removed from the system. These events are listed in Table 4-7.

Table 4-7. Tablet Hardware Events

Event Name

Event Arguments Class




A new digitizer device has been added to the system.



A digitizer device has been removed.

The InkCollectorTabletRemovedEventArgs class s property TabletId is the index into the Tablets collection of the Tablet object being removed. The Tablets collection is introduced in the upcoming section, Getting Introspective.

Rendering Events (InkOverlay Only)

The InkOverlay class provides two events related to rendering the Painting event, which indicates that the InkOverlay object is about to draw itself, and the Painted event, which indicates that drawing is complete. This is shown in Table 4-8.

Table 4-8. InkOverlay Rendering Events

Event Name

Event Arguments Class




The InkOverlay is about to paint itself.



The InkOverlay is finished painting itself.

The Painting event proves useful if you d ever want to alter any properties of the Graphic object being drawn to, adjust the clipping rectangle, or cancel rendering from happening altogether. The Painted event allows you to augment the rendering of the InkOverlay with any drawing of your own for example, when implementing some tagging functionality an application would draw its tag icons in an event handler for the Painted event.

Ink Editing Events (InkOverlay Only)

The events in this ink editing category, described in Table 4-9, are fairly interesting because they can be used to somewhat alter the InkOverlay s behavior.

Table 4-9. Ink Editing Events

Event Name

Event Arguments Class




The selection is about to change.



The selection has changed.



The selection is in the process of moving.



The selection has been moved.



The selection is in the process of being resized.



The selection has been resized.



One or more strokes is about to be deleted.



One or more strokes has been deleted.

The events with the suffix ing permit their impending behavior to be changed (or even canceled) by setting relevant data in the EventArgs-based object given to an event handler. SelectionChanging event s EventArgs object makes available for inspection and modification the collection of strokes that is to become selected, SelectionMoving makes available for inspection and modification the rectangle of the in-progress move location, SelectionResizing makes available for inspection and modification the rectangle of the in-progress resize amount, and StrokesDeleting makes available for inspection and modification the collection of strokes to be deleted.

Exposing data such as this enables an application to implement functionality such as read-only ink, unselectable ink, or even remotely automated user interface interaction.

Sample Application: InputWatcher

After all this talking about events, it would be great to get a better idea of exactly what InkCollector events get fired, when, and in what order. This next sample application lets you see just that the events from an InkCollector object are monitored. The sample allows you to turn on those events you want to see logged, and when events fire their results are logged to a window. You can also change the collection mode of the InkCollector to observe the effect it has. The application is shown in Figure 4-7.

figure 4-7 inputwatcher logs events from inkcollector to an output window.

Figure 4-7. InputWatcher logs events from InkCollector to an output window.

The source for this sample is quite lengthy, but you might find it s well worth playing around with it in Visual Studio .NET to get a better feel for the various properties on the EventArgs-based objects. So here is the source listing in its entirety:


