

Object class, System namespace
ArrayList class, object holding using, 762
collections classes compatibility, 793
collection interfaces, class access using, 759
common types, basis for, 41, 42
custom types, 42
GetHashCode method, 780
methods , 41
strong typed collections, 794
Object data type, Visual Basic .NET
Variant data type, replacement for, 1171
object walker syntax, 898
<Object> tag declarations
attributes, 578
global.asax file, code declarations, 578
implementation example, 578
ObjectContext object, ASP, 1169
ObjectList control, mobile controls, 1094
events, 1095
implementation example, 1095
properties, 1094
templates, using, 1113
WAP Simulator code, 1095
CLR, creation example, 37
Web Form control properties, referencing using, 220
OdbcCommand class, ADO.NET, 347
OdbcConnection class, ADO.NET, 346
OdbcDataAdapter class, ADO.NET, 348
OdbcDataReader class, ADO.NET, 355
OleDbCommand class, ADO.NET, 347
OleDbCommandBuiler class, ADO.NET, 470
OleDbConnection class, ADO.NET, 346
OleDbDataAdapter class, ADO.NET, 348
OleDbDataReader class, ADO.NET, 355
OnActivate event, Form mobile controls, 1076
OnClear method, DictionaryBase class, 799
onClick event
Button control, 232
Command mobile controls, 1084
OnDataBinding method, Control class, 943
OnDeactivate event, Form mobile controls, 1076
OnInsert method, DictionaryBase class, 799
OnItemCommand event
Command mobile controls, 1084
List mobile controls, 1089
ObjectList mobile controls, 1095
OnItemDataBind event
List mobile controls, 1089
ObjectList mobile controls, 1095
SelectionList mobile controls, 1092
OnItemLoadItems event, List mobile controls, 1089
OnItemSelect event, ObjectList mobile controls, 1095
OnLoadItems event, ObjectList mobile controls, 1095
OnPaginate property, Form mobile controls, 1078
OnRemove method, DictionaryBase class, 799
onRowChanged event handler, 435
OnRowUpdated event handler, 486
RowUpdated/~Updating event, updating data source example, 487
updating data source examples, concurrent updates with RowUpdated event, 504
OnRowUpdating event handler, 486
RowUpdated/~Updating event, updating data source example, 486
OnSelectedIndexChanged event, ListControl class, 244, 249
OnSelectedIndexChanged event, SelectionList mobile controls, 1092
onserverclick attribute, HTML server controls, 197
OnServerValidate property, CustomValidator control, 208
OnShowItemCommands event, ObjectList mobile controls, 1095
OnTextChanged event, TextBox mobile controls, 1086
OOP (Object Oriented Programming) model
.NET Framework, use within, 32
CLR, within, 37
namespace, use of, 39
Visual Basic, lack of functionality within, 71
Visual Basic.NET, features within, 72
constructors, 76
default properties, 76
destructors, 77
inheritance, 78
interfaces, 79
methods, 73
properties, 75
property parameters, 76
Open method, Connection class, 346
OpenText method, File class, 819
Openwave, WML device interoperability, 1067
Openwave, Nokia WAP toolkit, compared to, 1069
Openwave Simulator
decks, implementation example, 1067
mobile controls, implementation example, 1071
source code view, 1075
postback, support for, 1076
operation elements, WSDL, 1005
operator overloading, C#, 97
Operator property, CompareValidator control, 203
optimistic record locking, 490
<option> elements, 199, 245
<option> element, WML, 1076
Option Explicit statement, Visual Basic .NET, 855
Option Strict statement, Visual Basic .NET, 855
OptionExplicit statement, Visual Basic.NET, 1254
OptionStrict statement, Visual Basic.NET, 1254
Or method, BitArray class, 791
OracleCommand class, ADO.NET, 347
OracleConnection class, ADO.NET, 346
OracleDataAdapter class, ADO.NET, 348
OracleDataReader class, ADO.NET, 355
Original column value, DataRowversion enumeration, 429
OriginalRows value, DataViewRowState enumeration, 444
OuterXml property
XmlElement object
XML data management, synchronizing XmlDataDocument & DataSet, 534
XmlNode class, 546, 552
XML, document creation and editing example, 548
out-of-process SQL Server, web farms, 634
out-of-process Windows Service, session state storage, 632
output caching
implementation example, 153
optimization tips, 1252
output element, WSDL
Barnes and Noble site example, 1026
Output property, HttpResponse class, 130, 833, 1166
implementation example, 130
OutputCache directive, ASP.NET pages, 148, 153
Duration attribute, 148, 154
IBuyAdventure.NET, application user interface, 1212
Location attribute, 148
VaryByControl attribute, 149
VaryByCustom attribute, 148, 154
VaryByHeader attribute, 149
VaryByParam attribute, 149, 154
OutputCache directive, custom controls, 164
OutputStatus property, HttpResponse object, 1166
OutputStream property, HttpResponse class, 130, 833
operator overloading, C#, 97
Visual Basic.NET, within, 76
override keyword, C#, 887

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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