RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), 410–416

about software RAID, 410

configuring partitions for, 96

creating RAID arrays, 412, 414–415

defined, 811

exam preparation for, 376

hard drive backups using, 37

hotswappable hardware for, 412

mirroring /home partition with, 415–417

modifying existing RAID array, 414

RAID 0, 410–411, 811

RAID 1, 411, 423, 811–812

RAID 4, 411

RAID 5, 411, 812

RAID 6, 411, 812

RAID 10, 412

reviewing existing RAID array, 413–414

summarized, 430

two-minute drill, 432

using LVM with, 417

RAID 0, 410–411, 811

RAID 1, 411, 423, 811–812

RAID 4, 411

RAID 5, 411, 812

RAID 6, 411, 812

RAID 10, 412

RAM. See memory


mail messages, 50, 601

text files with cat command, 21

read-only linux rescue environment, 741


Apache startup on, 447–449

Postfix after modifying configuration, 598–599

Squid server startup on, 477–478

starting sendmail on, 596

using chkconfig to verify service active after, 619

vsFTP server startup on, 513

rebuild distributions

configuring software updates on first boot, 124

installation DVD for, 70

studying for installation of, 71

testing knowledge of, 4

recompiling kernels, 396–408

advantages of, 377

basic kernel configuration, 400–401

Block Layermenu options for, 402

Busmenu options for, 402

Code Maturity Level Options menu, 401

compiling and installing custom kernels, 408–409

configuration scripts for, 396–400

configuring new kernel with make config, 397–398

creating .config file with make menuconfig, 398

Cryptographic menu options for, 408

Device Drivers menu options for, 403–407

Executable File Formats menu options for, 402

File Systems menu options for, 407

General Setup menu options for, 401

Instrumentation Support menu options for, 407

Kernel Hacking menu options for, 407

Library Routines menu options for, 408

Loadable Module Support menu options for, 402

making graphic configuration menus, 398–400

Networking menu options for, 403

options for kernel configuration, 400–408

Power Management menu options for, 402

Process Debugging Support option, 402

Processor Type and Features menu options for, 402

Security menu options for, 407

space needed for, 392

standard kernel configuration, 401

Red Hat Authentication Configuration tool, 316–317

Red Hat Certified Engineer exam. See RHCE exam

Red Hat Certified Technician exam. See RHCT exam

Red Hat Display Settings tool, 651, 670–673

Red Hat Domain Name Service configuration tool, 561, 576

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). See also SELinux; third-party repositories

about, 53

adding to Windows network, 528

basic downloading steps for, 55

configuring Samba computer on Active Directory network, 526

development of, 444

differences from Unix, 3

DNS client configuration files installed with, 559

downloading, 53–54, 60

Dynamic DNS and, 558

Fedora Core 5/6, 54–55

Fedora Linux, 804

graphics support in, 653

GUI printer management for GNOME desktop, 349

Hardware Abstraction Layer, 73–74

Hardware Compatibility List, 72

Intel 32-bit architecture for, 5

kernel configuration for, 401

logging daemons in, 360

memory requirements for, 6–7, 72, 76

multiple monitors for X.org servers, 660

preventing unauthorized access to, 700

rebuild distributions, of, 4

reloading or restarting service with service command, 35

sharing Samba directory with workstation running, 535–536

single-user mode for, 814

software RAID, 410

source RPMs for, 54, 394

storage space for partitions, 103–104

system logs, 363

third-party repositories for, 54, 237, 241, 242

unable to open SELinux Management Tool if SELinux disabled, 83

using as DNS client, 560–561

Windows interoperability with Samba, 519

Red Hat Hardware Compatibility List (HCL), 72

Red Hat httpd Configuration tool for Apache, 475–476

Red Hat Network (RHN)