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // InputWatcher.cs // // (c) 2002 Microsoft Press // by Rob Jarrett // // This program demonstrates how and when events are dispatched for // the InkCollector class. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Ink; public class frmMain : Form { private Panel pnlInput; private ComboBox cbxMode; private CheckedListBox clbEvents; private ListBox lbOutput; private Button btnClear; private InkCollector inkCollector; // Entry point of the program [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run(new frmMain()); } // Main form setup public frmMain() { SuspendLayout(); // Create and place all of our controls pnlInput = new Panel(); pnlInput.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; pnlInput.Location = new Point(8, 8); pnlInput.Size = new Size(240, 192); btnClear = new Button(); btnClear.Size = new Size(40, 23); btnClear.Text = "Clear"; btnClear.Click += new System.EventHandler(btnClear_Click); pnlInput.SuspendLayout(); pnlInput.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] {btnClear}); pnlInput.ResumeLayout(false); cbxMode = new ComboBox(); cbxMode.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cbxMode.Location = new Point(256, 8); cbxMode.Size = new Size(144, 21); cbxMode.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(cbxMode_SelIndexChg); clbEvents = new CheckedListBox(); clbEvents.CheckOnClick = true; clbEvents.Location = new Point(256, 40); clbEvents.Size = new Size(144, 154); clbEvents.ThreeDCheckBoxes = true; clbEvents.ItemCheck += new ItemCheckEventHandler(clbEvents_ItemCheck); lbOutput = new ListBox(); lbOutput.Location = new Point(8, 208); lbOutput.ScrollAlwaysVisible = true; lbOutput.Size = new Size(392, 94); lbOutput.Sorted = false; // Configure the form itself ClientSize = new Size(408, 310); Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { pnlInput, cbxMode, clbEvents, lbOutput}); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; MaximizeBox = false; Text = "InputWatcher"; ResumeLayout(false); // Fill up the collection mode ComboBox foreach (CollectionMode c in CollectionMode.GetValues(typeof(CollectionMode))) { cbxMode.Items.Add(c); } // Fill up the events ListBox clbEvents.Items.Add("CursorButtonDown"); clbEvents.Items.Add("CursorButtonUp"); clbEvents.Items.Add("CursorDown"); clbEvents.Items.Add("CursorInRange"); clbEvents.Items.Add("CursorOutOfRange"); clbEvents.Items.Add("DoubleClick"); clbEvents.Items.Add("Gesture"); clbEvents.Items.Add("MouseDown"); clbEvents.Items.Add("MouseMove"); clbEvents.Items.Add("MouseUp"); clbEvents.Items.Add("MouseWheel"); clbEvents.Items.Add("NewInAirPackets"); clbEvents.Items.Add("NewPackets"); clbEvents.Items.Add("Stroke"); clbEvents.Items.Add("SystemGesture"); clbEvents.Items.Add("TabletAdded"); clbEvents.Items.Add("TabletRemoved"); // Create a new InkCollector, using pnlInput for the // collection area inkCollector = new InkCollector(pnlInput.Handle); // Set the selection in the collection mode ComboBox to // the current collection mode in inkCollector cbxMode.SelectedItem = inkCollector.CollectionMode; // We're now set to go, so turn on tablet input inkCollector.Enabled = true; } // Events checked-ListBox item checked handler private void clbEvents_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e) { if (e.NewValue == CheckState.Checked) { // Add the desired event handler to inkCollector switch (e.Index) { case 0: inkCollector.CursorButtonDown += new InkCollectorCursorButtonDownEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorButtonDown); break; case 1: inkCollector.CursorButtonUp += new InkCollectorCursorButtonUpEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorButtonUp); break; case 2: inkCollector.CursorDown += new InkCollectorCursorDownEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorDown); break; case 3: inkCollector.CursorInRange += new InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorInRange); break; case 4: inkCollector.CursorOutOfRange += new InkCollectorCursorOutOfRangeEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorOutOfRange); break; case 5: inkCollector.DoubleClick += new InkCollectorDoubleClickEventHandler( inkCollector_DoubleClick); break; case 6: inkCollector.Gesture += new InkCollectorGestureEventHandler( inkCollector_Gesture); break; case 7: inkCollector.MouseDown += new InkCollectorMouseDownEventHandler( inkCollector_MouseDown); break; case 8: inkCollector.MouseMove += new InkCollectorMouseMoveEventHandler( inkCollector_MouseMove); break; case 9: inkCollector.MouseUp += new InkCollectorMouseUpEventHandler( inkCollector_MouseUp); break; case 10: inkCollector.MouseWheel += new InkCollectorMouseWheelEventHandler( inkCollector_MouseWheel); break; case 11: inkCollector.NewInAirPackets += new InkCollectorNewInAirPacketsEventHandler( inkCollector_NewInAirPackets); break; case 12: inkCollector.NewPackets += new InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler( inkCollector_NewPackets); break; case 13: inkCollector.Stroke += new InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler( inkCollector_Stroke); break; case 14: inkCollector.SystemGesture += new InkCollectorSystemGestureEventHandler( inkCollector_SystemGesture); break; case 15: inkCollector.TabletAdded += new InkCollectorTabletAddedEventHandler( inkCollector_TabletAdded); break; case 16: inkCollector.TabletRemoved += new InkCollectorTabletRemovedEventHandler( inkCollector_TabletRemoved); break; } } else { // Remove the desired event handler from inkCollector switch (e.Index) { case 0: inkCollector.CursorButtonDown -= new InkCollectorCursorButtonDownEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorButtonDown); break; case 1: inkCollector.CursorButtonUp -= new InkCollectorCursorButtonUpEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorButtonUp); break; case 2: inkCollector.CursorDown -= new InkCollectorCursorDownEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorDown); break; case 3: inkCollector.CursorInRange -= new InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorInRange); break; case 4: inkCollector.CursorOutOfRange -= new InkCollectorCursorOutOfRangeEventHandler( inkCollector_CursorOutOfRange); break; case 5: inkCollector.DoubleClick -= new InkCollectorDoubleClickEventHandler( inkCollector_DoubleClick); break; case 6: inkCollector.Gesture -= new InkCollectorGestureEventHandler( inkCollector_Gesture); break; case 7: inkCollector.MouseDown -= new InkCollectorMouseDownEventHandler( inkCollector_MouseDown); break; case 8: inkCollector.MouseMove -= new InkCollectorMouseMoveEventHandler( inkCollector_MouseMove); break; case 9: inkCollector.MouseUp -= new InkCollectorMouseUpEventHandler( inkCollector_MouseUp); break; case 10: inkCollector.MouseWheel -= new InkCollectorMouseWheelEventHandler( inkCollector_MouseWheel); break; case 11: inkCollector.NewInAirPackets -= new InkCollectorNewInAirPacketsEventHandler( inkCollector_NewInAirPackets); break; case 12: inkCollector.NewPackets -= new InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler( inkCollector_NewPackets); break; case 13: inkCollector.Stroke -= new InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler( inkCollector_Stroke); break; case 14: inkCollector.SystemGesture -= new InkCollectorSystemGestureEventHandler( inkCollector_SystemGesture); break; case 15: inkCollector.TabletAdded -= new InkCollectorTabletAddedEventHandler( inkCollector_TabletAdded); break; case 16: inkCollector.TabletRemoved -= new InkCollectorTabletRemovedEventHandler( inkCollector_TabletRemoved); break; } } } // Collection mode ComboBox selection changed handler private void cbxMode_SelIndexChg(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Turn off ink collection since we're changing collection mode inkCollector.Enabled = false; // Set the new mode inkCollector.CollectionMode = (CollectionMode)cbxMode.SelectedItem; // Set up the gestures we're interested in recognizing if ((inkCollector.CollectionMode == CollectionMode.InkAndGesture) (inkCollector.CollectionMode == CollectionMode.GestureOnly)) { inkCollector.SetGestureStatus( ApplicationGesture.AllGestures, true); } else { inkCollector.SetGestureStatus( ApplicationGesture.AllGestures, false); } // We're done, so turn ink collection back on inkCollector.Enabled = true; } // Clear Button clicked handler private void btnClear_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Clear out all strokes inkCollector.Ink.DeleteStrokes(); pnlInput.Invalidate(); // Clear output window lbOutput.Items.Clear(); } // Log a string to the output window private void LogToOutput(string strLog) { lbOutput.Items.Add(strLog); lbOutput.TopIndex = lbOutput.Items.Count - 1; } // Various tablet input event handlers - each logs its relevant // EventArgs values private void inkCollector_CursorButtonDown(object sender, InkCollectorCursorButtonDownEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "CursorButtonDown CursorId={0} BtnName={1} BtnId={2}", e.Cursor.Id, e.Button.Name, e.Button.Id)); } private void inkCollector_CursorButtonUp(object sender, InkCollectorCursorButtonUpEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "CursorButtonUp CursorId={0} BtnName={1} BtnId={2}", e.Cursor.Id, e.Button.Name, e.Button.Id)); } private void inkCollector_CursorDown(object sender, InkCollectorCursorDownEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "CursorDown CursorId={0} CursorName={1}", e.Cursor.Id, e.Cursor.Name)); } private void inkCollector_CursorInRange(object sender, InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "CursorInRange CursorId={0} Inverted={1} NewCursor={2}", e.Cursor.Id, e.Cursor.Inverted, e.NewCursor)); } private void inkCollector_CursorOutOfRange(object sender, InkCollectorCursorOutOfRangeEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "CursorOutOfRange CursorId={0}", e.Cursor.Id)); } private void inkCollector_DoubleClick(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format("DoubleClick")); } private void inkCollector_Gesture(object sender, InkCollectorGestureEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "Gesture CursorId={0} Gesture={1} Confidence={2}", e.Cursor.Id, e.Gestures[0].Id, e.Gestures[0].Confidence)); } private void inkCollector_MouseDown(object sender, CancelMouseEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format("MouseDown")); } private void inkCollector_MouseMove(object sender, CancelMouseEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format("MouseMove")); } private void inkCollector_MouseUp(object sender, CancelMouseEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format("MouseUp")); } private void inkCollector_MouseWheel(object sender, CancelMouseEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format("MouseWheel")); } private void inkCollector_NewInAirPackets(object sender, InkCollectorNewInAirPacketsEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "NewInAirPackets CursorId={0} PacketCount={1}", e.Cursor.Id, e.PacketCount)); } private void inkCollector_NewPackets(object sender, InkCollectorNewPacketsEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "NewPackets CursorId={0} PacketCount={1}", e.Cursor.Id, e.PacketCount)); } private void inkCollector_Stroke(object sender, InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "Stroke CursorId={0} Id={1}", e.Cursor.Id, e.Stroke.Id)); } private void inkCollector_SystemGesture(object sender, InkCollectorSystemGestureEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "SystemGesture CursorId={0} Id={1} EventLocation=({2},{3})", e.Cursor.Id, e.Id, e.Point.X, e.Point.Y)); } private void inkCollector_TabletAdded(object sender, InkCollectorTabletAddedEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "TabletAdded TabletName={0}", e.Tablet.Name)); } private void inkCollector_TabletRemoved(object sender, InkCollectorTabletRemovedEventArgs e) { LogToOutput(String.Format(  "TabletRemoved TabletId={0}", e.TabletId)); } }

