Zones and WebParts

Once you have a menu, you need to decide upon the zones the page will have. A zone is a templated control that references all the WebParts for the current zone and synchronizes the layout, appearance, and colors of these WebParts. An ASP.NET page can contain more than one WebPartZone, as seen in Figure 13.3.

Figure 13.3. Multiple WebPartZones on a page

You cannot see the zones when browsing a page, but with any of the other page states, the zones are shown. For example, Figure 13.4, shows a page being designed, and the WebPart Framework shows the zones so that you can easily see where the drag and drop points are.

Figure 13.4. Zones shown when designing a page

A WebPartZone declaration follows the same principles as most other familiar templated controls. It accepts attributes that define the behavior of the zone and all of the WebParts within the zone, elements that define the style of specific sections of the output, and a ZoneTemplate that contains the declaration of the WebParts that will appear in this zone by default (see Listing 13.6).

Listing 13.6. Outline of a Simple WebPartZone Control Declaration

<asp:WebPartZone  runat="server"   BorderColor="#CCCCCC" Font-Names="Verdana" Padding="6">   <PartChromeStyle BackColor="#F7F6F3" BorderColor="#E2DED6"     Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="White" />   <MenuLabelHoverStyle ForeColor="#E2DED6" />   <EmptyZoneTextStyle Font-Size="0.8em" />   <MenuLabelStyle ForeColor="White" />   <MenuVerbHoverStyle BackColor="#F7F6F3" BorderColor="#CCCCCC"     BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="#333333" />   <HeaderStyle Font-Size="0.7em" ForeColor="#CCCCCC"     HorizontalAlign="Center" />   <MenuVerbStyle BorderColor="#5D7B9D" BorderStyle="Solid"     BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="White" />   <PartStyle Font-Size="0.8em" ForeColor="#333333" />   <TitleBarVerbStyle Font-Size="0.6em" Font-Underline="False"     ForeColor="White" />   <MenuPopupStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" BorderColor="#CCCCCC"     BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="0.6em" />   <PartTitleStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True"     Font-Size="0.8em" ForeColor="White" />   <ZoneTemplate>     ... WebParts for this zone are referenced here ...   </ZoneTemplate> </asp:WebPartZone>

Bear in mind that the layout of the WebParts in the page may be different when the page is actually displayed. If this is a postback, and editing of the page layout is enabled, the user may have moved WebParts from one zone to another. Likewise, if personalization is enabled for the page, WebParts may appear in a different zone from the original location.


As mentioned earlier, you can only have two kinds of controls within a WebPartZone:

  • Standard ASP.NET User Controls (referenced through a Register directive in the page), which can contain HTML, markup, dynamic content, or any other content available for use in a Web page

  • Compiled .NET assemblies (referenced through a Register directive in the page), which generate the same kinds of content as a User Control or Web page

The controls are placed within the zones just like they would be on any other page. For example, consider Listing 13.7, which shows two zones with a variety of controls. The Contacts, Canteen, and Stocks are User Controls, while the MSNWeatherWebPart is a custom server control, from code in the App_Code folder.

The design time experience of WebParts is excellent, as seen in Figure 13.5, where the zones appear as containers and can be placed anywhere on the page (those in the figure have CSS styling applied for their layout). Within the zones, the WebParts can be placed using tables, CSS, or just in straight flow mode.

Figure 13.5. Designing with WebParts

By just placing these controls within the zone, they automatically become WebParts. This means that they automatically inherit the functionality of WebParts, such as having a title bar, the minimize, close, and editing buttons (depending upon the page mode). Each WebPart within a zone can be moved around either within the zone or to other zones, or minimized or closed (assuming the WebPart allows it). One thing you may notice is that in Source view of the page, the User Controls for the Canteen and Stocks show a validation warning on their Title attribute. This is because a User Control doesn't have a Title attribute, but at runtime any control placed within a WebPartZone automatically inherits properties of a WebPart, one of which is Title. So at design time you get a warning, but at runtime the Title property is part of the User Control.

