

Macromedia Flash MX. See Flash MX
Macromedia FreeHand 44
Makar, Jobe 71
marbles (tutorial) 110112
adding background 111
blurred_sphere movie clip 110, 111
duplicating sphere movie clip 111
focus3.fla 110, 111
set_blur function 111
sphere movie clip 110
t variable 112
u variable 112
Mars Patrol (tutorial) 132150
adding mountains 142
adding scrolling mesas 138140
adding vehicle bounce 147149
adding vehicle controls 143144
adding wheel rotation 145146
bounceFactor variable 149
checkKeys function 144, 145, 146, 149
code layer folder 136
friction variable 149
getSpeed method 146
graphics layer folder 133
ground movie clip 134
jump function 147, 148
jumpMove variable 149
makeLandscape function 139, 140, 143
marsPatrol_end.swf 133
marsPatrol_start.fla 133
mcs array 139
mesas movie clip 138
mountains movie clip 142
moveGround function 136, 137, 146
moveLandscape function 140, 141, 147
moveLeft and moveRight functions 144
positioning ground and sky on stage 134
rover movie clip 135
scrollSpeeds object 136, 139, 141, 142
seamlessly tiling ground movie clips 137
sky movie clip 134
speed variable 135, 145, 146
speedFactor variable 146
stageMiddle variable 145
stageWidth variable 145
wheelRotSpeed variable 135, 145
Moock, Colin 99
motion guides. See 3D rotation using a motion guide (tutorial)
moveTo method 196

Flash 3D Cheats Most Wanted
Flash 3D Cheats Most Wanted
ISBN: 1590592212
Year: 2002
Pages: 97 © 2008-2017.
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