Whew, that is a really long listing! But don t worry, it s not as complex as it appears. Unfortunately, there s a lot of bloat that occurs because we are unable to generically add and remove delegates to the InkCollector, and also because we can t generically process events received.

The InputWatcher application starts off in a similar fashion to what we ve already seen. The main form creates its child controls: a panel to be used as an InkCollector s host window, a button to clear out any ink in the InkCollector and any output in the log window, a ComboBox to specify collection mode, a checked ListBox for choosing events to log, and a ListBox used for crude output logging. The user interface elements are then initialized with relevant data, and an InkCollector instance is created using the panel as the host window.

Things start to get interesting in the clbEvents_ItemCheck event handler, which adds or removes InkCollector event handlers from the InkCollector object depending on the CheckBox state of the ListBox item. Each handler is responsible for logging interesting properties of the event to the output window.

The cbxMode_SelIndexChg event handler deals with the selection changing in the ComboBox that specifies collection mode. Note that the InkCollector is disabled when the collection mode is changed and then re-enabled afterward:

// Turn off ink collection since we're changing collection mode inkCollector.Enabled = false; // Set the new mode inkCollector.CollectionMode = (CollectionMode)cbxMode.SelectedItem; // Set up the gestures we're interested in recognizing if ((inkCollector.CollectionMode == CollectionMode.InkAndGesture) (inkCollector.CollectionMode == CollectionMode.GestureOnly)) { inkCollector.SetGestureStatus( ApplicationGesture.AllGestures, true); } else { inkCollector.SetGestureStatus( ApplicationGesture.AllGestures, false); } // We're done, so turn ink collection back on inkCollector.Enabled = true;

Some of the InkCollector s properties and methods require tablet input to be shut off in order for them to be used a safeguard to prevent simultaneous user input and programmatic usage.

The purpose of the SetGestureStatus calls in the preceding code is to provide the gesture recognizer component with the list of gestures we re interested in recognizing. This can improve recognition performance and accuracy, which will be discussed in Chapter 7. By default, the gesture recognizer won t try to recognize any gestures; it will merely return ApplicationGesture.NoGesture in the InkCollectorGestureEventArgs object s Gestures array. To get some recognition results, when a collection mode in which gesture recognition can occur is set, we ll ask for every gesture to be recognized for simplicity.

The last piece of code we ll look at in this sample is the btnClear_Click event handler. This method removes all strokes from the InkCollector with the following code:

// Clear out all strokes inkCollector.Ink.DeleteStrokes(); pnlInput.Invalidate();

The Ink object attached to the InkCollector provides a method named DeleteStrokes we can use to remove all the strokes from it. Once the strokes are removed, we need to refresh the host window to reflect the absence of ink in the Ink object.

Analyzing the Events

After running InputWatcher and doing some inking on the ink canvas, you ll quickly notice that the log window shows no output. That s because all the events are turned off when the application starts up try turning on the Stroke and Gesture events and drawing some ink. Notice how in InkOnly collection mode only Stroke events occur. If you have a gesture recognizer installed, set the collection mode to InkAndGesture and write some text (for instance, your name). You might see some Gesture events firing as well as Stroke events, meaning that the gesture recognizer thinks one or more of the strokes you wrote looks like a known gesture. If the collection mode is set to GestureOnly, you ll notice that only Gesture events will fire this means that every stroke is being recognized as a gesture, although perhaps an unknown one. Additionally, multiple strokes can form a gesture such as a double circle.

Let s take a look at some sequences of events for common actions, so try this: turn on every single event type and draw a stroke across the ink canvas. Whoa! The output window is deluged with loads of events, mostly of the types MouseMove, NewInAirPackets, and NewPackets. This actually does make sense because those events represent an update to the current state of the cursor, when it s either on the digitizer s surface or hovering over it. More information on what exactly the current state of the cursor means will be discussed in the upcoming section, Specifying the Tablet Data to Capture Packet Properties.

To reduce the quantity of events logged to the output window, turn off the MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp, and NewInAirPackets events and tap the Clear button. Now draw a stroke again this time the output won t be quite as overwhelming. You should see something similar to the following:

CursorButtonDown CursorId=8 BtnName=tip BtnId={GUID value} CursorDown CursorId=8 CursorName=Pressure Stylus NewPackets CursorId=8 PacketCount=1 NewPackets CursorId=8 PacketCount=13 NewPackets CursorId=8 PacketCount=5 SystemGesture CursorId=8 EventName=Drag EventLocation=(1391,1797) NewPackets CursorId=8 PacketCount=11 NewPackets CursorId=8 PacketCount=2 NewPackets CursorId=8 PacketCount=1 NewPackets CursorId=8 PacketCount=2 ...lots of NewPackets... Stroke CursorId=8 Id=2 CursorButtonUp CursorId=8 BtnName=tip BtnId={GUID value}

The installed tablet devices each have at least one cursor that is used to perform input. To distinguish between various cursors, they are assigned a unique ID, known as the CursorId. Each cursor also has one or more cursor buttons, where a cursor button can be either a tip on a stylus or a physical button on a cursor.

