For further exploration

  • MA Runco & S Pritzker (eds), The Encyclopedia of Creativity , Academic Press, San Diego, 1999.

    An excellent reference book that covers a broad range of topics including articles on strategies, tactics, techniques, culture, innovation, leadership, teams , individuals, psychological, physical, and sociological aspects of creativity and innovation.

  • PM Senge, The Fifth Discipline:The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, Century, London, 1999.

    A classic text that defines the learning organisation. Senge discusses the interrelated nature of the five components of a learning organisationpersonal mastery, shared vision, team learning, mental models and systems thinking and how each of these components must be developed simultaneously and integrated with one another.

  • Edward de Bono,

    Edward de Bono developed lateral thinking and the extremely powerful Six Hats communications tool. De Bono is one of the most acknowledged creative authorities, and this site includes weekly thoughts on thinking, access to his books, training materials and courses.

  • Creative WhackPack ,

    Roger van Oech developed this and other companion tools to help challenge habitual thought patterns. Keep a deck handy!

  • R Katz (ed. ), The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation (2nd edn), New York, Oxford Press, 2002. A collection of articles on issues that managers of innovation need to consider, including motivation and maintaining innovative teams.

  • The Creativity Web,

    An on-line resource centre that provides tools for creativity, books and software and links to related sites. Interesting because of its practical nature and inclusion of humour and quotations.

Other sites to visit:

  • The Innovation Network ,

  • The American Creativity Association,

  • Creativity and Innovation Resources,

Innovation and Imagination at Work 2004
Innovation and Imagination at Work 2004
Year: 2005
Pages: 116 © 2008-2017.
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