Module 2 Mastery Check

  1. Which TABLE type is the MySQL DEFAULT?

  2. Which data types would you use to display the Date in one column and the Time in a separate column?

  3. How does the VARCHAR data type differ from the CHAR data type?

  4. What are the two main rules for naming a TABLE?

  5. What is the syntax to create a database called Angel and a table in it called Wesley with a TINYINT column called Fred ?

  6. How do you display the databases in your MySQL Server?

  7. How do you display the tables in a database called Jet ?

  8. How do you display the layout or specifications of a table called Wraith if you are already using the database in which it is housed?

  9. How do you display the contents of a table called horse if you are already using the database in which it is housed?

  10. If the horse table has the columns bridle , saddle , and blanket , how do you display the contents of saddle only?

MySQL(c) Essential Skills
MySQL: Essential Skills
ISBN: 0072255137
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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