The preceding events show that when the pen touches the digitizer surface, a CursorButtonDown event is fired and immediately followed by a CursorDown event. Remember that a cursor button can be a tip of a pen, so the tip being touched to the digitizer surface is considered the button being pressed down hence the CursorButtonDown event being fired. The CursorDown event refers to the fact that a tip or the primary button on the cursor has been pressed down, signaling the start of an ink stroke.

The various NewPackets events following the CursorDown mean the cursor s input state is updated that is, the cursor s location and possibly other data such as pressure amount and tilt has been sampled and packaged into one or more packets and then sent to the InkCollector instance. These events are received throughout the duration of the cursor being pressed down.

The SystemGesture event indicates that a Drag system gesture was detected, though in your case it could be Tap, RightDrag, or RightTap, depending on how the stroke was drawn. Notice how the system gesture event didn t fire immediately after CursorDown because Wisptis.exe needs to compute whether a tap or a drag is occurring, as we found out earlier in the chapter. The other NewPackets events following SystemGesture indicate how data is continuously being sampled for the cursor and sent to the InkCollector object.

Finally a Stroke event is fired, indicating that a new stroke has been created, and a CursorButtonUp event is fired, meaning that the cursor has been lifted or its primary button has been released.

The CursorButtonDown and CursorButtonUp events always bookend each other, as does CursorDown with Stroke or Gesture.

Now try hovering the pen over the input area and clicking the barrel button if it has one. You should see something similar to this output:

CursorButtonDown CursorId=8 BtnName=barrel BtnId={GUID value} CursorButtonUp CursorId=8 BtnName=barrel BtnId={GUID value}

The cursor ID is the same as before, but this time the button name and perhaps the GUID value are different, implying that a different button was detected.

If your pen has an eraser tip, try inverting the pen over the input area and then turning it back over to the writing end observe:

CursorInRange CursorId=9 Inverted=True NewCursor=True CursorOutOfRange CursorId=9 CursorInRange CursorId=8 Inverted=False NewCursor=False CursorOutOfRange CursorId=8

The NewCursor property of the InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventArgs class discloses whether the InkCollector instance has seen that cursor over the Ink Collector s lifetime. That information can be useful for your application to initialize some data structures to handle unique properties of the cursor, or even to trigger some user interface prompting the user to set some initial properties for the cursor (for instance, ink color and ink vs. eraser functionality). The collection of cursors encountered by the InkCollector is provided by the cursor s property of the InkCollector class. The preceding example also shows how the eraser tip is considered a different cursor from the ink tip because it has a different cursor ID and NewCursor equals true. Note also how the Inverted property equals true we ll use that information later when we implement top-of-pen erase functionality. When the pen is righted again, we see that the cursor ID is the original value it was before the eraser tip was used and we also know the ink tip is being used because the Inverted property equals false, and the InkCollector has seen the cursor before.

Mouse Message Synchronization

Events from the InkCollector travel a different path through the Windows OS than mouse messages do. InkCollector events come from Wisptis.exe, dispatched to a tablet-aware application by RPC. Mouse events are triggered by Wisptis.exe, but come from User32.dll and are dispatched to an appli cation through the application s message queue. Both processes (Wisptis.exe and the application receiving the event) are naturally executing asynchronously to one another. Because of this, you cannot rely on the ordering of InkCollector events in conjunction with mouse events. It s perfectly OK to rely on the ordering of just InkCollector events and/or just mouse events, but not both together.

InkOverlay Events

The additional events that the InkOverlay class fires, that is, Painting, Painted, SelectionChanging, SelectionChanged, SelectionMoving, SelectionMoved, SelectionResizing, SelectionResized, StrokesDeleting, and StrokesDeleted, weren t included in the already long sample for brevity, and for the fact that they are straightforward in their behavior. Hence, it s left as an exercise for the reader to add the InkOverlay events to InputWatcher and observe when they fire.

What you ll see in the modified InputWatcher application is that the events suffixed with ing always precede their corresponding counterpart suffixed with ed . For example, SelectionChanging will always fire before SelectionChanged, and SelectionMoving will always fire before SelectionMoved.

Specifying the Tablet Data to Capture Packet Properties

Now it s time to take a closer look at the data received by the NewPackets and NewInAirPackets events. What exactly is a packet, and what information is in one? To explain this, we ll take another quick dive under the covers of the TIS to see what s going on.

Recall that in addition to the location of the cursor, tablet digitizer hardware may provide other data such as pen pressure, tilt angle, and rotation angle to Wisptis.exe via the HID driver. This data can be used to render ink in a more expressive and realistic manner, and/or provide extended user input capabilities as discussed earlier. The various properties available from a digitizer are known as packet properties, referring to how data is communicated from the HID driver to Wisptis.exe in the form of packets chunks of data with a format known to both the driver and Wisptis.exe. Packet properties are communicated from Wisptis.exe to a tablet-aware application, though it is the application s responsibility to tell Wisptis.exe which properties it wants to receive.

The availability of various packet properties is totally dependent on the hardware manufacturer (and software driver if applicable) of the tablet device. The sample application DeviceWalker found later in this chapter is able to display exactly which properties are supported by your installed hardware.

The InkCollector class exposes packet properties via its DesiredPacket Description property. A packet description is defined to be simply a list of packet properties. As such, the DesiredPacketDescription property is an array of zero or more System.Guids valid values of which are found as static members in the Microsoft.Ink.PacketProperty class. A few of the properties and their descriptions are given in Table 4-10.

