
 < Day Day Up > 


main.layout layout definition, 147

mainLayout_fr.jsp page, 128

mainLayout.jsp page, 122, 144, 147

MappingDispatchAction class, 85–87

Master definitions, 121

Master layout JSP, 118

Master layout with menu attribute, 123–124

match tag (Logic Tag Library), 304–306

attributes, 304–305

example usage, 305–306

McClanahan, Craig R., 8

MD5 encryption scheme, 431

menu attribute, 122–124

menu.jsp page

with modules, 170

for the reports module, 175

Message resources, 38, 182–184

message tag (Bean Tag Library), 22, 64, 184, 187, 190, 267

attributes, 268–269

example usage, 270

key attribute, 64, 341

MessageFormat class (Java), 180–181

messageKey JSP scripting variable, 341

message-resources tag, 183

attributes, 371–372

DTD definition, 371

example usage, 372

parameter attribute, 64

in Struts configuration file, 371–372

messages tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 228–229

attributes, 228–229

example usage, 229

messagesNotPresent tag (Logic Tag Library), 306–307

attributes, 307

example usage, 307

messagesPresent tag (Logic Tag Library), 307–308

attributes, 308

example usage, 308

Metadata tags, 375, 386

Mini HR sample application

adding Tiles to, 141–149

adding Validator to, 110–115

application files, 14–16

authorization filter, 427–428

compiling, 40–41

Controller layer, 89–90

converting to use modules, 169–175

cookies for, 430

declarative exception handling for, 156–162

files required by, 14

flow of execution, 44–45

internationalizing, 185–192

LoginAction over HTTPS, 433

Model layer, 49–51

opening screen, 42, 175

overview, 13–39

packaging, 41

recompiled and repackaged with an exception handler, 161–162

recompiled and repackaged for Validator, 114–115

repackaged and run with internationalization, 190–192

repackaged and run with modules, 175

repackaged and run updated for Tiles, 149

running, 41

Search by Name use case, 453–458

SSLEXT for, 433

View layer, 64–69

MiniHR directory, 15, 149, 175, 190

MiniHR directory layout, 15

MiniHR.war file, 115, 149, 162, 175, 192

MockStrutsTestCase class, 448–449


explained, 47–48

in MVC, 6

Struts and, 48–49

Model components, in MVC, 7

Model layer, 47–51

breakdown, 47–48

of Mini HR application, 49–51

sublayers, 48

Model 1 architecture overview, 5–6

Model 2 architecture overview, 6

Model and View layers, keeping separate, 53

Module configuration files

naming, 164

parameter names, 356

Module directories and files, setting up, 169–171

module prefix, 166–167

Module URL breakdown, 166

moduleAware property (Tiles), 168–169

Modules (Struts application), 163–175

action paths, 166

configuring web.xml for, 165–166

converting Mini HR application to use, 169–175

vs. multiple configuration files, 164

organizing by role, 414

Struts configuration files for, 164, 171–173

support for, 355

using, 164–167

using Tiles with, 168–169

using Validator with, 167–168

web.xml file updated for, 173–174

Module-specific JSPs, configuring links to, 166–167

Monetary fields, internationalizing, 108

msg attribute of validator tag, 100, 108

msg tag (Validator configuration file), 401–402

attributes, 401

DTD definition, 401

example usage, 402

multibox tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 229–231

attributes, 229–230

example usage, 230–231

Multiple configuration files

vs. modules, 164

Struts support for, 163–164

Multiple instances, simulating, 163

Multiplication operator (*), JSTL, 336

MVC architecture flow of execution, 44–45

MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, 6–7

 < Day Day Up > 

Struts. The Complete Reference
Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0072263865
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 134
Authors: James Holmes © 2008-2017.
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