
 < Day Day Up > 


IBM WSAD, Struts Console inside, 475-478

IDE Settings dialog box (Struts Console), 479

IDEs that support Struts Console, 465-466

I18N acronym (internationalization), 23

If tags, JSTL, 336

Image sizing, internationalization for, 126

image tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 216-219

attributes, 217-218

example usage, 218-219

img tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 219-222

attributes, 219-222

example usage, 222

importAttribute tag (Tiles Tag Library), 134-135

attributes, 135

example usage, 135

include tag (Bean Tag Library), 265-267, 343

attributes, 265-266

example usage, 266-267

IncludeAction class, 81

Includes (JSP), 117-118

In-container tests, 442

index.jsp page, 16-18, 67, 452

in the browser, 18

unit test for, 451

updating for internationalization, 188

indexOf( ) method (String object), 31

init( ) method, 429

initComponentDefinitions tag (Tiles Tag Library), 135-136

attributes, 136

example usage, 136

Initialization parameters, 427

insert tag (Tiles Tag Library), 124-125, 136-138, 144

attributes, 136-137

beanName attribute, 121

definition attribute, 137

example usage, 137-138

Installing Struts and Tomcat, 39

Integration unit testing, 436, 442, 444-448

IntelliJ IDEA, Struts Console inside, 478-479

Internationalization (of applications), 39, 63, 177-192

explained, 22-23, 126, 177

of Mini HR application, 185-192

repackaging and running Mini HR with, 190-192

Struts tag library support for, 184-185

text and images, 126

updating JSPs for, 187-190

Internationalization support

Java, 177-181

Struts, 181-185

Internationalizing Tiles, 126-129

Internationalizing validations, 108-110

Internet Explorer

Add Language dialog box, 191

Internet Options dialog box, 190

Language Preference dialog box, 191

invoke task, 457

isAdministrator( ) method, 423

isUserInRole( ) method, 415, 425

isValidSsNum( ) method of SearchForm class, 27

item tag (Tiles configuration file), 382-383

attributes, 382-383

DTD definition, 382

example usage, 383

iterate tag (Logic Tag Library), 24, 296-299, 344

attributes, 297-298

example usage, 298-299

 < Day Day Up > 

Struts. The Complete Reference
Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0072263865
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 134
Authors: James Holmes © 2008-2017.
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