Table 4-10. A Partial Listing of PacketProperty Members and Their Descriptions

PacketProperty Member Name



The X coordinate of the pointer s location


The Y coordinate of the pointer s location


The pressure measurement of the pointer


Private Wisptis data


The rotation angle about the long axis of the pointer


The rotation angle about the normal vector to the digitizer surface of the pointer

Figure 4-8 shows how packets relate to packet properties, packet property values, and the packet description.

figure 4-8 the relationship of packets, packet properties, packet property values, and packet description

Figure 4-8. The relationship of packets, packet properties, packet property values, and packet description

InkCollector always ensures that X, Y, and PacketStatus are in the packet description it provides to Wisptis.exe, even if DesiredPacketDescription is null or doesn t contain those values. In fact, if the X, Y, or PacketStatus packet property is present in the desired packet description of an InkCollector object, that property is ignored. Those packet properties are always prepended by InkCollector to the packet description when it s specified to Wisptis.exe to make sure that the location and cursor button state of the pointer is always captured.

If the tablet digitizer you re using supports pressure information, you ll notice that ink drawn in HelloInkCollector will vary in width according to how much pressure was applied. This is because by default the DesiredPacket Description property of an InkCollector object is an array containing the X, Y, and NormalPressure packet properties. Figure 4-9 shows what pressurized ink looks like cool!

If your tablet hardware does support pressure sensitivity, try adding the following line of code in HelloInkCollector just after the InkCollector object is created:

// We'll ask the InkCollector to not receive any pressure data // from the devices inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription = new Guid [] { PacketProperty.X, PacketProperty.Y };

When you compile and run the application, you ll notice that ink thickness will not change with the amount of pressure used as strokes are drawn.

figure 4-9 the result of pressure support in the helloinkcollector application

Figure 4-9. The result of pressure support in the HelloInkCollector application

Requesting Packet Properties

If an InkCollector object s desired packet description contains packet properties that aren t supported by an installed tablet device, that s OK they re properties that are desired, not required. The InkCollector won t yield any data from that tablet for those properties, and it will work fine. To prove this point, notice how ink can be drawn with the mouse in the HelloInkCollector application when the DesiredPacketProperties contain PacketProperty.NormalPressure the ink just won t have any pressure data.

We ll see how to determine the list of packet properties that are supported by a tablet device in the next sample application.

The NewPackets and NewInAirPackets events notify an application that a set of packet property values was received NewPackets indicates the packets were received when the cursor was down, and NewInAirPackets indicates the packets were received when the cursor was hovering. They are two separate events instead of one because not all the EventArgs data overlaps between them.

Sample Application: PacketPropertyWatcher

To illustrate using packet property values, this sample application will list all supported packet properties for the default tablet device, allow the selection of any number of them, and display the corresponding values as the pointer is used with an instance of InkCollector.

Because the Tablet PC Platform supports multiple tablet devices being installed, a default tablet exists to identify which tablet device should be used as the primary one.

If the only tablet device you have installed is a mouse, or if the default tablet device installed is rather meager in capability, chances are that there won t be any packet properties available besides X and Y coordinates and PacketStatus. In this case, this sample application might not clearly demonstrate much functionality, but it is hopefully still useful for reference.

Figure 4-10 shows what the sample looks like in action.

figure 4-10 the packetpropertywatcher sample application displaying the values of desired packet property types from the default tablet.

Figure 4-10. The PacketPropertyWatcher sample application displaying the values of desired packet property types from the default tablet.

Now let s take a look at the source code to PacketPropertyWatcher:


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PacketPropertyWatcher.cs // // (c) 2002 Microsoft Press // by Rob Jarrett // // This program allows the user to choose packet properties to // collect and then displays their values in real time. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Ink; public class frmMain : Form { private Panel pnlInput; private CheckedListBox clbPacketProps; private TextBox txtOutput; private InkCollector inkCollector; // Entry point of the program [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run(new frmMain()); } // Main form setup public frmMain() { SuspendLayout(); // Create and place all of our controls pnlInput = new Panel(); pnlInput.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; pnlInput.Location = new Point(8, 8); pnlInput.Size = new Size(240, 192); clbPacketProps = new CheckedListBox(); clbPacketProps.CheckOnClick = true; clbPacketProps.Location = new Point(256, 8); clbPacketProps.Size = new Size(144, 192); clbPacketProps.ThreeDCheckBoxes = true; clbPacketProps.ItemCheck += new ItemCheckEventHandler( clbPacketProps_ItemCheck); txtOutput = new TextBox(); txtOutput.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8.0f); txtOutput.Location = new Point(8, 208); txtOutput.ReadOnly = true; txtOutput.Size = new Size(392, 24); txtOutput.WordWrap = false; // Configure the form itself ClientSize = new Size(408, 238); Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { pnlInput, clbPacketProps, txtOutput}); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; MaximizeBox = false; Text = "PacketPropertyWatcher"; ResumeLayout(false); // Create an InkCollector object inkCollector = new InkCollector(pnlInput.Handle); // For simplicity, we're only going to have InkCollector // use the default tablet since multiple tablets will // probably have different sets of supported packet // properties - that would make the code/UI more complex // and obsfucate what's we're trying to illustrate. Tablet t = (new Tablets()).DefaultTablet; inkCollector.SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode(t); // Fill up ListBox with supported packet properties foreach (FieldInfo f in typeof(PacketProperty).GetFields()) { // We're only interested in static public members of // the class. if (f.IsStatic && f.IsPublic) { Guid g = (Guid)f.GetValue(f); if (t.IsPacketPropertySupported(g)) { clbPacketProps.Items.Add(f.Name); } } } // Hook up event handlers to inkCollector inkCollector.NewInAirPackets += new InkCollectorNewInAirPacketsEventHandler( inkCollector_NewInAirPackets); inkCollector.NewPackets += new InkCollectorNewPacketsEventHandler( inkCollector_NewPackets); // We're now set to go, so turn on ink collection inkCollector.Enabled = true; } // InkCollector stroke event handler private void clbPacketProps_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e) { // Get the Guid value of the item being (un)checked string n = clbPacketProps.Items[e.Index] as string; Guid g = new Guid(); foreach (FieldInfo f in typeof(PacketProperty).GetFields()) { // We're only interested in static public members // of the class. if (f.IsStatic && f.IsPublic) { if (f.Name == n) { // Found it! g = (Guid)f.GetValue(f); break; } } } // Wait until any current input is finished while (inkCollector.CollectingInk) {} // Turn off ink collection so we can alter the desired // packet description inkCollector.Enabled = false; if (e.NewValue == CheckState.Checked) { // Add the new packet property to the desired packet // properties ArrayList propList = new ArrayList( inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription); propList.Add(g); inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription = (Guid[])propList.ToArray(typeof(Guid)); } else { // Remove the packet property from the desired // packet properties ArrayList propList = new ArrayList( inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription); propList.Remove(g); inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription = (Guid[])propList.ToArray(typeof(Guid)); } // We're done, so turn ink collection back on inkCollector.Enabled = true; } // InkCollector new in-air packets event handler private void inkCollector_NewInAirPackets(object sender, InkCollectorNewInAirPacketsEventArgs e) { // Update the output window with the packet data UpdateOutput(e.PacketCount, e.PacketData); } // InkCollector new packets event handler private void inkCollector_NewPackets(object sender, InkCollectorNewPacketsEventArgs e) { // Update the output window with the packet data UpdateOutput(e.PacketCount, e.PacketData); } // Updates the UI with new packet values private void UpdateOutput(int cPktCount, int [] packetData) { // This shouldn't ever occur, but let's be safe to avoid a // divide-by-zero exception if (cPktCount == 0) { return; } // Compute the length of one packet int nPktLen = packetData.GetLength(0) / cPktCount; // Compute the starting index of the last packet int nOffset = nPktLen * (cPktCount-1); // Get all of the packet property values StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int n = 0; n < nPktLen; n++) { builder.AppendFormat("{0,8} ", packetData[nOffset+n].ToString()); } // Update the EditBox's text txtOutput.Text = builder.ToString(); } }