Listing 13.7. Placing Controls within a WebPartZone

<%@ Page Language="C#" ... %> <%@ Register src="/books/1/268/1/html/2/canteen.ascx" TagName="canteen" TagPrefix="uc2" %> <%@ Register src="/books/1/268/1/html/2/stocks.ascx" TagName="stocks" TagPrefix="uc3" %> <%@ Register src="/books/1/268/1/html/2/Contacts.ascx" TagName="ctcs" TagPrefix="uc1" %> <%@ Register tagprefix="sample" namespace="Sample.Web.UI" %> ...   <asp:WebPartZone  runat="server">     <ZoneTemplate>       <uc1:ctcs  runat="server" />     </ZoneTemplate>   </asp:WebPartZone> <asp:WebPartZone  runat="server">   <ZoneTemplate>     <uc2:canteen  runat="server" Title="Canteen" />     <uc3:stocks  runat="server" Title="Stocks" />     <sample:MSNWeatherWebPart runat="server"        Title="MSN Weather" />   </ZoneTemplate> </asp:WebPartZone>

Another feature that WebParts automatically get is the user experience when users design a page. Any WebPart can be moved around the page, as seen in Figure 13.1. When the page is in design mode, you simply drag the title bar of a WebPart and drop it into its new location. In design mode, the zones are shown and an insert mark is dynamically placed, showing you where the WebPart would be placed when you drop it. You don't have to provide any code or functionality for this to work because it's provided by the WebParts framework.

Implementing WebParts

User Controls make excellent WebParts, but you may find you need more control over how the control is displayed in a zone. Or perhaps you wish to deploy a WebPart to multiple applications, or even to third parties, in which case you will probably consider writing a custom server control. Or perhaps you simply want to avoid the validation warning, or would like control over the default properties of a WebPart. If so, then you can implement the IWebPart interface and set the properties yourself, either within User Controls or custom server controls.

User Controls as WebParts

For a User Control, you can implement IWebPart by modifying the code-behind class, like this:

public partial class Contacts : System.Web.UI.UserControl, IWebPart

You then need to implement the properties defined by the interface. You can do this manually or have Visual Studio implement defaults for you. When you have typed IWebPart, a small SmallTask appears just underneath the I, allowing you to select from one of two implementation methods (see Figure 13.6); selecting one will add the stub properties and methods that the interface requires. For the IWebPart interface, there are only properties, which are:

  • CatalogIconImageUrl, defines the URL of an image that identifies the WebPart in a catalog (more on catalogs later)

  • Description, defines the description for the WebPart

  • Subtitle, defines the subtitle for the WebPart. The subtitle is concatenated with the Title property

  • Title, defines the title of the WebPart

  • TitleIconImageUrl, defines the URL of the image that appears in the WebPart's title bar

  • TitleUrl, defines the URL that identifies additional information about the WebPart

Figure 13.6. Automatically implementing interfaces

Listing 13.8 shows the implemented properties for the Contacts user control. These simply define the default values for this WebPart, and users can change them if they personalize the page.

Implementing the IWebPart interface isn't required for user controls but does give you a greater degree of control over the default values for properties.

Custom Controls as WebParts

The other way of implementing WebParts is to write a custom server control, and in this case you inherit from WebPart, which provides the base implementation for WebParts. The MSN Weather WebPart is extremely simple, because it simply writes out some controls and client script that fetches the weather from MSN. The code is shown in Listing 13.9.

This code shows a standard server control, which renders out some content that just happens to consist of HTML and JavaScript. The ZipCode property identifies the region to show the weather for; later in the chapter you'll see how this property can be replaced by a connection to other WebParts so that the ZipCode is automatically supplied.

Listing 13.8. The Contacts User Control WebPart Properties

private string _catalogIconImageUrl = "~/images/contact.gif"; private string _description = string.Empty; private string _subtitle = string.Empty; private string _title = "Contacts"; private string _titleIconImageUrl = "~/images/contact.gif"; private string _titleUrl = string.Empty; public string CatalogIconImageUrl {   get { return _catalogIconImageUrl; }   set { _catalogIconImageUrl = value; } } public string Description {   get { return _description; }   set { _description = value; } } public string Subtitle {   get { return _subtitle; } } public string Title {   get { return _title; }   set { _title = value; } } public string TitleIconImageUrl {   get { return _titleIconImageUrl; }   set { _titleIconImageUrl = value; } } public string TitleUrl {   get { return _titleUrl; }   set { _titleUrl = value; } }

WebPart Chrome and Style

The non-content areas of a WebPart (the border, title bar, open/close/minimize buttons, and so on) are together referred to as the chrome of the window. The individual buttons and command links on the title bar of a WebPart, and the links available in a drop-down list from the title bar of each WebPart, execute actions that are implemented by the WebParts technology. These buttons or links, their appearance, and the actions they execute are defined as a series of individual verbs, as shown in Figure 13.7.