about, 234–235

benefits for remote systems with, 237–238

defined, 812

not included in Red Hat Exam Prep guide, 234

registration for, 235–236

Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), 222–227

automatic dependency resolution for updates, 237

building RHEL RPMs, 233–234

changing compile options for source RPM, 231–232

creating custom RPMs from source, 230, 232–233

custom source and binary RPMs, 232–233

defined, 223–224, 812

directory structure of /usr/src/ redhat, 231

installing RPM packages, 224–225

listing installed RPMs, 230

queries for, 227–228

quota RPM package, 292–293

reference guides to RPM system, 232

remote installation of RPMs, 226

removing RPM packages, 225

source RPM installations, 230

summary of package management, 260

testing packages, 225

updating kernel RPM, 226–227

validating package signature, 228

verifying installed packages, 229

Red Hat Printer Configuration tool, 342–347

adding printers with, 26

choosing printer manufacturer, 344, 346

configuring remote and local printers, 343–344

illustrated, 347

printer and driver selection from, 345, 346

printer device options for, 344, 345

selecting type of connection in, 344, 345

using, 342–343

Red Hat User Manager, 277–280

adding user with, 279–280

illustrated, 279

interface for, 277–278

root user password required to run, 279

starting, 278–279

redirection arrows (>), 29, 30

Redundant Array of Independent Devices. See RAID

refresh rate, 812

registration for Red Hat Network, 235–236

reinstalling Linux during exam, 126

relative paths, 20

remote X applications

starting display from remote clients, 675–676

troubleshooting, 676–677

Remote Name Daemon Control (RNDC) key, 569–570

remote systems

installation RPMs for, 226

setting up filesystems for, 44

using Red Hat Network with, 237–238

removable media, mounting, 201–203


kernel modules, 387–388

logical volumes, 424, 428, 429, 759

RPM packages, 225

reports, quota, 298–299

repquota command, 812

rescue command, 90

rescue disk, 90

rescue environment. See linux rescue environment

reserved domain names, 466

resize2fs command, 813

resizing logical volumes, 424–425, 428–430

reverse lookups, 567, 568

reverse zone

about, 572–573

defined, 813

not delegated, 574


existing RAID array, 413–414

recent logins, 274

RHCE exam. See also exam

components of and requirements for, 768

configuring Samba with smb.conf file, 524

defined, 812

diagnosing and correcting NFS network services, 508

DNS topics on, 558, 563, 567

e-mail topics on, 586, 587

filesystem administration topics on, 184

implementing packet filtering and/or NAT, 482

Installation and Configuration exercises, 776–777, 778–781, 793–794, 795–798

installation topics on, 70, 71, 272

knowledge of DHCP servers on, 627

linux rescue environment, 735

managing kernels, 376

network services on, 445, 495

NTP configuration and troubleshooting added to, 171

reinstalls during, 126

security topics on, 692

skills addressed with system administration tools, 330

slave name server configuration for, 565

Troubleshooting and System Maintenance exercises, 770–772, 773–776, 784–785, 786–788, 789–792

troubleshooting skills and objectives, 728, 729, 748–759

RHCT exam. See also exam

Apache and Squid services not on, 445

booting into runlevel of choice, 733–735

components of and requirements for, 768

filesystem administration topics on, 184

Installation and Configuration exercises, 776–778, 779–781, 793–795, 796–798

installation topics on, 70, 71, 272

knowledge of DHCP clients on, 627

managing kernels, 376

NFS server topics, 495

reinstalls during, 126

skills addressed with system administration tools, 330

Troubleshooting and System Maintenance exercises, 769–770, 772–773, 785–786, 788–789

troubleshooting skills and objectives, 728, 729, 742–748, 759

RHN. See Red Hat Network

rndc command, 575, 813

RNDC (Remote Name Daemon Control) key, 569–570

root, 813

root directory

absolute path and, 20

indicated by forward slash, 12

mounting via linux rescue environment, 738–740

standard subdirectories of, 13

root passwords, 108

root shell prompt (#), 741

root user account

about, 273–274

checking PATH for, 28

logging in for exam as, 273

NFS root squash behavior, 503

password required to run Red Hat User Manager, 279

running commands from, 15

running yum command from, 239

/root/install.log file, 127

router, 813

routing, 705

routing tables, 338–339

rpm -i kernel.rpm command, 389, 390

rpm command

adding packages with, 111

exam preparation for, 222

query options for, 228

yum command as supplement to, 223

RPM packages. See packages; Red Hat Package Manager; source RPMs

rpm -U kernel.rpm command, 389, 390

rpmbuild command, 231, 813

runlevels, 161–167

about, 161, 813

activating NFS directories at appropriate, 501

booting into different, 144, 164–167, 733

determining with /etc/inittab, 159–160

functionality of, 161–162

scripts for, 162–164

verifying for activated service, 169

RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide (Exam RH302)
Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Systems Up To Date
ISBN: 0132366754
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 227
Authors: Michael Jang

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