The main form of the application starts off as usual by creating its child controls: a Panel to be used as an InkCollector host window, a CheckedListBox to list all the supported packet properties, and an EditBox to act as a crude UI for displaying the packet property values.

After an InkCollector instance is created using pnlInput as the host window, it is followed by some rather curious-looking code:

Tablet t = (new Tablets()).DefaultTablet; inkCollector.SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode(t);

Recall that by default an InkCollector instance receives tablet input from all installed tablet devices. Different tablet devices can (and usually do) have different sets of supported packet properties, so to keep the user interface of this application as simple as possible we ll just deal with the default tablet. Any other installed tablet device could be used, but the default one is typically the most capable. We tell the InkCollector which tablet device to accept input from by calling InkCollector s SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode method.

Single vs. Multiple Tablet Mode

Most tablet-aware applications will want all installed tablet devices used for input. However, if that s not desirable for whatever reason, the Ink Collector class supports excluding the mouse from input as well as listening to a single tablet device. InkCollector constructor overloads or the methods SetAllTabletsMode and SetSingleTabletIntegratedMode are used, respectively.

The term integrated indicates how input on the digitizer device should be mapped to the screen. It loosely refers to the physical relationship of the tablet device to the screen display, though it doesn t enforce that relationship: external tablets are nonintegrated with the display, and tablets layered over the display are integrated. In the integrated case, digitizer input should be mapped to the entire screen area so that the mouse cursor will follow the pen. In the nonintegrated case, digitizer input is mapped to the InkCollector object s host window dimensions to typically allow greater precision.

Version 1 of the Tablet PC Platform supports only integrated mapping; sometime in the future, nonintegrated mapping may be added.

The Tablets class encapsulates the collection of installed tablet devices in the system its elements are Tablet objects. By simply creating an instance of Tablets, the collection is automatically filled and can then be used or as the preceding code shows, its DefaultTablet property can be queried. We ll learn more about the Tablets and Tablet classes toward the end of the chapter in the section Getting Introspective.

Next the PacketPropertyWatcher application uses the reflective abilities of C# and the .NET Framework to fill up the CheckedListBox with the packet properties supported by the default tablet device. The Tablet class method IsPacketPropertySupported(Guid g) determines whether a given tablet device supports a given packet property. As the various packet property GUIDs are iterated over, adding only the supported ones to the CheckedListBox is done as follows:

Guid g = (Guid)f.GetValue(f); if (t.IsPacketPropertySupported(g)) { clbPacketProps.Items.Add(f.Name); }

The event handlers to the InkCollector events NewPackets and NewInAirPackets are added, and the InkCollector is enabled so that tablet input can begin.

When an item is checked or unchecked in the CheckedListBox, the clbPacketProps_ItemCheck event handler adds or removes the corresponding packet property from the InkCollector s DesiredPacketDescription. The first part of the function computes the GUID of the packet property because items in the CheckedListBox are stored as strings, and the second part does the adding or removing:

// Wait until any current input is finished while (inkCollector.CollectingInk) {} // Turn off ink collection so we can alter the desired // packet description inkCollector.Enabled = false; if (e.NewValue == CheckState.Checked) { // Add the new packet property to the desired packet // properties ArrayList propList = new ArrayList( inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription); propList.Add(g); inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription = (Guid[])propList.ToArray(typeof(Guid)); } else { // Remove the packet property from the desired // packet properties ArrayList propList = new ArrayList( inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription); propList.Remove(g); inkCollector.DesiredPacketDescription = (Guid[])propList.ToArray(typeof(Guid)); } // We're done, so turn ink collection back on inkCollector.Enabled = true;

You might be wondering what s going on with that first while statement. Well, it turns out that to change the DesiredPacketDescription property of an InkCollector it must be in the disabled state. When changing the enabled state of an InkCollector object, no current ink collection can be occurring or else an exception will be thrown. InkCollector s property CollectingInk is polled to cause the program flow to temporarily halt if any in-progress inking is occurring. You might now be thinking that in order for the checked ListBox s itemChecked event to fire, the InkCollector couldn t be in the middle of inking because the pointer was used to select the item, right? Yes, physically that s what might have happened, but recall the asynchronous execution of Windows messages and tablet input, and how either form of event could occur in any order. If the user is quick enough, he or she could stop inking and immediately choose an item in the ListBox, causing a Windows message to fire indicating an item has been checked or unchecked in the ListBox. This would cause InkCollector s Enabled property to be set to false, but in the meantime it s possible that the InkCollector is still processing tablet input from the ink stroke. That would cause the Enabled property to throw an exception an undesirable behavior.