Figure 13.7. WebPart chrome and style

Listing 13.9. The MSN Weather WebPart

public class MSNWeatherWebPart : WebPart {   private const string HtmlFormat = @"           <div id=""weatherView""></div>           <script id=""weatherScript""             language=""javascript""></script>           <script language=""javascript"">           function CreateWeather(sAcid) {{             var oData = window['weatherScript'];             if (sAcid != '') {{                    oData.onreadystatechange = ShowWeather;                    oData.src =   ''   + sAcid;             }}           }}           function ShowWeather() {{               if (typeof(makeWeatherObj) != 'undefined') {{                               var oWea = new makeWeatherObj();               var sTmp =   '<b>Current Weather Conditions</b><hr size=1>' +   '<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>' +   '<td valign=""middle"">' +   '<img src="/books/1/268/1/html/2/"' + oWea.swCIcon +   '.gif"" align=absmiddle></td>' +   '<td>'+ oWea.swCity + ', ' + oWea.swSubDiv + '<br>' +   oWea.swTemp + '&#176;F</td></tr></table>' +   '<a href="""">More weather information</a>';   document.all['weatherView'].innerHTML = sTmp;               }}           }}           CreateWeather('{0}');           </script>           ";   private string _zipCode;   public string ZipCode   {     get {return _zipCode;}     set {_zipCode = value;}   }   protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)   {     writer.Write(String.Format(HtmlFormat, _zipCode));   } }

The chrome for a WebPart can be changed, either within the WebPart itself, or in the zone, in which case all WebParts inherit the same chrome. For example, consider Listing 13.10, which shows the definition for a zone. There are elements allowing definitions for the various verbsthe actions that can take place on the WebParts in the zone. In this example, each verb defines an image to show alongside the title, and to set a description for the verb, which shows as a tooltip. Each verb also has an associated style, allowing the look to be altered.

Listing 13.10. Changing the Chrome of WebParts

<asp:WebPartZone  runat="server" style="float:left;">   <ZoneTemplate>     <uc1:Contacts  runat="server" />   </ZoneTemplate>   <CloseVerb ImageUrl="~/Images/CloseVerb.gif"     Description="Removes the WebPart from the page" />   <MinimizeVerb ImageUrl="~/Images/MinimizeVerb.gif" />   <RestoreVerb ImageUrl="~/Images/RestoreVerb.gif" />   <EditVerb ImageUrl="~/Images/EditVerb.gif"     Description="Edit the properties of the WebPart" />   <MenuVerbStyle BorderColor="#5D7B9D" BorderStyle="Solid"     BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="White" /> </asp:WebPartZone>

The chrome can be set in each page, on each zone, or by way of themes (see Chapter 12 for more on themes), allowing you to remove the presentation of the WebParts from the page that includes them. This allows the pages to remain clear and easy to read, so that you don't get bogged down by lots of styling.

Styling can be performed either in code or using the AutoFormat option in Design view. There are many styles, covering the WebPart as a whole, the chrome, the verb menu, the individual items on a verb menu, and so on.

WebPart Verbs

As seen, there are verbs that identify the actions allowable for a WebPart. Not all verbs are available all of the time, because availability depends upon the state of the page. For example, minimize isn't visible when the WebPart is already minimized. The allowable verbs are:

  • Close, to close a WebPart, removing it from the current page and moving it to the page catalog

  • Connect, to connect the WebPart to another WebPart

  • Delete, to remove the WebPart from the page; it is not moved to the catalog

  • Edit, to edit the appearance and layout of the WebPart

  • Export, to export he properties of a WebPart to a file

  • Help, to display the help for a WebPart

  • Minimize, to minimize the WebPart so that only the title is displayed

  • Restore, to restore a WebPart from its minimized state

Each of these verbs can have their properties set individually, such as the title or an image, and they may cause zones to appear, depending upon the verb selected. Since the verbs are added to WebParts automatically, you don't have to code anything, although if building WebParts as custom server controls, you can interact directly with the verbs and even create your own verbs.

ASP. NET 2.0 Illustrated
ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated
ISBN: 0321418344
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 147 © 2008-2017.
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