

MailAccess service, 252–255

MailFile.asmx.vb program, 322–323

MailFile service, 322–324, 323

MailIt method, 322–323

man-in-the-middle attacks, 224, 224

mandatory SSL connections, 239–242, 240–242

.manifestres entry, 291

manifests, 289

.map files, 174–176

markup languages, 110

MathDemo.asmx.vb program, 349–350

MathDemo service, 349–352, 350

maxOccurs attribute, 117

Meal.xml file, 112

MeasureOverhead.cs program, 62–63

Median method, 65–66

<Message> tag, 111

Messages component, 118

MessageWithAttachment method, 252, 254

minOccurs attribute, 117

.module entry, 291

.module extern entry, 291

money making services, 362

billing, 390–393

database for

preparing, 362–368, 363, 365

registration, 371–375

keys for, 362, 368

lost, 380–383, 380

user, 369–371, 369

restricting service use in

to 30 days, 383–385

number of daily calls, 388–390

to specific hours of day, 385–387

upgrades in, 375–380, 376

monitoring operations

events for, 335–339, 335–336

specific entries, 339–342, 341

moving services, 300–301, 300

MSFTQuote.vb program, 81–82

multimedia files

providing, 276–277

retrieving and using, 277–281, 278

multiple parameters, 54–57

. NET Web Services Solutions
.NET Web Services Solutions
ISBN: 0782141722
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 161
Authors: Kris Jamsa © 2008-2017.
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