The simple rule here is this: whenever you re going to disable an Ink Collector object, make sure you wait until any inking is completed to avoid any problems.

Once the InkCollector is disabled, the desired packet description is modified to either add or remove the chosen packet property GUID from it. Then the InkCollector is re-enabled so that tablet input can resume.

The inkCollector_NewInAirPackets and inkCollector_NewPackets event handlers call the UpdateOutput method to get the packet data displayed in the output window. Packets arrive as an array of integers along with the count of the number of packets contained in the array. Because multiple packets can arrive in one event, UpdateOutput displays only the data in the last packet there s no use in trying to display the others as they d just quickly flicker by in the output window. You can see how this is handled in the following code:

// Compute the length of one packet int nPktLen = packetData.GetLength(0) / cPktCount; // Compute the starting index of the last packet int nOffset = nPktLen * (cPktCount-1); // Get all of the packet property values StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int n = 0; n < nPktLen; n++) { builder.AppendFormat("{0,8} ", packetData[nOffset+n].ToString()); } // Update the edit box's text txtOutput.Text = builder.ToString();

The method first computes the length of one packet in the array, easily accomplished by dividing the number of packets into the total array length. An offset to the last packet in the array is computed, and then a for-loop concatenates each packet value to a string. The resulting string is then displayed in the output window.

If we wanted to actually make sense of the various members in the packet, we d need the packet description for the tablet device. This is easily obtained in a NewPackets event handler because a Stroke object is available in the Event Args that has a specific PacketDescription property. For a NewInAirPackets event handler, the packet description would have to be manually computed, and this is accomplished by obtaining the DesiredPacketDescription from the InkCollector, seeing if each GUID in the packet description is supported by the tablet device using the method Tablet.IsPacketPropertySupported, and then constructing an array of supported properties, always prepending the GUIDs for X and Y.

Notice that in the PacketPropertyWatcher application if you turn off the X and Y properties their values will still be displayed in the output window, proving that those properties are always collected.

Ink Coordinates

You may have noticed that the X and Y values in the packet may seem rather large in magnitude too big to be screen pixels. Recall that tablet input not only needs to be captured quickly, but its resolution must be significantly high enough to give a great inking experience and yield high recognition accuracy.

The X and Y values in a packet are in ink coordinate space otherwise known as HIMETRIC units. We ll learn more about them in the next chapter, along with how to convert X and Y values into screen pixels (for example, to implement your own editing behavior or a custom ink type, perhaps).

Extending InkOverlay Behaviors

The functionality in the InkOverlay is cool, and it provides us with some pretty complex functionality for free. As we saw earlier, though, if you contrast InkOverlay to the inking experience Windows Journal yields, you ll see that some functionality is missing. That functionality is what your application s users may request once they begin using a Tablet PC with your application. Recall the list of missing functionality we enumerated earlier:

  • Using the top-of-pen as an eraser

  • Press-and-hold (or right-click and right-drag) in ink mode to modelessly switch to select mode

  • An insert/remove space mode

  • Showing selection feedback in real time (for example, as the lasso is being drawn, ink becomes selected or deselected immediately as it is enclosed or excluded by the lasso)

  • Using a scratchout gesture to delete strokes

This section addresses the first two items listed: lack of top-of-pen erase and modeless switching to select mode. The samples here illustrate possible solutions to rolling your own functionality into these areas.

Sample Application: TopOfPenErase

Top-of-pen erase is an extremely handy shortcut to access ink erasing functionality, not to mention an easy one to understand. The InkOverlay class provides an explicit editing mode for erasing ink (EditingMode == DeleteMode), and we saw earlier that eraser tip usage of a pen is detected through the Cursor class s property Inverted. If we can put these two pieces of functionality together, it seems that we re most of the way there in implementing top-of-pen erase.

The task at hand here then is to switch an InkOverlay into DeleteMode when the cursor becomes inverted and switch back to the previous mode when the pen returns to being right side up. Sounds easy enough, doesn t it? Let s enhance the HelloInkOverlay sample presented earlier so that it provides top-of-pen erasing:


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TopOfPenErase.cs // // (c) 2002 Microsoft Press // by Rob Jarrett // // This program demonstrates usage of the InkOverlay class and how // to respond to system gestures in order to implement top-of-pen // erase functionality. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Ink; public class frmMain : Form { private Panel pnlInput; private Button btnColor; private ComboBox cbxEditMode; private InkOverlay inkOverlay; private InkOverlayEditingMode modeSaved; // Entry point of the program [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run(new frmMain()); } // Main form setup public frmMain() { SuspendLayout(); // Create and place all of our controls pnlInput = new Panel(); pnlInput.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; pnlInput.Location = new Point(8, 8); pnlInput.Size = new Size(352, 192); btnColor = new Button(); btnColor.Location = new Point(8, 204); btnColor.Size = new Size(60, 20); btnColor.Text = "Color"; btnColor.Click += new System.EventHandler(btnColor_Click); cbxEditMode = new ComboBox(); cbxEditMode.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cbxEditMode.Location = new Point(76, 204); cbxEditMode.Size = new Size(72, 20); cbxEditMode.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(cbxEditMode_SelIndexChg); // Configure the form itself ClientSize = new Size(368, 232); Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { pnlInput, btnColor, cbxEditMode}); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; MaximizeBox = false; Text = "TopOfPenErase"; ResumeLayout(false); // Fill up the editing mode combobox foreach (InkOverlayEditingMode m in InkOverlayEditingMode.GetValues( typeof(InkOverlayEditingMode))) { cbxEditMode.Items.Add(m); } // Create a new InkOverlay, using pnlInput for the collection // area inkOverlay = new InkOverlay(pnlInput.Handle); // Select the current editing mode in the combobox cbxEditMode.SelectedItem = inkOverlay.EditingMode; // Install handler for cursor in range so we can detect when // the eraser tip or ink tip is used. inkOverlay.CursorInRange += new InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventHandler( inkOverlay_CursorInRange); // Initialize the saved editing mode value modeSaved = inkOverlay.EditingMode; // We're now set to go, so turn on tablet input inkOverlay.Enabled = true; } // Handle the click of the color button private void btnColor_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create and display the common color dialog, using the // current ink color as its initial selection ColorDialog dlgColor = new ColorDialog(); dlgColor.Color = inkOverlay.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color; if (dlgColor.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { // Set the current ink color to the selection chosen in // the dialog inkOverlay.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color = dlgColor.Color; } } // Handle the selection change of the editing mode combobox private void cbxEditMode_SelIndexChg(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Set the current editing mode to the selection chosen in the // combobox inkOverlay.EditingMode = (InkOverlayEditingMode)cbxEditMode.SelectedItem; // Save current editing mode in case it gets restored later modeSaved = inkOverlay.EditingMode; } // Handle cursor in range events from inkOverlay private void inkOverlay_CursorInRange(object sender, InkCollectorCursorInRangeEventArgs e) { if (e.Cursor.Inverted) { // Eraser tip is being used, so switch to delete mode if // we need to if (inkOverlay.EditingMode != InkOverlayEditingMode.Delete) { // Save current editing mode so we can restore it later modeSaved = inkOverlay.EditingMode; // Switch to delete mode inkOverlay.EditingMode = InkOverlayEditingMode.Delete; } } else { // Ink tip is being used, so restore previous mode if we // need to if (inkOverlay.EditingMode == InkOverlayEditingMode.Delete && modeSaved != InkOverlayEditingMode.Delete) { // Restore the previous editing mode inkOverlay.EditingMode = modeSaved; } } } }

The example differs only slightly from the original a member variable modeSaved and an event handler for CursorInRange are added. The inkOverlay_CursorInRange event handler switches to DeleteMode when the pen is inverted and reverts to the previous mode when it is righted again. The modeSaved member stores the current InkOverlayEditingMode before the switch to DeleteMode occurs so that we know which mode to return to when the ink tip gets detected.

Notice how the modeSaved member is also updated in cbxEditMode_SelIndexChg. This is done to avoid a bug the accidental reverting to modeSaved s value if the CursorInRange event fires when the eraser tip isn t used (for instance, the cursor goes outside the input area and then returns). To see the problem, try this: comment out the line that updates the value and run the application. Switch to select mode, move the pen outside the input area and then back into it you ll see that ink mode gets switched to instead of select mode.

Sample Application: ModelessSwitch

Explicit mode switching, particularly between inking and editing, is cumbersome, inefficient, and annoying. Using right-tap and right-drag (via press-and-hold, a pen barrel button, or the right mouse button) to access selection and editing behavior is convenient, not to mention powerful.

This next sample application shows an implementation of modeless switching between ink and input modes via right-tap and right-drag. In Chapter 6, at which point we ll better understand rendering and hit-testing ink, we ll utilize some homemade lasso selection capability (with real-time selection feedback!) so that we can complete this application s functionality.

The application is based on the HelloInkCollector sample with one initial change an InkOverlay is used instead of an InkCollector to get selection functionality.


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ModelessSwitch.cs // // (c) 2002 Microsoft Press // by Rob Jarrett // // This program demonstrates the basis for how to do an editing mode // switch in a modeless fashion using the InkOverlay class. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Ink; public class frmMain : Form { private InkOverlay inkOverlay; private Stroke strkCurr = null; private Stroke strkCancel = null; // Entry point of the program [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run(new frmMain()); } // Main form setup public frmMain() { // Set up the form which will be the host window for an // InkCollector instance ClientSize = new Size(472, 240); Text = "ModelessSwitch"; // Create a new InkOverlay, using the form for the collection // area inkOverlay = new InkOverlay(this.Handle); // Set up event handlers for inkOverlay inkOverlay.CursorDown += new InkCollectorCursorDownEventHandler( inkOverlay_CursorDown); inkOverlay.Stroke += new InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler( inkOverlay_Stroke); inkOverlay.SystemGesture += new InkCollectorSystemGestureEventHandler( inkOverlay_SystemGesture); // We're now set to go, so turn on tablet input inkOverlay.Enabled = true; } // Handle a cursor down event from inkOverlay private void inkOverlay_CursorDown(object sender, InkCollectorCursorDownEventArgs e) { // Remember the current stroke being created strkCurr = e.Stroke; } // Handle a stroke event from inkOverlay private void inkOverlay_Stroke(object sender, InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs e) { // Throw away the stroke if a right tap or right drag was // detected during it's creation if (strkCancel != null && (e.Stroke.Id == strkCancel.Id)) { e.Cancel = true; strkCancel = null; // Turn dynamic stroke rendering back on inkOverlay.DynamicRendering = true; } // Reset current stroke value for the next stroke created strkCurr = null; } // Handle a system gesture event from inkOverlay private void inkOverlay_SystemGesture(object sender, InkCollectorSystemGestureEventArgs e) { if (e.Id == SystemGesture.RightTap) { // Right tap means throw out the stroke, and show a context // menu strkCancel = strkCurr; Invalidate(); //LATER: hit test the item at e.Point and select it } else if (e.Id == SystemGesture.RightDrag) { // Right drag means throw out the stroke, and start up the // selection lasso strkCancel = strkCurr; // Turn off dynamic rendering and set the in-progress ink // stroke to be invisible - that way when we invalidate the // form no ink will be drawn for the stroke inkOverlay.DynamicRendering = false; strkCancel.DrawingAttributes.Transparency = 255; Invalidate(); //LATER: start up selection lasso, showing realitme // feedback of ink selection } } }

You can see there s a fair amount of logic over and above HelloInkCollector to support modeless switching. Let s take a look at what this extra code does.

The implicit mode switch to select mode is triggered by a right-tap or right-drag, which the SystemGesture event will notify us of. When either system gesture fires, we want to throw away the ink stroke that was created; otherwise, ugly ink blobs will be added into our Ink object.

The system gestures RightTap and RightDrag are responded to in the InkOverlay_SystemGesture event handler. In the RightTap case, a reference to the stroke is saved so that it can be later thrown away in the imminent Stroke event (by setting Cancel to true in the InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs). For RightDrag, not only is a reference to the stroke saved for later disposal, but also dynamic ink rendering is turned off so that the ink stroke doesn t continue to be drawn. Also, the stroke is made completely invisible by having its drawing attributes Transparency property set to 255 (the maximum value). These both give the user the visual impression that the stroke disappears during creation.

Building Tablet PC Applications
Building Tablet PC Applications (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735617236
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 73 © 2008-2017.
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